Sunday, March 29, 2015

conversational hallucinations


I thought I knew what I was writing.  On the blog site it refers to my blogs as conversations.  And did notice many options for displaying my thoughts.  Repost is an option and to invoke it I must put a check in the  square at the bottom of the posting page.  If that isn’t done, others can also display my blog on their page.  And I was aware of that.  So now I repeat myself.  I call this conversational hallucinations.  Expanded coverage of a thought and version of my original posting.  Nothing will remain uncorrupted when you go online.  There will be some form of disassociation and delusion. 

Nothing is as it seems.  Initial appearances give off a certain glow and perception can be disturbed by the manipulation of electronic programs, embedded within.  So we have learned this by being here.  Is there a cure for schizophrenia.  Write and Post.  After that are many layers of reception or deception or just garbled messages being received.  Auditory Hallucination.  Now convert it all to script, and your writing contains your initial thoughts, but now manipulated and disturbed, it is how others perceive your words and actions, that make the difference.  I have no problem with it.  Is why I am blogging about it and putting it out there.  Conversational Hallucinations.  My blog for today.

This in not a blog about Reposting blogs.  Rather it is my take on what happens when I don’t exhaust all the options, often held within the body of small print that acts as one’s acceptance of the web site rules for the host servers and display site.  It happens.  To be perfectly clear and make sure you are not caught up in something you just don’t understand, one must check the appropriate box and opt out of what ever it is.   As for me, I play according to what works for me.  Acceptance and Rules and I have learned, is what true justice is suppose to be, and  comes with a higher level of oversight.  A court decision that clarifies the final understanding of things.  


What’s it like hearing voices.  What’s it like seeing your blog on another person’s web site or page.  Just plain crazy or the natural order of things when you don’t check the proper box.  Opt in and Opt out.  Another way of saying, “Its free.  I made a choice, no matter how convoluted or difficult it is to know for sure, that is what happened.”   Check the box or lose your voice.  It is a choice and I fell into it because on the surface, free blogging appeals to me.  

What is the value of your time.  One hour for one dime.  For me, I just don’t convert words to money.  Some people do.  They make money off my efforts.  Not sure that is what is going on here.  It could be.  I just don’t know, and because I like to do this, I continue on.   Let other’s go to court.  The benefits should meet the time one invests in the event and process.  For me, I write and I post.  Then move on.

Conversational Hallucinations is just the name I give to this body of words floating free in space.  Is it free.  Does posting this blog, set me free?   And I have decided that if posting these blogs eventually associate me with Alzheimer’s or an Alzheimer’s Association, or just put me in touch with the eventuality of contacting states of delusion and shifting perceptions and diluted clarity; like not figuring it out before its too late, all this stuff about choice and the check-here –Opt-Out-activity, is but one more distraction in the practice of life that I have decided is too complex for me to deal with at the present moment. 


So comes down to choosing my words carefully.  Write.  Post.  Move on.   And if that is a Stoney Disorder, then that’s how it is.  Comes with aging and being part of a larger population and picture and perception of what’s going on.  Is there a cure for any of this, including schizophrenia:  not sure.  Mostly I am good.  Its free.  Posting words on this space frees me in one state of mind to another. 


What others do, is beyond me.  I am good to go.  Move on.  That’s what a stoney blogger will do.  Is what this Stoney Blogger does.  Is blogging just a different type of hallucinating.  Write.  Post.  What was I thinking?   And that’s what it is like for me.  Too complex for me to figure out.  Leave it to a higher power and the Supreme Court, or equivalent setups in different places not the USA. 


Amanda and her 8-years legal drama that spans the globe and ocean, and its truly every place now, or so it seems as I might be delusional.  A system is in place to reverse the original judgement, bringing the process full circle and in Amanda’s case, allowing her to get her life back.  So disturbance and distrust and all the things that bring tears, as for me I call it Conversational Hallucinations. 



Writing.  Posting.  Taking your chances all because you think there is value is getting all this for free.  NO money down.  Things happen.  And one will say, “Just Plain Crazy.”  Stoney Blogger will say, “Write.  Post.  Move on.  Baseball season is just around the corner. “  Exonerated.  Cured.  Better now.  Not sure.


And to demonstrate the point one more time.  He says,

 “Damn Yankees.”


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