Friday, December 28, 2012



My life and most, are a division of labor, fortified by the gift of love received, from the sweat of difficult toil and a constant grasp of the gratitude  we share, as humanity.  It is all so fleeting, and yet the reward is great.  As we reach out and express the love we have for each other.  Having said that, I will clarify.  This is a blog dedicated to all those out there who could not be home for Christmas, nor the holidays ahead.  A sense of loss and failure when we are denied, to be with friends and family and presents wrapped and distributed on Christmas eve or day.  And it is On This Day I package all the love I have and pass it on to you.

It is symbolic.  Being together.  Expressing love.  This is the meaning behind the event.  And for some, it is but a wish and a thought that they could be with us.  Ever clear, lights become the high-light of celebratory cheer and hope and a promise for all that we wish to be in the coming year, as health and wealth and prosperity of family, all together.  .  And so it is.  A division of labor and love.  Expressed on Christmas day.   And on this day.  In a blog.

More to explain.  I live in two worlds at the same time.  One is real and can be expressed as  The-Here-And-Now.  The other is The World- The Other Side.  Detached from me, and yet flows through the veins of others, I hear their cry.  With that said, I would like to display this beautiful quote from Anonymous.  It speaks to me and is my motive for all that is, on this day.

“…. Corner iron barrels lit in the bone cold of this dark winter.  The great quest is to find a way to complete the rest of this long journey.   And to be with you.”

From where I sit, on this day I reflect upon the light, and brace for the bone cold of winter.  And yet, am warmed by the thought of you.  These are the days of difficulty.  Shattered and Torn by the winds, Heart and Soul remains the link between us.  Not all can be home for Christmas.  Some are on the other side, trapped by circumstance.  And so it is, on this day.  I reach out to you.  Hold out the promise, when it is said, “Love is Eternal.  I will be there for you.  At the end of this long journey, we call life.”

Words presented.  It is a brief assembly of all that is important to me.  Not forgotten, just not home for Christmas.  Lonely am I without you.  And yet, will endure for another year.  Saying to myself, “ Next Year in Jerusalem.”  The corner iron barrels will be lit.  Starving off the ill effects of bone cold chill and the darkness of winter and life without you close to me.  Saying, “We will find a way.   Love is eternal.”