Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hot Button Cause For Alarm

Hot Button Cause For Alarm


Lately I am redefining the world as I know it by refashioning and paraphrasing the words I use.  Seems as if I am often unsure of what has just been written or said, and I am guilty of this, more often than not.  “What does that mean, daddy?” Do not want to become a walking dictionary or an arbitrator of common use, but in my world things are changing almost overnight, 

and I wake to puzzling statements on the Internet and primarily in the banner headlines google news is calling news.  Requires new thinking and a constant practice of updating.  New term.  New usage.  New understanding.  Wikipedia seems to be where one can do to figure out what’s up and what is meant by the usage of certain words and phrases and common expression, that aren’t so common anymore.


Hot Button for me was an old cold war term.  Was associated with the red phone and was thought to be sitting on or near the President of the United States desk in case of an emergency and a conversation needed to take place to avoid a nuclear weapons attack.  Had to do with the Cuban Missile Crisis and early 1960’s paranoia.  Turns out a story was written for the dated June 18, 2013 that there never was such a thing as a Red Phone in the White House, the president’s house and office.  From this came the idea of a hot button.  Something one would push to activate weapons of mass destruction.  Cold war spawn and the term hot button is still around but is currently used to describe something that elicits a strong emotional response or reaction.  Most recently used and will cite this as a example.  An issue that became a hot button among younger voters.


So election and hot button and issue, combine to bring to mind recently the idea of things bring forth fear and anger and cause to argue.  Bring this up because I was reading this morning about family holiday gathering and how they made plans to avoid conversations about politics and the new developments related to Presidential Election November 8, 2016.  Avoid this and related topics at all cost.  But of course this goes against the grain of instant communication and everybody at the family gathering on their individual smart phones and on the net and google and involved with a world embedded in a screen.  So it is not a problem.  Is not a hot button cause for alarm, which is the title of my blog for today.


History and old news and we have agreed to not talk about it for the sake of a harmonious holiday gathering and time of celebration.  Old news and now Stoney Blogger wants to add another term to his vocabulary and speech.  Fake News. 


 Seems we need to come up with a way to deal with issues and articles and things disguised as official news or reports, that have not been fact-checked and verified.  On the internet and just mention something and it is said to go viral when so many views see it and comment on it, that it becomes the source of news.  And its not true.  It is partially true.  It is true in the mind and ears and head of the beholder.  Photoshop and Viral presentations on FaceBook and other social media and that indeed has become a hot button for cause of alarm.


Nuisance pronouncements become false alarms.  False but readily accepted by the reader.  Sounds possible.  But has room for plausible denial.  And this is a new technique used and perhaps influenced a lot of people  during recent elections both in America and in the UK.  Like creosote as a cause for a chimney fire,  hot button topics can also become cause for alarm.  Not sure if it is a true emergency with grave and injurious outcomes, but gives me pause and has me changing the way I use words in public and in my blogs.


Electronic noise and nuisance alarm diffusion is starting to become a problem.  Can’t trust what you hear or the notions that come to mind just from seeing a Banner Headline.  Is this cause for alarm, and again there are so many of us I wonder who I am asking, when I post an inquiry such as this.  Remind myself again, be careful with the words and phrases one uses while in conversation on The Internet.  Make changes.  Use a lot of disclaimers.  And most of all done do any of this during pregnancy.  Might be bad for the future lot of children now in the making.  Not sure.  Is speculation on my part, but something I wanted to mention.  Not sure why.


Troubleshooting and putting out fires is not what I want to do during the holidays.  Leave that to the professionals.  That is what I plan to do.  Not saying I will leave my mobile device or devices at home.  Can’t leave home without them is the new thinking.  Sweating bullets and being around body scanner is enough stress that comes with passing through one’s local transportation center and airport.  Don’t need it.  Would rather walk, or just stay where I am and use my cellphone to tell my family I love them. 


Changing ways in America.  But from what we have agreed to do, not talk about it for the sake of harmonious interaction, there will be no hot button cause for alarm this year.  That’s a promise.  Of course this could just be part of The Fake News I was telling you about at the beginning.  How would we know.  What’s true and what isn’t.  In today’s world we adapt and are flexible.  We don’t talk about it, so how would we know?   Just asking.


1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on blogging. Hadn't realised I wasn't 'following' you. I am now. My FB has 'friends' who I know follow but never comment. There is so much popular trash on it. Thanks for your thoughtful posts.
