Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pasterized Existence

Pasteurized Existence


I find it interesting that it is but 10 am and all my important tasks are done.  Now I reflect, how is this different from the domestic chore keeper, be it my wife or daughter or stay@home-Dad.  Organized and capable of so much more, and yet this is it.  Before noon, and the essentials inside the box and 4-walls are done.  Has me thinking, and it feels good to have extra-energy and time to think, and project out to an open field, all the parameters and elements of an alternative existence.  Having said that, my thoughts go in a multitude of directions, swept into the vast out-there and suddenly it seems as if I am free. 


Free to the extent I have until the children are out of school, or free until the next catastrophe beckons, or free until my feet give out on me, and I am required to sit and be.  This is where I find myself just now.  Sitting.  Computer and screen life call to me, and for a minute I wasn’t sure, but now I am.   Life as I know it is a process, and it depends on electricity and other forms of energy that make of the grid.  Process and don’t really mean pasteurized takes the viral out of my day, but there seems to be enough bread and milk and things to eat available. 


Home Delivery and in many way my world has become smaller and smaller.  Computer and keyboard and I can reach out, have performance-on-demand, provided of course I can pay for it.  And that in a nutshell is all about me.  Time to turn the other cheek and lean towards you.


End of the month and technology has enabled me.  How so, and it is just the balanced equation of our modern day.  Some work.  Some stay home.  Others are looking for work, but so far they just have to stay busy and hope something will turn up.  Spring and Summer and this opens the door to the Great Outdoors.  Field and Stream and empty lot, where the kids can play and expend energy if you can get them away from their phone or screen that avails them all they need.  Social media and a good connection, and a time out from the hassle and bustle of this busy world they have been born into. 


Modern day and life, and we can milk things for that little extra, and benefit without because that is what happens when the nation you live in is civilized and prosperous, and thrives on law and order, and perhaps we can even say, democracy and personal freedom, and so this is where we find ourselves in the moment.  Pasteurized existence is my banner line.  Not sure what it means to you, but even so I will just expand the mood and the moment to included you.  As I said.  Have turned the other cheek.  Am leaning towards you.


Frequently asked questions and was reading somewhere recently, that Castro in Cuba now thinks:  The End Is Near.  And it has me thinking and can’t help myself and just have to say.  “Dude, it is 2016.  You have outlived Kennedy and he had the CIA.”  And suddenly it comes into perspective for me.  Homogenized.  Pasteurized.   Sanitized.   The primitive world has been tamed.  If it is still 3rd world downstream raw and dirty and without sewer treatment, then pure and simple I just can’t relate.  And that happens.  Scattered thoughts from a scattered mind, and am not sure why it is front page new that Castro derives no pleasure with the state of his existence off the tip of Florida and now on good terms with his nearest neighbor with all the nukes.    Frequently asked question:  “What have you done for me today?”


Having been avoiding the obvious and think perhaps we still have a lot of choice and independence in the state and place, I am.  I am free to come and go, and yet here I am in front of my computer sharing time with people I don’t even know.  How good is that?  I can tell you that my greatest fear is being put out to Pasteur in a field of plenty with nothing else to do but stand around, and wait for the next great wind to push me off my mark.  Done with the major part of the Month of April.  Fool’s Day has passed.  Got a flyer in the mail that wanted to inform me about how powdered milk is made, and of course that discussion lasted as long as it took me to find the wastebasket and dispose of that days junk mail.  Comes in the mail mostly, and weights the postal carrier down.

 As for me, I am good.  Have gotten over most of my complaints about what modern live should and shouldn’t be.  Am content.  I have you.  Now only if I can remember your name, and my current password I can tell you how much you mean to me.


Turn the other cheek.  Lean in your direction.  What happens next is part of the great mystery for me.  It is not yet 11 am.  Too early for lunch.  Too early to take a nap.   Too late for everything else.  And this leaves me wondering, “How you doing?  Better than Me?”

Tuesday, April 26, 2016




“I want what you have.”   He said.


Thinking back and straying from present moment thoughts he had hoped to explain why he had become a Follower and not a leader of the pack.   Had hoped to remind himself why he needed her.  Why he could not live a solitary life.  But it wasn’t working, and he meant to hurt no feelings.  There was a time when he did his own thing, and just to do a double check, he thought perhaps it would be important to investigate and have some experience about how others lived, what they had, and if such things made the world a better place.


“Stop mimicking me.  Stop taking over my life vicariously.  Be more original.  Stop saying what you think I want to hear.  Stop being me.”   She said.


