Friday, May 6, 2016

A Honest Conversation

A Honest  Conversation


I was about to title this blog ‘ the Presumptive Boss ‘, when I realized I was positioning myself to speak legalize and it was but a hedge for the things I wanted to say.  Where I live if you have money or disposable income it is just a hop-skip-and-jump away from hiring a good attorney or legal staff to help you say what will win in the court and in the court of public opinion.  Alleged now becomes presumptive and we could talk about all that, how choosing the right word might protect you when involved with an Alphabet-Soup-like pissing match.  Sounds rude and crude and it would be my first choice to just say it as it is,  have an honest conversation and just get further into the allotment of opinion and judgement and facts, and you do not have to be concerned if what you are about to say will land you in a legal mess you just can’t afford.


I have an hour to kill, fired up my computer, which is like my window to the outside and connects me to a greater conversation than when I am managing my internal voice and organizing thoughts in my head.  Seems this is all triggered by a sense that life around me is not entirely honest these days, that the social media and tweeting and all the various avenues of expression are allowing a mixed-media presentation to occur whenever I come online .

Today my quest for an honest conversation comes when I read the headlines and I see people reacting to the political situation in the USA, as there is about 6 months separating us from a vote for the new president of The United States.  Presumptive Boss and alleged this and that, and how we are mixing today’s current state  of operations with a blend of reality TV and made-for-your-vote advertising, suggesting things you now have to process and make up you mind about.  Which brings me to what now have to do, and I am finding it difficult to achieve.  I need somebody to have an honest conversation with, and do the sort-it-out-routine.


Need to have confidence that I can make all the right choices, given of course the special idea that I have all the details and critical facts available, and can come up with a reasonable set of alternatives to what others are saying, doing and suggesting from the top down.  Hence for me is the quest in the next 30 minutes or so to have an honest conversation and format it into a blog I am willing to post in public space.


This of course suggests that I am confident with my abilities and have a sense that this is a harmless endeavor, that won’t land me in court and possibly in jail, when everybody finds out I can’t afford to pay the bail, complete the process and have a friendly chat with all those before me using the words, Presumptive and Alleged and Made-For-Reality-TV.  Not sure if I am talking about Judge Judy and that entertainment venue, and of course as we all know that is the difficulty here.


Reality TV and changing what you say to get a reaction, or is it really what we do when we try to get to know those people who want to lead us on,  and on  into the next generation and century beyond The American Century of the 1900’s.

I have been at this blog writing for a number of years now, and have learned from my experience.  I decided that I like Hollywood and the movies they make.  Like I just went to see The Jungle Book, and was under the impression that since it was sponsored or made by Disney Productions, that it would be safe for me to take the children to see it.  Entertainment and then the extensions, Made-For-TV, and now Prime Time Amazon and Netflix creating their own productions for me to see, and back to what I was saying,  Jungle Book as a children’s movie, and I have changed my mind about coming to that conclusion.  Darn right scary and not sure it is something I would recommend for children age 9 and below.  But then from age 10 and above, I am making the assumption that in America these children have sampled some form of recreational drug, or Prozac or well it’s a drug society, so I thinking after age 10 life can be scary but they will handle it.


Not sure I can have an honest conversation when I start the blog out with words like  ‘Presumptive ‘  and  ‘Alleged’   and ‘trust me ‘.  Honest conversation and here I am on the Internet.  Honest conversation with a communist.  With a single mom.  With Donald Trump.  This is the part when I give you my list of the 25 things I have learned while blogging that is probably not wise to do.  No conversations about religion or politics or my personal life.  NO posting pictures of the children, or even of myself.  Blackmail and adding to the resources that promote questionable things.  Is where I am now.  Honest conversation and I wonder if that is even possible.


Feels like there is a lot of finger pointing and pissing in the wind enactments going on.  Like Jungle Book, the movie, it seems like its activating my biggest fears.  Entertainment and that’s it.  No honest conversation will happen here.  And it is possible I could blog about that, but feels like I have used up my allotted time, and will need to pick another day to spend with you.  Pain management.  Prince and passing away at age 57.  Pain and addiction to pain killers, and its true.  Take the kids to see Jungle Book, but before you do.  Sedate them.  Prepare them for what’s coming next.  Scary movie.

Scary days ahead.  Must say our current leaders are not exactly believable and are boring.  Must say, ‘The Donald is entertaining.”   But then again I often think that Stoney Blogger is entertaining and lots of fun, but then again, I would think twice about dropping what I am doing, and venturing out to visit him in real life and circumstances.  Which adds to the point, This is the Internet.  This is the American Press and way.  A good story, but is it honest.  Is it truthful.  Who knows.  Tomorrow there will be a demand for another headline and story.  Advertising and Readership.  That is what drives the process in the neighborhood I live in.  Honest Conversation.  Safe Movie for children.  Been there.  Done that.


Am aware Jungle Book might not be for children under age 10.  Not sure if this is true.  If they are my children and I have seen the movie before I take them to it,  an honest conversation would include this.   “Darn right scary.”  Snakes and Tigers and most of the time everybody is running for their life.  But then again, it reminds me of how it is in The Urban Jungle where I live.  And yes,  having an honest conversation with the people I come face to face with, is difficult.  As is it on The Internet.  Jungle Book.  Urban Jungle.  Alleged and Presumptive.  And now I am thinking, “What she said.”  Was reading on a different blog site.  About the pilot who is having an honest conversation when he tells his fellow passengers, “Going down.”

And now it is time for lunch.  Had a good time trying to come up with an honest conversation with self and audience.  But then I took a look around me, at the list of things I should never try to blog about, and there it is.  Religion.  Politics.   Sex.  And thus ends my writing for today.  Reality TV.   Entertainment.  Do Not Get Serious.  That’s the message I get from all of this.  By next year all of this non-sense of who the next POTUS will be, will be over.  And for another 4 years at least we can say.  “ Rest In Peace.”  Presumptive Boss and everybody else, remember this.  “Count your change.  Life is not a simple transaction.  Involves complexity.  Count your change before you leave the store.”


Price For A Day: $1.00 + $2.25 = $3.25
With Inflation: $29.00
Going to Disneyland  or going to a movie:  The Jungle Book
It is not cheap.  “Count Your Change.”


 My advice for today.  And just for laughs,  pay attention when your airline pilot says, “Going down.”


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