Saturday, August 29, 2015

I Have A Choice


I think it is nice when on your blog space, a comment is left and it makes you feel good.  I also think that over time I have learned the hard way, to just go about your routine on the blogging front, and if you can identify your audience , write things suitable.  But how do you know, when the other class of online people show up, spam the site, make sexual moves and innuendo, and generally leave self-serving comments.  Then it becomes the life and death of feelings that can be and should be and might develop into positive actions by others.

But my experience is that we must adjust, and adapt and be okay with what you experience.  The blog site is free.  It is an open enrollment.  Social networking is most certainly a grand event for the geographically and mentally isolated.  So I like it when people use what they have, to make their quality of life better.  And The Others can benefit.  Am sure this is what the developer, Big Ben, had hopped for when making this site available.  So the hands of time turn.  A new generation of users come along.  

And I have decided it will be difficult to stay in the main stream and continue what I was doing.  And so I blog less and less.  And I have a choice about this.  And I know it.


So really what is it I want to share with you.  Distaste for the comments you leave.  The style and format of what I see, and I can do nothing about it.  Comes with a disclaimer.  You are here at your own risk.  Not sure that is something I really wanted to say.  But I did.  Want to be familiar in that traditional way.  But tradition has changed and the youngsters are old hands on the internet.  They come and they go.  And influence the ambience of the site.  We all have felt this.  And so I notice,  the regulars are not blogging.  Including me.


I do not care to cater to the invisible blogger who has nothing in common with me.  In the past, I would use natural selection and response to tell me who to share social interaction with.  And how to do that sharing, and when and to what degree.  As my blogs are quite quirky, and to find a  fit with my personality and content, is not necessarily a style suitable to all.  So I am good with an occasional WTF response, but  do not expend a lot of energy explaining myself, or staying in good standing with the Invisible Ones.  For me it is a come and go situation.  I write.  I post.  Sometimes the content is appreciated, and when its not, I deal with it.  By moving on.


Another day, and another complex accumulation of things to put into words and then distribute.  Word Art.  Keeps me from painting with The Littles on the walls, or tossing things and breaking windows. Try to be in good standing with the adult writer crowd, and not drop down, and be childish or child-like. Try to keep a sense of proper conduct and action going on.  But of course,  that’s not how it is.  I am not in control.  It’s a blogging site.  I have a choice.  Stay or Go.  Comment or Ignore.  And as time goes by, we can all be one happy family, or not.  Public Space.  Posting private or individual things.  Not Facebook.  And for that, I am grateful.

So rushing through all this.  Didn’t expect it to be a rant about being on the Internet.  I have a choice, and it is known to me, that this is so.  Am aware that if were to blog daily, then the general number of blogs written would sort things out, according to the laws of average, and by the sheer number of days shared, a familiarity and probable expectation of what you seek when coming here, would just work into the equation of this site and this blogger having compatibility.  Not rocket science.  Out in public and we will just try to get along.  And if not, less and less.  Will be the way it is, and people come and go.  Tis how it is.  Not sure it is wise to expect more.  But then again.  I do.


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