Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Odd Numbered Days

Odd Numbered Days

There are some days when you just don’t want to get out of bed.  There are days when you need some extra time for yourself, and you hide under the covers.  Day and Night, and light change and this is the week and perhaps the week after also where I watch my body adapt and accept what has happened. 


Seems like it is a process that I do and it is different each time I do it.  Now yesterday, or should I say, “….Last Night…”, I was at a football game in a stadium near where I walk and live.  Joined by 70,000 others, and we became the late night crowd and were on the camera, watching others play football, NFL style.  They turned the lights on and it was as if artificial stimulation excited the senses and the pineal gland, and for four hours everybody was at peak energy and on the edge of their seats.  At times like this, just an hour or so from midnight and the start of another day, one loses track.  Is this an odd day or a regular day?  And for the sake of this blog, I made the title more specific.  Odd  Numbered Days.




Monday was a big day for me.  Last night and yesterday.  Monday Night Football and I was in attendance.  Now it is Tuesday morning and for the record, an even numbered day.  11/08/2016.  Voting Day in America.  Big day for the nation.  Is but one day, and the idea that our days are numbered is an interesting idea.  So I am writing about that, when I could be going on and on about so many other things, people deem important.  But its odd.  I will not be doing much of that.  “Doing What?”  Asks one person, late coming to the party.

Is not a blog about The American Election.  But of course, for many it is what makes it the day they have been waiting for and anticipating.  As for me,  I might be one of the Odd Ones.  Stuck on an odd-numbered day,  November 7, 2016 and my body and my mind is still at the game.  At the game, and in a stupor.  Was agonizing going up and down, and staying with the team, as the score changed often and it was obvious,  “Our Team Could Lose.”  Win or Lose and some will say, “It is not winning or losing, but how you play the game.”


As for me,  I am strictly a win or go home type of guy.  Coming in second has always been associated with an Odd Day.  Reminders of coming up short and what it means to go back to work and work harder.  Not sure if I want to give you the case file of a A-Personality, but over the years I have learned as part of my history.  “I hate to lose.”  Oh wait. 
We must learn to get along with each other.


"The difference?  This time I won't wait by my phone.  I won't text you every day to remind you that I exist.  I won't 
 give you that power anymore.
You want me?
You will have to show me some love.


“Hate is too strong a word to use at a time like this.”   I dislike losing or coming in second.  But as we know, being second to last and being discounted by the judges and peers is a painful experience.  So we minimize it and try not to repeat that particular event.  Does that mean we stop trying?  Maybe not.  Not sure it matters if it is an Odd Day or an Even Day, losing is never as we thought it would be.  And this brings me back to an earlier statement.  “Our Days are Numbered.”


For a few days it will be The Talk of the Town.  Everywhere we go, you will hear somebody saying, or will see on the TV or in the media:  “Did you know that XYZ won?”  And of course because it is front page news and important on this Even Numbered Day, it doesn’t seem odd at all that this is all people are talking about.  By next week, it will be Old News.  If we are interested or just hooked in to the communications of the day, we will have heard.  “XYZ Won.”


And hopefully this will not upset us, nor be the catalyst for news and activity that will upset us, and turn our world upside down.  Stoney was at the game, but is sleeping in on Tuesday.  Others will be out and about doing what they have scheduled for this day.  Voting Day in America.  And he is sleeping in.  But that is okay, we are modern now.  Early voting and sent in by mail and well, we are modern now.  Matters not in this case, as he made other arrangements.  Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, just means that he is feeling odd on this even numbered day, and has chosen to sleep in.

Rest his body and his mind.  Blames it all on DayLight Savings Change and messing with his body clock and the light.  Has nothing to do with America’s Election on November 8 2016.  Or at least that seems logical in light of the situation.  The whole thing has made him sick.  The NFL football game and it was violent.  At the game and both the players and the fan, some got hurt.  Were in harms way.  And Stoney reminds himself on this Odd Numbered Day, “Stay in bed.  Sleep in.”


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