Saturday, November 24, 2012




The question for today is:  “Can A Lighthouse Beam Guide Us.”  “Where you going, Captain Man?”  And if the answer comes from 1920 and centers around Janus Rock, I suggest it can.  But that was many lifetimes ago, and the side-effect of going there, suggests a backward slide into water of troubled times, and self-imposed limits.  So is the time to fast-forward and where we stand today, is in a line, for it is the day after Thanksgiving in America.

And I must tell you, “ I have been thinking about Twisted Light and the gestation of elves, while others around push and shove their way to the Bargain Table, where material goods at an inexpensive price are what they came here for.”  I did not anticipate the beam of light that got me here.  “Beam Me Up Scotty.” 

Science Fiction and Past Reality, how far can we see without the benefit of mind and brain and body?  And brings the conversation to the sandy bar, just beyond the rocks.  Am here by means of referral and consciousness.  Thinking about how in one day, mind-travel takes me oh so far.  And in comment posted by a friend, was exposed to things, not actually of great concern to me, but now I am moving in a new direction, without the benefit of a body of knowledge that prepares me for what I will see or experience.  All new. 

Not necessarily something I can wrap and put under the Christmas Tree, as a present for you.  But then again, remote viewing and second sight and conscious observance of the things around us, is not really something many are interested in, while in line and waiting for the doors to open.

 Shopping.  Material Pursuit. 

And he asks, “Can a lighthouse beam guide us?”

Consciousness as Epiphenomena.  Wife is reading books on human consciousness.  Message received.  Surrounded by very intelligent people.  And all I do is wipe my brow, and day-dream.  Wish I was in another world and another time.  1920 and Janus Rock.  Mind-numbing transference.  Am struggling with the second chapter, and remind myself: Wife reads very fast and comprehends all of this.
 I do not. 

Western Australia.  Nothing there.  And yes.  There is the aboriginal view of another way. Makes this a foreign place to me, and  personal experience blocks me from actually embracing all of this.  We are strangers.  I am a casual observer.  It is not easy, but if you look deeper, a feeling tone erupts inside you.  Mind or body.  Burp or Epiphany.  Where are we going with all this.  Crushed upon the rocks in a turbulent storm, or saved by the experience of seeing the light or the beam, cast by a light-house, oh so remote, and making the proper navigational corrections, that bring us to safety? 

On the water, and in the world around you is a place, a hundred and 50 years, removed.  Hard to get my head around it.  Standing in Line.  Wife and Daughter and Shopping.

There is no consensus.  Science doesn’t know, and surely I do not.  What are these ladies thinking?  There is no consensus.  Physical responses transformed into experience.  My feet are hurting.  Next, comes the headache, when they say, “Pay The Man.”  Material Universe.  Well rehearsed.  A traditional adventure.  Go Shopping the day after Thanksgiving.  Pay The Man. 
This is not a Free experience. 

And it comes to me as the beam of light strikes lightly upon my retina, The materialistic dogma of reducing everything to material components, has far reach and often unseen consequences.  Brain.  Mind.  Conscious Suggestion.  When wife and daughter tell you to step up and pay the bill.  You just do it.  It fits within the paradigm, Night Before Christmas and under the tree, presents.

And so I say it and kind of mean it.  Makes Sense.  Life is a Gift.  Enjoy it.  And at the same time, ignore the twisted logic and the twisted light and the question of the gestation of elves.  Save it for another day.  Concentrate on getting from the check-out-line to the car and then safely home.  Arms loaded with newly bought items.  Remember how you got here.  Remember the question for today: 

“Can A Lighthouse Beam Guide Us.”   

Remember it is important to be transported safely home.  Is important to avoid the rocks and everything not immediately in front of you, as the Women of the Home tell you, “We will take a taxi.  Bought a lot.  No room for us.  Drive safely.  Will see you soon.”  And there I am.  Repeating over and over:  “Life is a Gift.  Best Enjoy it.”


  1. Thanks for the focus and the expansion into gifts. The little girl beams out. I must go now but will return to this thoughtful piece.

  2. I must put you right. Neither myself or my loving wife are that bright or that knowledgable. I think slowly. My little thoughts/ experiences grow slowly.

    The little girl looks and waits for something wonderful. Without benefit of a body of knowledge she can be amazed,amazed by gifts that can't be Christmas wrapped. Children reach out ike the light beams.To add to the conversation here is a Lighthouse Video.

    Tea time.
