Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Replacement Therapy

Replacement Therapy


Have some time on my hands and thought I might blog.  Not sure that it will be satisfying, and truth be told, I have to be the one that makes that call.  Early morning and it seems appropriate to have some quiet time and self-indulgence.  Starting off with a warm cup of tea, and solitude.  Have changed a few things around me, much like moving the furniture and putting a few mood altering pictures on the wall.  A change of décor, no matter how minor and it elevates the way I feel.  The title reflects my new sensitivity.  Replacement Therapy and it is like I have been on a year-long 
program of behavior modification.


Therapy and it is almost hospital or doctor speak, and that is appropriate as I have been sick for almost 3 weeks now.  Just now recovering, and did not end up in the hospital, nor did I get a second opinion about the condition, “my condition was in.”  Just did the man-cave and solo treatment of a common problem:  The Winter Cold.    But it wasn’t simple like that, and in 10 days I was in a body trance and did only the minimal things to keep the heart beating and the body functioning.  Lost 20 pounds of body weight, and yet at 190 pounds I did have a few pounds to lose. 


So I was sick for most of October and now I am feeling good enough to sit and blog.  I count that as a verifiable improvement.  Gradual, but perhaps now that it is Fall and Winter and yes, holiday things to interfere, but if things go as it seems they might, blogging might be one of the new ways for 2017 that I manage my time and my priorities for activity and positive change.


Because of my recent illness it came easy to me to start out thinking:  Replacement Therapy.  As if sickness was in the air and spreading.  Common cold and being in public and before you know it, you have a minor sneeze and perhaps sinus problems and perhaps if you smoke,  more coughing and difficult to catch your breath.  So this is one point of reference.  The body and what happens when you are not feeling well.  And to invoke change one must make some changes, and of course when one speaks of the body and natural aging and changes, we all see what happens to our parents over time, and in some small way, prepare.


Think perhaps I could come up with a better set of words to explain what is unconsciously on my mind.  Starts with the idea that for the last 3 years I have been bombarded by a presence that seems to be media-controlled.  Like somebody got the idea that it would be okay to start talking about change and perhaps in the same context, talk about all those things that might not be good for you.  Like, lifestyle and ways of being. 


And before it became obvious to me,  each day had a section in the Sports and News and Weather part of my mind, that had nothing to do with me.  Quietly, it was more about somebody else’s agenda and now its all becoming clear to me.  3 years ago and they were planting seeds and hoping for a beneficial harvest .  Elections 2016 in America and now that is all but 15 days away.  But it all started 3 years ago and it seems, its part of the conditions that have left me sick.  Sick in October of 2016, and finally I took a home cure and my DIY (do-it-yourself ) method of caring for me.


Switch gears.  Noticed what others were doing and saying, but made up my mind:  This would not work for me.  And so I have had an up-hill struggle, but it seems to have served as a test pattern and space for gradual improvement in the way I am and the way I live.  Ignore the things that do not directly apply to the quality of life, you are working towards.  Say it this way, because it is an on-going effort and event.  Quality of Life, and behavior modification as the world changes around you, and you are determined to maintain some control on what happens next.


Comes down to choosing the right words and examples in story or blog form to explain myself.  Instead of saying, Replacement Therapy, I will simplify by saying: “Replacement.   Substitutes.  Alternative.”  And remind myself this is my blog and my body and in my man-cave a world of my own making, based on the thoughts within.  As if early morning invites eggless-everything and breakfast scrambles include new ingredients, and much different than during the time of my youth, which was in my case, The 1950’s.  The Dark Ages.


And here I am.  2016 and in 15 days or less, will be voting for a new set of leaders in the community where I live, and in the nation, a new President of the United States will be selected by a voting process that on the surface, seems appropriate and done with fairness.  15 days and all those things that seemed to be nipping at my heels, and setting up the conditions for my general well-being, that in October of 2016, culminated in a major sickness and condition of not-being-well, and barely functioning for me. 


Nice to report, it is but 3 weeks later and I am getting use to the idea that all this external activity around me, did contribute to the very condition:  Not feeling well.  Really sick.  And now I am in recovery.  Each day and I find myself feeling better.  Well enough to sit and blog.

Not saying that life for me is a basket full of peaches and cherries, but  can say, “Regardless Of my personal involvement with Walking Pneumonia and just making due, my life and situation is improving and I can see a positive outcome, for all that has occurred.”   In reflection I can see back 3 years or more, and put things in its proper place.  The people around me have contributed to the way I feel, and the sickness recently experienced.  Not in a position to take this issue  or my findings to court, and prove in official terms that none of this has been for my betterment.   


Rather, I have settled on an alternative course of action.  Will go vote on November 8th or sooner, if I do it by mail.  Will let my vote speak for me.  And then I am done.  3 years of effort of the part of others to influence me, and I can say without hesitation, “I am still me.  Your years of media influence did reach me, but in the end I blocked it out.  Found a better way to deal with this Replacement and substitute and alternative world you put in front of me.  I survived.”


And it pleases me that indeed, this is true for me.  I am still here.  Ignoring you.  And soon it will be over.  Elections and big money influence and persuasion reaching down to get me in your camp.  And in the end, I am still me.  Doing what is good for me.  Like blogging.  Airing my opinion in a folksy way.  Home spun.  Man-Cave practical.  And now I’m done.  Its time to get on with things that are about me.  Eating.  Sleeping.  Quality of Life.  Find something that works for me, and ignore the media-driven advice and opinions of others.  Be Local.  Think Wide.


But then realize it is no fun being degraded or made sick by the presence and influence of others, not you.  Replacement of the generational flock and let youth and middle age have their way.  Enjoy where I am today.  Retired.  Out of Circulation.  Equally misunderstood and replaced.  But in the end, its Replacement Therapy that keeps me in my place and helps me cope with the changing ways and times of the world I find myself in.  America and 2016.  And it pleases me to say, “I was sick.  But now I am in recovery and doing quite well, considering the past 3 years and how it contributed to the condition, my condition was in.”



  1. It's so good to get back to your calm place. I'm in Australia but only in brief periods am I at peace. I have also been ill but only a few days.

  2. Hallo Liebe Freunde,
    Ich mache eine Beobachtung, viele Menschen brauchen Geld, um alle möglichen Dinge zu finanzieren oder Schulden haben, in der Tat fast jeder mehr realistisch sein. Ich biete zur Bekämpfung von Armut und Ausgrenzung in der Bank Kredit-Kredit (Einzelpersonen, Unternehmen wie Verbände) in Schwierigkeiten oder helfen, einige ihrer finanziellen Probleme zu beheben oder ein Unternehmen gründen wollen. Klar, ich bin eine Person, die einen Kredit von 2000 € bis 7.000.000 € gab. Also zögern Sie nicht, mich per E-mail zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie für weitere Informationen interessiert sind. Hier ist meine Adresse: cassandrabazarov@gmail.com. Kontaktieren Sie mich für Zufriedenheit bei Ihren Problemen zu finden.
