Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bandit @ 4 O'Clock

Bandit @ 4 o’clock


Not sure what I will accomplish by saying, “Bandit @ 4 o’clock “, nor how it will amplify the alert by placing it in a blog title.  Won’t go viral as it is old news, and there are countries that were founded on being a haven for criminals.  So I am thinking,  Inaugural 20  and politics and appointees galore.  A true gala in the sense the bad guys will be amongst us,  wear Tux and sipping champagne. 

So what possibly can draw me into this conversation, and at first glance might justify the effort by saying,  “Waiting for the football game to start.”  And.   “Time on my hands.  Retired.  Out to Pasteur.”  So to speak that might say it all, but because I need 10 slots to post pictures and amplify the message, I will keep going.


This might be a blog about 2nd Chances, and it occurs to me that I am in the end stages of my second life.  Over 70 years on this planet, and a few years incubating in the stars, and yes I relate to the lyrics found in “Tears of Jupiter “ and other sounds of digital refrain.  Played out over and over again, I have decided that life begins at 4 O’clock and this is where I had my first recital of dead meat and starting over, back in what say, mid/late 80’s.


 Not sure this is an imposter blog and repeated theme, but life goes on, but not forever, even among the stars.  And we see them come and go in Hollywood, and old film is deteriorating as we speak, and digital is the current form of display for ‘ My Fair Lady.”  Pretty rare when something new is brought to life, and yet am feeling a familiar stir as one replaces another, and it has been considered:  ‘Spray paint The White House in 50 Shades of Gray ‘.  New Tenant.  Bandit @ 4 O’clock.


Decayed balcony with no railings and offensive language daubed in and sent to Russia, one way or another.  Bandits.  Outlaws.  KGB-spawn.  And here we are.  Ghost’s of The Cold War and we give a holler.  “We lost.  Yet, am here among the winners, giving high fives.”  So why give it so much foreplay.  3 years of extended play and then the other guys got swept away and that will be history rewritten many times in the short span I have left in the remains of what-might-have-been,  a witness and a survivor.  First hand story repeated as viral disgust masked as gala and full trust.  Tis what I wanted when I said, “Bring it.”


Dead meat and it has been suggested; “Change your diet if you want to see 40.”  And here I am and not a vegetarian or a cancer yet.  All things in due time, and Monsanto being sold, as DNA switches brands and is seeded elsewhere.  It happens and its true.  Husband cleaned the windows and with the aid of camera and computer, can see all the way to The White House now.  Makes me happy.  Will rename Pennsylvania Avenue:  Boardwalk Bandit Street and until they vote us out and we are replaced, will by legislative decree make it mandatory to have every small town in Russia have a street with that name.  Now this has me laughing. 

What is possible and do we really know where democracy and American TV/Hollywood will show its ugly stare and reincarnation.  Bandit @ 4 O’clock and nothing surprises me just now.  Dead Meat resurrected by saying that which mother said, “Do Not Repeat.  It will get you in Time Out Corner.”  But this very thing, talking out of school and showing skeleton’s from the closet, and so much more, as if disgust and rage could win the day, but only if said in Blue-Collar places where The Wanted Poster was never taken down, and they know your face.  “Bandit @ 4 O’clock.”


Not sure if it is worth repeating, but my guy didn’t win.  Okay for the most part it was a one horse race and black was to be replaced by  white, but with a different gender.  Shortcuts and a very long 3 years position the people and now we can dismiss this message and the probable outcome of all of us dressed in pink.  Common actions for one who has been fired and replace by an AI – program.  Smart and what you had hoped to be, if you had not been born as temporary laborer on Planet Earth.  Not sure where I would rather be, but won’t be invited to The White House, and might have to forge an invitation to the public library instead. 

Not sure it is worth repeating, but ‘ bandits’ is air force slang for enemy ( aircraft ) and in today’s event it is not conclusive that Commander & Chief will even show up.  But he might.  So be prepared.  Learn the new vocabulary.  Bandit @ 4 O’clock.  And say it proudly as he makes his grand entrance, with Russia dude just one step ahead or behind, depending where you are and your perspective and where they build the fence or wall or infrastructure he was talking about.

Repeat what I say.  “Bandit @ 4 O’clock “, and make it all capitals and made bold as it comes on screen.  Crack pipe and cigars and now we are ready for a really good time.  Sorry that the Cookie Monster has struck again, all this is coming center stage and back to life with unfortunate results.  Is not Mother Teresa, nor Hillary-like.  Petrified and running hot, then cold.  We tweet and then forget about it.  Bad things happen, and bad people.  They exist.  Even so, is time to light up, with torches and pitchforks and get ready for a lot of bluster and being-there repeated each and every day, for the rest of your life and beyond.  Is the power of technology these days.  The good and The Bad and they never go away.  Or so it seems.

Get ready for a week of fakers talking shit and having a good time.  Long Con and 4 or 8 years will go by.  “Oh My.”  He says, but doesn’t mean a word of what is being said.  “Got me elected.  Now move on.”  And that seems to be my capsule summary of what happened in The Fast Lane.  “Bitchin Camaro passed me by, and it wasn’t even diesel. Was electric and driven by a robot with long arms.”  


Polar opposites on the excitement scale and I am getting ready to watch a football game.  Have short attention span and what is coming down the road is not showing up and on my screen.  Instead I will say, “Seemed a good idea at the time.”  But didn’t mean it.  But then its like wrap up and bedtime.  Say prayers and hope we wake the following day.  Crazy when I think about it, but carry with me good advice given by somebody that isn’t with me today.  “Be careful what you wish for. It might happen.”

My brain and mind you, have no idea how it works, is being overrun by possibility laid out for me on, as I try to rearrange my major source of input.  Fake news and probable cause have risen to the top of my new Word-Wall and am now in thought about rearranging my circumstances and my furniture just in time to be at the top of the wave of Russian-made-in-China infusion stuff, and am interested like everybody else, to make a buck from branding or just being a favorite of the incoming crowd as they Twitter and mention me and my crew, for 15 minutes of fame and free advertising.  From Stonehead to all-things in the Stoney Dimension and for now, am getting excited about the inaugural and all that develops a physically accurate simulation of my current mind-state.

Bandit @ 4 o’clock is a blog and centers on the incoming new residents of The White House.  From Wanna-Be to This-Is-Really-Happening, and have learned to take advantage of any free press.  So it is with excitement that I will give a mention to being appropriate as the shape of things to come becomes a bit fuzzy. 

Champagne bubbles and IPA Stone beer and will serve it as I sit on a Congress Street Stone Gray 2 Pc sectional that Amazon.Com and staff of retailer have suggested will be delivered on time for the big party.  Have come up with invisible path and ways to use a drone to deliver the goods, and now that we have a new crew and leader at the head of state and everything else, its possible.  Bandit @ 4 O’clock and directly diverted from The Tree Trade Block and with license to kill and fall into my lap, am looking forward to the shape of things to come, and gaffer games as one party takes over, and as has been observed so far, is amusing as they reconstruct how things work, and rewrite all the rules.

Drone.  Bandit.  Sofa.  Revolutionary and with shades of radiation drawn, is a make-over and partial rerun of Cold War Drama made for Twitter.  Stone veneer and everywhere I go, am feeling the effects of legalized marijuana in my life and in the approaches to power.  Can’t get enough and am willing to pay top dollar.  Want to be on the guest list and given access to the main-hall.  Big Party and I want to be able to say.

 “Been There.  Done That.  Bandit @ 4 O’Clock.  Be careful.”


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