Not sure when I had this conversation, nor if it is just material for a new book I have been considering.  Do know that for the last 5 months or so, my routine has changed.  Lost another Best Friend, and it wasn’t The White Dog.  Lost White Dog back in 2006.  Before that it was Earl, my mentor and teacher, who had influenced me since 1965 and beyond.  Was White Dog’s Mom, and after 20-plus years, I know what it means to outlive experience and shared time with others.  And so it is, I am back to the basic Idea of what it would be like, if I ignored the world and the people in it, and did my own thing.

Can say without hesitation, I liked it when I had a feminine influence in my life.  Liked being married.  Liked the domestic scene.  As always, there are things you know are missing because you spend so much time with a certain person, or group of people, known to you as your computerizes.  Being domestic is what you call The Couple Routine, that more than less leads to Family and Family Matters.  So it has taken a few months to realize the changes and that I am back nestled in the man-cave that just happens when women are excluded and computers and the reflections of all things passing, take over.  Hence you might notice a new way with this Stoney Blog.  Not sure how long this pattern will last, being that when things get old,  people just stop coming around.  Of course that happens when you convert from a daily blog to monthly contributions, and then that goes to intermittent, and to tell the truth its hard to keep up with the nature of his environment and the contents of his head, the source of inner sanctum life.

“I want what you have.”   He said.


And that is when he realized that his old life had not prepared him for what he didn’t know.  Didn’t know  how the world had changed when all his attention went inward.  He saw what was there as he came in and out of familiar surroundings, but when that ended and he looked around all he saw was people in transit, on their devices.  As if what they had was invisible, and to have it materialize one needed a smart phone or computer watch or a device and more than one screen to tune in the world as it really is.  Not as you create it, but what is there is the new direction I am going.  So I got rid of my hard-wire traditional telephone, but did not replace it with a smart phone.

Is the one time when I didn’t mean what I said.

“I want what you have.”


Not keen on acquiring a smart phone and for now will be good with acquiring a Tablet-computer that operates with wifi in the surround.  When wifi is, I will be in contact with you.  Is this the same as  having a conventional phone ?  Too soon for me to know.  But am working on it.  So this is my new life.  Acquiring a device that I can stare at as I notice others doing, and from that, all else follows.  This is how I think it will be, but as I said.  “Too early to tell.  Will let you know.”

“I want what you have.”


And for a while he needs to explore this new world around him and nearby.  He needs to discover what is on these screens that give you new-life, and a life so very different than the one he has been living for the last 25 years or so.  To be done without a smart phone, but aided by WiFi, when and where it can be found, this becomes the new me.

And am now spending my time going into The Tablet and going online, to acquaint myself with what’s out there, and what has you so engrossed and devoured by the devices you have in hand, and the content that has nothing to do with me, taking over your mind and your focus.  As if I am invisible now, I seek to discover what you have, before I become fully committed to wanting and devoting my energy to what you have, and I do not.

So my new focus and new life has me face to face with reflections and even more so with holograms, and am flirting with wandering off into an escapist landscape and wonder if I dare proceed without the influence of Stoney, who seems to always to be in a purple haze or in second hand smoke, or not too far from the mushroom stand.  Now it is different and am thinking, Stoney Blogger no more.


Reflections and Holograms and Escape at any cost.  So now must tell you about my first experience with integrating the old with the new.  Happened long ago when in 1980 I went to a Rolling Stones Concert at the old KingDome in the stadium district of downtown Seattle.   The experience changed my life.

Now is time to tell you how it seems to be happening again.


Hatsune Miku Concert.  April 23rd, 2016.  And how this is helping me discover what others have that I do not.  I will tell this story and then stop before this blog becomes impossibly long.  It is not the Rolling Stones but the influence on me might be the same as I come to know first hand,  this is something entirely new.  Now how should I let this influence me, change my life and circumstances, and help this to mold the new-Me.?


Hatsune Miku, video pop star from Japan is touring the USA, and is starting a music/video tour and the first stop was in Seattle on April 23rd.  Not sure how many attended the concert, as I was unaware of its’ presence and importance, until now.  Having seen a banner on , I followed up and currently have a 9 hour holographic video of one of her performances, which is scheduled to compete with the other big screen in my room, which is airing a coaching video of 2015 New England vs. Buffalo nfl football game without sound.


Hence it is a multi-vision day, with holographic performers and music on one screen, and football on another, while reading on my Tablet about everything-under-the-sun, updated every 12 minutes by some automated news assembly program that has just shown up as a tool for keeping up with what is on the Internet.


