Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Black Tie Spinach

Black Tie Spinach

Watching baseball and already I am ready to  multi-task.  Kansas City and Toronto and am waiting for somebody to win, so we can get on to it.  As you know, there are so many mini-playoffs to come up with the final teams for the World Series.  Tired of it long ago, as these are complicated schemes to sell more tickets and keep people biding up the price of product.  America’s game and yes its still more business than sports, but then again I am not complaining. 


Now for an update.  Time has passed, and it is clear:  New York METS and Kansas City begin world series play tonight.  So the waiting is over and the week will pass quickly, as I watch The Boys of Summer do their thing in winter.  Pleases me for such contrast, and I will be in front of a Home Theater Big Screen.  Insulated.  As is the modern way , in sports and war.  We muddle through.


Mostly I am trying to find something to do that interests me, play through my Friday night, and doing it with style.  Style is the point of this blog.  Went out food gathering today and put my findings on the kitchen counter.  “What’s in the bag?”  I was asked.  Not sure if I was being funny, or just in a funny mood and said the first thing that popped into my mind.  “Black-Tie Spinach.” I said. 


So now I am somewhere out in Left Field and multi-tasking as if it is an important thing to do.  My mind is a series of screens, with radio in the background telling me about the baseball game.  Part of all this is my confusion with the way things are.  Complicated enough to have me jumping from one thing to another, I let the moon come and go through my backyard window.


Not about what we are having for dinner, nor is it much about hot dogs and pop and baseball.  More than anything it is a blend of my everyday routine and reality-based-everything-else.  Perhaps at the end of this blog, it will be perfectly clear.  But probably not.  Black-Tie Spinach is where this all starts.  What follows is a corruption of a perfect recipe that works in a gourmet kitchen, but more than likely will not be served on TV trays.  And that is where the confluence sweeps me away.  White water tide flats and   find myself drifting to the surface of a subject that I want to discuss.  Black-Tie Spinach.  “What’s in the bag?”


I think it is dangerous to speculate.  Winner emerges after seven games and the beauty of the arrangement is that we can celebrate and cheer for another year.  Why let what you are eating spoil that.  Crystal clear.  Debunking Winter Baseball is not where its at.  What follows is my version of social hour. 


Thinking it all begins with serving up something you are willing to pay for.  And that is where I enthusiastically say, “Wow.”   Big country and now global.  Global warming and climate change, and to state a fact, growing marijuana in Washington State is legal, if of course you follow the law and are reporting the process and the money being made.  Along the way, many put their hands into the ground, for simplicity sake I will call this:  Ground Zero.


Not sure that when we passed the law, we thought it through completely.  Now we are living the dream and for many there is relief, as they will no longer be arrested for carrying around, “What’s in the Bag.”   How we get from grass roots growth and harvesting, to talking about what is in the pot, we know that as things go, it is an election year and there is fund raising, and where I live there is new revenue sources and of course billionaires.  More than one and that makes us a destination spot. 

So it is not far-fetched that the people come and go, looking for a contribution.  That is when I start to talk about my life and food gathering and Black Tie Spinach.  But mostly it is just conversation.  The family is accustomed to hearing about slugs and fish drying in the backyard and what we did at work today.  , It is important to remember,  this is a simple place and located far enough away that we still do strange things and nobody really cares.


Not sure that I am able to write this blog the way I write memos to myself.  Wide audience and is international, so if the point is to appeal to the readership and they are all over the place, then it seems logical that I have to create a few guidelines and follow them.  Hence, I wonder if it matters what I serve up on any given day. 


Hamburgers or Black Tie Spinach or dried fish, and when you ask and get the answer you are hoping for, you come back.  “What’s in the bag.”   Amusing when he replies, “Black Tie Spinach.”, and all this is new.  Have decided that we can talk about the local variations of all of this in the comment field.  As if all of this is following guidelines and a script, we are limited by our proximity and what state we are in. 


Where Stoney is, it is legal to have both chicken and home grown weed in the same pot.  Hybrid variety and local flavor.  Knowing this it is not strange to be reading a blog like this.  Not turned off by the mention of Black Tie Spinach, as much as just not familiar with it the way it is served at Stoney’s house.


In the end it is good to know  that this is 2015 and it is an election year.  Can’t really say too much about war and religion and politics, but even with that restriction looming, it is suffice to say that stoney finds a way to capture your attention, that it is fun to see what’s cooking and what might be in the pot.  Hybrid existence is what stoney is showing us, and he is proud to let you know. 

“Its legal.”    


Big screen entertainment and having people over to enjoy it.  Bring something to drink, and Stoney will do the rest.  Have plans and it all begins with Black Tie Spinach, and what ever else is in the bag.  “What’s in the bag?”   she asks.  And he replies.  “It’s a surprise.  Just come over.  World Series starts tonight.  $10 a plate dinner.  It will be fun.  Black Tie Spinach and a lot more.  Hybrid servings and they are big. No worries.”

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