Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Untruth Franchise

The Untruth Franchise


Denial and lying about who and what and doing so with style and empty content, is what this blog will be all about.  Plan to have some fun, and does it matter that it might be at your expense.  Pass the cost onto the consumer.  Solid advice taken and recycled.  Matters not that for year ahead, the unborn children of this land will pay the price for unrealistic handling of living problems, we choose to ignore.  It didn’t happen.  ‘Who Me.”   Makes me wonder what  happens when you mention to the individual born in 1999:  “how about those Yankees.  Losing.  VietNam.”   And now I say, wait for it.  The blank look on youth’s face, when they want to ask, “Are you done now.  Can we go to school?”


It is not like I am planning to get into The Shark Tank all by myself, nor surf a tsunami without a life-vest, but risks and doing easy things for fun and profit, might be on the schedule for today.  Remember back in the old days, before selfies and cell phone camera, where the pretty little Miss and yourself would stuff their bodies in a small enclosure and for $1   ( a dollar maybe ), would pose and take pictures, and would get 4 tiny pictures on a strip of paper, and if you were so inclined, could keep them forever, as filler for your memory book.  Never did get a year book from High School.  Never saw what others would write or say about me.


As is the case, then:  more so now.  I am a ghost.  I don’t take responsibility for any of this.  I am a ghost.  And I own an Untruth  Franchise.  Wonder if the reader is surprised at this.  For me,  there is no future.  Only the present as it presents itself in real terms for me.  ‘Deal With It.”   There will be no consequences for cheating and lying and then at the end,  a full denial.  Enter the 2017 version of the Twilight Zone.  The Slow Motion Booth.  Seen and Analyzed.  Over and over.  Time is not a factor.  Replay and then:  ‘Go Away.”   And that’s how this will be done.  Over and Over.


Death and denial follow me around.  Live and in real time, but that hardly matters, as I proudly possess an Untruth Franchise.  Am proud of what I have and what I do.  Am probably the original,  “Forget About It Kid.”  You might want to request more information.  What’s this VietNam thingy you mention?  Didn’t happen on my watch, so if its important to you, maybe we can schedule a day and time, when we sit around and drink, and you can tell me war stories.  Not sure that we are taking in  the scope of all this.


The Children hear and respond in a certain way.   Its all new for them.  For their parent’s, well they are old people and have a reason for all the things they say and do, but let’s face it, ‘I am seriously looking into buying an  Untruth  Franchise.  After that, well we will see how it goes.  Will there be any common ground, or will we just go our separate ways.  Won’t know until I have more experience.   That’s tomorrow.  Today  I am on track to eat breakfast,  open the door, and go to school.  Where I will learn my lessons.    That’s the plan


“Liar.  Liar.  Pants on Fire.”  Is there a problem here?  I think it depends on one’s point of view and approach.  Lately,  I have been looking in the rear view mirror.  Wondering if Satchel Page is out there.  It is not important now.  Yet, for me some of his words still linger in my mind.


Quotes from the Satchel Page era:  1906 to 1985.  Old news.

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.

Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.

I ain't ever had a job, I just always played baseball.

Ain’t no man can avoid being born average, but there ain’t no man got to be common.

The only change is that baseball has turned Paige from a second class citizen to a second class immortal.

Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don't move.

If your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts.


And remember:  In The Untruth Franchise.  None of this ever happened.  Never said.  Never Read.  Never and Forever.  We made it up.  “That’s what I am saying.”


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