Thursday, May 16, 2013



I want this blog to reflect my current thoughts, and is motivated by a string of words I just can’t jettison from the thought-waves of my mind.  Woke up with this implant.  Papa Moron.  And giving credit for the universe before my arrival, and before I thought it up, meaning my greatest contribution in all of this is my imagination, and the mental aspect that lets me string words together for the purpose of entertainment.  Life can be a series of repetitive days.  Habitual and frozen in time, such that you might ask, 
"Is that all there is?"  


Doesn’t happen that often for me.  I am like a run-way-train that has jumped the rails, and yet still intact.  Find myself in a mental field, where I affect the arrangement and make things right, mostly because I manipulate the words you see, and hence manipulate the image and the probable person, the audience hopes to get to know.  Main Character.  And today.  All this became the main topic.  My blog.  Papa Moron.

Familiar words start me on this quest to tell this story without interruption, stay positive, and provide a measure of entertainment for those that join me here.  I want to be current.  Leap-frog the past and address those who read my blog, as co-creators of the moment we are now constructing, using mostly words and the joint influence.  Not to say this blog isn’t the product of a demented mind, or an overactive member of the smoking class of 2010.  Starts with the familiar:  Papa and Moron. 

 Joined for the purpose of being clear, I want to do away with word-play and manipulated deception.  I intend to say exactly what I mean.  To lay it out in logic and design that presents a proper story or blog.  But first I must lay the obvious to rest.  Papa Moron.  When you read the title, what is the first thing that comes to mind?  Ok, that is difficult, as this blog is open to reader’s world wide, and of ages young to very old, and all you have to have is a computer and be connected to the world wide web.  So I have no idea what comes to mind when you read this.  Papa Moron.

But for me I want to start fresh.  Create a division of the words.  Want to say that in 1910 the psychology professionals used the term to denote mild mental retardation.  So at that time, the term became popular and before we knew it, one might hear:  " Moron.  Really stupid."  Word use and modern times.  Fast forward.  Papa Moron.  Is it possible I am bringing my implanted thoughts into your world, and because my parents and grandparents were alive in 1910 I am influenced in a way, I hope you are not.  To focus,  there was a time when Moron was used as a common insult, rather than as a psychological term of the 1900’s.  Fresh start.  Today’s blog.  Papa Moron.  Let’s get started.

Woke up this morning, intent on writing a blog.  Has been awhile that has been a compelling activity and issue for me.  Write.  Post.  Next day, do it again.  Now for some reason this is what I want to do.  Write a blog.  Want to call it:  Papa Moron.  And so I will.  Papa Moron needs no introduction.  It could be you.  It could be me.  It could be entirely fictional.  But clearly I want this to be entertaining.  

And it would be nice if it were believable and something you could relate to.  Papa Moron.  Just a man.  Obviously has pets or children, or both.  Being papa, and perhaps is something most relate to.  Papa Moron and maybe this is to be a blog about a family, and about somebody we can look up to.  From small and crawling on the floor, to entering school for the first time, in the assembly of facts, the general picture of normalcy might materialize.  Papa and he is not a super-hero.  But is one that we might look up to.  From the time we were small, he was there.  Papa.  And later words and names became important to us, as the world before us expanded.  Papa Moron.    As little as I know about him, might be able to say, 
" This man comes from another planet."  
Might be Jupiter.

Because the details are missing its up to me to figure out how I will relate to a blog about a complete stranger.  Somebody Stoney Blogger brings to us as Papa Moron.  I don’t know Stoney Blogger.  I have read some of his stuff.  Sometimes I think he is on something, or from a time warp that has nothing to do with me.  Like today.  Talking about the 1900’s and the coining of the word:  Moron.  What does any of that have to do with me?  And that is exactly the point I wanted to make.  Contemporary society and living day to day.  I don’t know you.  You don’t know me.  Have no real connection with Papa Moron.  So why are we here.  Experience and the moment is gone before all is known.  Lost in the flow of days and digital input.  Too much to digest before day becomes night, and across the globe is a general blur of particulars.  Yours and mine.  Why do I care?  Why come here to read this blog?  And I have decided to leave it with you.  What is the importance of words and blogs as pure entertainment.  He writes.  You read and laugh and scratch your head.  Simple moment and visit to a totally strange environment and mental space.  Stoney Blogger.  Papa Moron.

Here for but a moment in time.  Here to have fun.  Here to play with you.  Using  words and the joint influence.  World Wide.  A broadening experience.  Yet, so far away, we have to ask. 
 "What does this have to do with me?" 
 I wonder. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is a spring flower. A new and strange creation. The best flowers are. In a wood of bluebell flowers the pink one is the one I'm drawn too.
