Saturday, November 17, 2012



As a researcher of dubious proficiency, I venture out among you to have my say, “Without all the facts or information, how much further can I go and keep the integrity of the scheme that creates people like me living in  a glass tower, at a computer, searching for all that is relevant and pursues the course of future and improving the human lot, one way or another.”  Illuminating Ways.  Turning on Lights in the mind.  Is that what I am doing, or hope to do? 

Not sure, what can be done when a person is retired, and put out to pasture.  More time than money, perhaps.  On this day my focus rests with the long view.  Seeing across oceans and basking in the glow of having a way and means out of isolation, and into significance.  And begin all this with  a simple thought:  And a title:  It is a blog.  Needs a title.  Makes Sense.  Distance and Remote Viewing.  Living on the edge.  Taking the leap.  Avoiding despair.  Perhaps.

It all comes from wanting to get outside my own skin.  Like a snake, leave my old coverings out on the road, and take on a life oh so different, that I dare to use the things I have learned before the rush of progress obsoletes me.  Technology leap and reading.  Done daily on a screen that changes constantly.  Nothing to count on that allows one to inherit the wind, and second guess nature, human or otherwise.  Movement and traveling at warp speed, forecasting movement away from the center, and so it makes me ask:  “Am I distancing myself from the only reality I once thought I understood.  Am I clueless now?” 

And that is when it dawned on me, I can’t do this alone.  I must reach out.  Find a way.  Become enlightened.  Perhaps.

I have a computer but feel isolated and out of touch.  Taking responsibility of the situation.  Isolated but without justification.  I write a blog and recently was put on alert that the blog space I had been using for the last 5-6 years,, will be closing it’s doors come December 2012.  Rats leaving the ship, and I am part of the migration that brings me to Blogger, which is a blog publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.  Created by Pyra Labs.  Bought by Google. 

So I made the move to a new blog space, and would post, but without any interaction with others out there, like me.  And then I found somebody I once had some interaction with on  John The Barman.  Went to his site, and told my story.  Isolated.  Seeking light.  Did it in a comment field at the end of one of his blogs.

And that is my story and blog for today.  Was unaware of the multitude of connections that happen world-wide when you are in the right place and in the right frame of mind.

My comment said: 

stone drum said...
Hello John, have not yet found a posting rhythm, nor a pace that will align me with a new readership. feels this venue is so vast, that one does a write, and makes it right by enjoying the adventure of words and process and the rest just happens as it happens. Much like life I suspect, one receives from it all, that which is given.

Having said that, i suspect you can follow this back to my site. posting once a week if that.

bad weather and holidays abound. will gather force as the darkness comes calling.

be well. enjoyed this posting. rocks. stones. mountain. words. poem. contemplation stride for stride with scholarship. I did enjoy. be well
3:03 AM

Johnthebarman said...
Thanks Stoney. Its such a joy that you read my constructions.
I love that comment, "..will gather force as the darkness comes calling". My wife is reading, "The Wayward Mind" by Guy Claxton, an intimate history of the unconscious. I am reading a new novel, "The Light Between Oceans" which is brilliant but takes me into a guilt ridden darkness. It is set on Janus rock in Western Australia. The only inhabitants are Tom, his young wife and a baby, Lucy. He cares for the light house.

Thanks for your light across the Oceans.
11:43 AM

Bloggerstone drum said...
Each day becomes easier, if only we let go of the old ways, and grasp the new.

Say this in regards to: I wrote a comment, you reply and on my is an alert, that contains your comment. Instantly, I record it in a notes file for the day, used to focus what is of interest and what is not.

Comment fields are not a place for long emails. But what are they for? So I write this and post it. In time I will be schooled what is correct.

Have written down both books mentioned: The Light Between Oceans. The Wayward Mind. Have interest.

Will write a blog after drinking my tea and posting this. About the things I would say in an email about the topics introduced today, because of your comment alert.

Each day becomes easier, if only…..we let it be.

In closing I must make this clear.  Arrived here electronically.  Email Alert and before you know it, I am inspired to write a blog about what comes to me, because of the effort of one person on an isolated Scotish Island, who takes the time and effort to respond to me.  And in the conversation is mentioned.  Janus Rock.   "The Light Between Oceans"  A novel.  And so I did a google search, typed in:   Janus Rock. 

And for the next hour or so, was able to learn about a world foreign to me.  Western Australia.  1920-something.  And became satisfied.  History.  Fiction.  And yet, connecting me to a present moment experience.  Scottish man living on an isolated in November 2012, reminding me that isolation is what you make it.  Connected.  Disconnected.  1920 or just now.  Distance and Remote Viewing.  The possibility is endless.  Perhaps.


  1. Hello Stoney, You almost move me out into the world. You say, "Seeing across oceans and basking in the glow of having a way and means out of isolation, and into significance. And begin all this with a simple thought: And a title: It is a blog. Needs a title. Makes Sense. Distance and Remote Viewing. Living on the edge. Taking the leap." Remote connections I like. Increases the chance of a spark. The chain started, if we can begin anywhere with a poem I wrote about lighthouse beams reaching across the Atlantic. Bev responded with:

    by Beverly VanBuren

    Sometimes, I sit and dream afar
    across an ocean's tide
    Sometimes, I sit and dream away
    a bottled note inside
    thrown far and pulled to current's play
    adrift upon a sea
    whilst I imagine finding notes

    thrown back addressed to me
    Instead I gather bits of glass
    in green and brown or blue
    I wonder why your bottles broke
    before your notes got through.
    What harm is there in shattered dreams
    cast on a stormy crest,
    across a mighty ocean's waves
    where dreams and sailors rest?

    She also was interested in the book so I ordered it. Does any of ths matter? Its the path I took guided by the light of Janus Lighthouse, whoes author lives in London. A preacher arrived from Seattle a few days ago. I expect I'll visit her because of you.

    I shy from significance.

  2. Humbled when I trust the chain of energy a single spark can release; even more its words distributed by an arbitrary current of thought and effort. One reads a book. Somebody wrote it. Conversation threads its way in a mind maze, entrance and exit provided, if and when you find a way, from your world to mine, and back to her. The poem makes me consider the master connector, living at water's edge. Makes this all possible. Janus Rock. 1920's isolation. And now shared with a new generation of seekers, looking for a way. Because of you. And Bev. And a preacher from Seattle. It begins with a Title. Simple and Proper. Thank You. Sir.

  3. There are many books on our shelves. How impossible to research it all. Most of us operate within self imposed limits. 'Remote Viewing' is outside my credulity but I pick up on Tennyson (1809-1892)in an introduction from "The Academy of Remote Viewing"

    "If thou would'st hear the Nameless, and wilt dive
    Into the Temple-cave of thine own self,
    There, brooding by the central altar, thou
    May'st haply learn the Nameless hath a voice,
    By which thou wilt abide, if thou be wise."

    I am realising how consciousness is largely an epiphenomina to the complex processes that are unconscious. We have fun diving into it exploring a jungle of dreams. Can a lighthouse beam guide us?
