I am trying to do the right thing here. But global and warming and social up-bringing are make it almost impossible. Spring rose. Could blame it on the lay of the land and of course my current state of mind, or more so, blame it on the drain. Its all backing up, and the amount of water at my feet is alarming. Using my pipes, and shouting, “Help. Help.” But there is no 911, nor people where I happen to be just now. I am on my own. Spring and it might be the miracle air that keeps me going, when it has been a long winter, and the social chill has been obvious. He doesn’t answer my email. I write. I do all the things I’ve always done, but for some reason, Easter is almost here, and soon it will be April and baseball and Those Damn Yankees. Seems when nothing else works, I work on the idea that he is a man, and yep, we talk sports.
But as of this moment, I
have just not been available. Local
setting and they turned the clocks ahead, and when they do that, I blame all my
short-comings on the notion that when you mess with my biological clock, I
become light-headed and a bit of a ding dong.
Having said all that, I want to reassure I am trying to do the right
thing here. I will answer your emails
when the water recedes and the electricity comes back on, and I am not standing
in a foot of water. Computer woes. Mental difficulty. And Spring rose.
I need to get some fresh
air. Go out in the garden and prune the
roses. Test the soil and check the
damage. What happens when you don’t
answer your mail, drop off the planet in winter, and create a communication
barrier with your internet friends.
Have I reached my lowest point.
Is the chill and difficulty of winter over? Is the depression over.
Can I rise up and find higher ground, plug myself in, once more, and
keep a city schedule and yes, can I please my boss?
And that might be the line I
cross, on the way to Spring Training and professional baseball in the warmth of
summer. Be natural. Be a man.
Face the issues that come with having internet friends. Deal with it. Modern and Face-book savvy.
Too popular for his own good, and now its time for the good news. Spring Rose. Your beauty is magnificent.
Your spirit, generous. And when
it happens that he doesn’t answer his emails, just know. Its not you. Nothing personal and specific.
Local conditions determine
his existence.
Global presence. Every body has a computer now, and internet
connection. Be friendly.
Answer your email. And include a Spring rose.
Answer your email. And include a Spring rose.
The ground is wet. Winter is almost over. Snow melts and the garden is muddy. I want to make things orderly and
better. Not sure where to start. I pretend that I am busy. Too busy for baseball. But you know that isn’t true. Man likes his sports. Wears his love out where you can see
it. Yankee pinstripes. Puddles and mud on the in-field. Land slides and a general mess could be the
source of the problem. But that’s not
it. Mostly its about the local
situation. Getting older now.
Not that it makes him less
friendly, but you can see it in his eyes.
His love of blogging and connecting with strangers is taking a backseat
to the birds and the garden in his backyard.
Spring and a sense of gratitude.
Seeing another season ushered in.
And simply stated, that’s it.
Local conditions. Global
warming. Too much water in the
creek. Now its in his yard. And he thinks of you.
Spring Rose. A perennial
beauty and source of much pleasure. On
the way to the big game. Yankees coming
to town. April. Expect to be there. Having fun.
And when that happens, perhaps you can forgive me and at the same time,
not say, “He’s busy. I can wait.” Truth is: It is rude to not answer your
friends email. And even worse, he
blames it on global warming, when we all know.
He’s sniffing glue. Making a lattice for the rose garden.
I am trying to do the right
thing here. Your land is my
land. One is global and in another
country, while I am at the local level and making excuses. In the end we need to work a little
harder. Make nice. Improve on what we have. Stop throwing our garbage in the creek. Water and its about a foot up my leg, just
now. Spring rose. Incredible flooding problem here. And if you believe what I am saying, its
because of global warming and all the things we do. And on top of that, answer your email. Last chance. Baseball
season begins. Never too busy for all
that. He’s a man.