Saturday, May 18, 2013



Saturday morning and I am looking forward to horse racing and the Preakness, the second leg of the triple crown, and for those who could care less, is a follow-up to the Kentucky Derby, which was run in early May.  As a general rule I don’t bet on the horses.  But like boxing and cage fighting and baseball and hockey, and I do pretend that I spend all my day at the track or near places my mother would never approve of.  


Truth is I am drinking tea, getting ready for my day, watching the sun come up, and for the official record, am harmless.  Up early.  Quickly assembling a blog for Saturday, realizing that most people have a life and maybe a hangover or other commitments and may not even read any of this until Monday or next week.  And with that, I blog.  Today’s contribution:  Ears Only

Out of the Box.  Lately, late at night I have tuned in to a questionable broadcast site,, and hence like insomnia and sleep apnea and
video games, is effecting the quality of my thoughts.  And the by-product of all this, are my blogs, which reflect the odd nature of my existence, exacerbated by too much time on my hands and very little money.  Can we say, " Retired.  Baby Boomer. Economic Sanctions."  

And this is my lead in for why I am writing a blog about Ears Only.  Starts with a couple of movies I recently watched on Hacker TV.  Let me name drop.   Movies that inspired this blog.   The Numbers Station.  And.   The Company You Keep.   If anybody needs more information, Google will catch you up to speed and tell you all you need to know.  Hint:  Very Little.  Thank You, very much.  

And one more influence that is my feeble justification for this blog, is a book I am reading or have near by, in the event that I can’t think of anything to blog about.  Title and Credits:   Top Secret.   Author :  Bob Burton.  Citadel Press.  Subject content:  Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence.  And just to note, Bob Burton, the author is listed on the cover of this book as America’s Foremost Counter-intelligence Expert.  Author Burton is also a bounty hunter.  Writes about things we don’t really need to know much about, a lot like the blogs I write.  Having said that, find it interesting that Author Burton has posed as a priest, a rabbi and even once, as a good humor man.  Laugh or Cry.  All of this has prompted me to title this blog:  Ears Only.  Which implies that this material is so sensitive it should never be entered into print.

To put this all into perspective on an early morning Saturday, I often wake up, put on my headset, so that I can listen to music or a baseball game or something, while enjoying the first spark of daylight and the sun coming over those mountains to my east.  Close your eyes and just listen.  This might be the instructions for a Blog that contains questionable material that should perhaps never have been entered in print in the first place.  But its too late to reinvent the wheel.  

And all I really want to say in today’s blog is that I am over-dosing in CIA and Terrorist Movies, served up on hacker tv.  Makes me want to retire.  Get out of the business.  But as you know.  There are some lines of work you never retire from.  Reinforces the trippy paranoia scheme.  And it all is a continuation of the Oscars Movie Awards where ARGO   and  Zero Dark 30 put a somewhat positive spin on things like Ears Only and CIA and Water-boarding.  

And now this week, I have watched two more movies that will influence me for a few more weeks or months.  The Company You Keep.   And.  The Numbers Station.  Not suggesting you need to see any of these movies.  Just giving background information why this Blog even appears in print, when as the title suggest:  Ears Only.

 I am almost done now.  Ears Only.  Officially this never appears in print.  And with that I will just wrap it up by mentioning things that having nothing to do with real life, and certainly is no big secret.  Do think there is too much emphasis on all things dark and secret and evil.  Often think we should let the boys do their work, stop talking about it so much, and stop thinking in letter-bursts like CIA, FBI and IBM.  


And here comes the best part.  Rabbit Ears.  And here is me trying to relate to a world that has passed me by.  A movie about the Weatherman Underground Movement of the 1960’s.  Zero Dark 30.  A movie version of how we got rid of Bin Laden.  And so much more.  Old news.  And that’s how it is.  If somebody allows a movie to be made on the subject, it must be old news, obsolete and a lot like me.  Retired.  And that is the part that challenges me.  How to write a blog and say something that appeals to Young People.  

And for the official record, that is the least of my problems.  Blogging is for Print People.  Ears Only is for the listening crowd.  And at the end of the day, I am thinking most are too tired to make much sense of this.  And to actually have a discussion on the merits of old news, I find almost impossible. 

Having said that, I remember an experience on the playground when I was in the 3rd grade.  The boys off at one end of the asphalt playground playing dice, and the girls whispering to each other, all the news of the day, valuable secrets of life, and passing on the news gathered from big sister and others, to their friends.  Ears Only.  A special form of broadcasting, and all I can think of as I end this blog.  The movies I watched on Hacker TV and the trailing issue, Radio or TV.  What should be the source of society’s information.  
Radio.  TV.  Or this Blog?

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