Holographic and reflections and an Unreal Live Concert with the live performer being an Anime Hologram with the voice and music of live performers, including Hatsune Miku and others providing the sound.  Reminds me of the good old days, before there were Talking Movies in Hollywood, and we would go to a theater and there would be some musicians playing in the theater pit, while overhead images and captions would appear on the screen.  Then as now, it would take some getting use to, but as time goes by things only get better.  So am holding back on rushing to judgement about reflections of this live concert and the hologram performers and the musical set that become a real night out in concert mode.  More than just looking at a screen, and can say just now.  “Captivating.  Reflections and Holograms.  Will this become the new-Me.?”   Real and Unreal on the same stage and in the same house, separated by devices that only operate when WiFi is present and operating with enough bandwidth to make it something worth remembering.


Upon reflection he tells himself, “This is something new.”  And wonders if it will have any lasting effect on him.  Wants to know, but isn’t sure this is the right time to do a deep inquiry.  Seems it has never been done before at this scale and level of sophistication.  Anime in bigger than life-size form, dancing on a stage in front of a live audience.  As if they were live performers and of course the musicians and their compositions are equal to most live performances, the added aspect being that the star performer is a hologram, is why people have paid to be at this concert.  Amazingly, something new in Seattle, April 23rd, 2016.


And now am telling myself, to stay tuned and not tune out The Rolling Stones and The Who.  Just pay attention and if this influences me and helps me to become a different person, without the drugs and alcohol, then I ask.  “Is this the new-Me?  Reflections and Hologram on stage.  Live.  Stoney Hologram-Anime. I can see me now.  Just can.  Under the lights and having fun, with my new essence, half real and half unreal dancing on into the night.  The New-Me.

Monday, April 11, 2016

State Beyond Words

State Beyond Words


“What state are you in?”

Lately I have wanted to start all my blank pages with a dialogue, as if finally I have been influenced by what others are writing.

“Why be different?”  He asks.

But of course he knows the answer.  He can live a life without questions, if only he lives on bread and water and stays with the basics which aid life support.


“Can you live without your cell phone?”

And with that comes GPS and Facebook and some urge within to share your life with others.  Comes down to a reoccurring urge to let others know you are in the moment and ever present.  Is the gift technology has given.  The sense of always being one click away and at the tip of ones fingers as its touches it way to satisfaction.

It is no secret if you have been around for any length of time.  I am a suspicious person.



Perhaps.  Suspicious and the answer to that is, most definitely.  Has doubts about everything, and when he sees quotes and words between the brackets, he wonders why.  Why single out this single thought.  Why draw attention to this?  And that is when he knows to schedule another therapy session.

“Are you nuts?”   She asks.


And he knows he has prepaid for 60 minutes of talk therapy on his current morning session, and for all he knows is talking to a cutout and a blank screen, even as it appears this is live and somebody who can help him, is actually available.
Makes it easier to talk when he realizes its therapy and not just some talk session with a friend on Facebook.


Normally he answers his own questions and does not rely on others for guidance.  Independent and does not belong to a major party.  “What state are you in?”  And he takes it as it comes.  Physical state.  Mental state.  State beyond words and this is where his best thought lie.  Ask me where I am or what my mental state of mind might be, and I interpret most of what is asked of me with the simple overlay.

“Where do you keep your money?”


Turns out that is the inquiry that took over last week.  Had to do with off-shore accounts and where rich people keep that which is dear to them.  I had to laugh.  Turns out to be an example of something that does not apply, because I have made a conscious effort to have quality of life, and for me that means what I have in front of me.  Water.  Mountains.  Breathable land and a place to walk.  Fresh air.  Abundance as is not-man-made for me.   Seems this separates me from my computer and the people on the other side that have something to hide.

State of mind and this takes me somewhere having money does not.  What is important here and settles me to the point where I have time on my hands, and a place to sit in comfort without crowds and density taking over.  Not exactly in seclusion, but is a by-product of where I live and spend my hours daily.  Not on my cell phone.  Try to limit myself to 3 hours or less on the computer.  And find most of my computer time is spent late at night watching Netflix movies.  Costs a little to have beam-me-up-Scottyd entertainment, but I am not complaining.  Quite the opposite, actually.


Today’s blog is a celebration of being invisible.  Out of range and out of sight, and this has you wondering.   Off-shore accounts and near island and inner bay seclusion, and what does this have to do with me?   Then Stoney Blogger shows up saying:

“Is where my best times in life have been lived.”  State Beyond Words and a place of peace and quiet.  And is the point of showing up, presenting this blog and adding a few pictures.  He wants you to know he is doing okay.  Off-Shore.  Without a penny in his pocket.  He has all he needs, because today it is all done electronically.  Automatic deposit.  Sight-unseen.