Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Let There Be No Confusion

Let There Be No Confusion


S/He lights a fire and comes to a quick conclusion.  Things are heating up.  Never Wrong.  Is the track record s/he is seeking.  Words and Deeds.  Setting the world on fire and doing it in prime-fashion-way.  Sucks wind and goes from spot to spot, tending the fires s/he has burning.  And this brings me to the point I want to make.  Let There Be No Confusion.  S/He knows what they are doing, and who will get burned as the flames rise and leave their pit, to engulf us all.  Smoke and Mirrors and sees the reflection of a total eclipse that left us in darkness, just the other day.

Ambiguous equivocating.  Wonder what that means?  Look it up.  And he does.

So I plugged this into the system and was asked.  ‘… ambiguous equivocation…’  or ‘ambiguous equivocating ‘, and I said,  “Both.”
Found myself looking at this:   Of course, most words are ambiguous, but context usually makes a univocal meaning clear. ... The Fallacy of Equivocation occurs when an equivocal word or phrase makes an unsound argument appear sound.


And now it is perfectly clear to me.  I have no idea what this is about.  Equivocation or equivocating,  has me thinking.  Best I go eat an apple and check to see if the fires are spreading.


Let There Be No Confusion.  North Korea fires a nuclear weapon in my direction, and the alert will sound.  Sound in time, and that is yet to be determined.  At this point, only words are lighting fires, as most of the implements of fire and destruction are landing in the sea east of North and South Korea and before they reach Japan.  All of this has happened before.  Think back and realize, they test these things over water, or at least that is what I have been lead to believe.  Back to the words I do not understand.  Ambiguous equivocation.   Ambitious equivocating.  And scratch my head.  Looking around for some cake to eat.  Now laughing.

Can’t keep my mind from wandering.  The extra effort applied here, is making me hungry.  Something gnaws at me.  Is times like this that I yearn to run the bases and burn off energy.  But first I need to get me some.  All Talk and no action is exhausting.  For a Bat-Swinger it is what means when it is said, “The worst.”  Has me back on the balance beam.  Equivocation is an informal fallacy resulting for the use of a word in multiple senses, used throughout an argument leading to a false conclusion.   Brings me back to baseball and exercise.  Abbott and Costello’s ‘Who’s on First?”  routine comes to mind.


What’s the difference?  Just words.  Nothing has happened yet.  Fire-starter is words.  Invisible and imaginary force that brings the world and universe and asteroids on a collision-course.    Double-entendre.   Dagger in the heart and keeps me on my toes.  Has me thinking about understanding interpersonal communication.  “Who’s on First?”
And another of my favorites.

“Are you talking to me?”


Let there be no confusion.   Once a fire is started and left unattended, there will be consequences that are real.  Have other things to do.  Fire Station Statutory Rape.  “Not my job.”  So lean into it and let it go around me.  Is my plan.

He writes a blog.  Voices an opinion, sort of.  Mentions scenarios that reflect the diversity and interactions found in today’s world, the one that surrounds us.  Imaginary or real, and is challenged to come up with an answer.  Some of this is beyond my ability to recognize what is just in front of me and staring me in the face.  Plead ignorance.  Points to the sky and says, “Smoke and I can’t breath.”    Rapid changing situations I must deal with and blame it on technology in an advanced society.


Now comes the best part.  “Not my fault.”  I will say.  About that, let there be no confusion.  Echoes follow me.  And yes, there is a big elephant in the room and I have nowhere else to go with any of this.  “Piece of Cake.”  s/he says.  And now the room is laughing.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Second Tier Event

Second Tier Event


Find myself taking a different route and not being direct with the issues that are coming to me.  Like I am thinking about second and third order effects, and have to figure out the right  words to use.  Second Tier effects and  then add the idea of how such things will affect me, but then stumble on the notion I have no idea how to discern between the conditions that may come when I use two different ways to state what I am doing.  Is there any difference and is it significant.  Second tier effects.  Second order disturbances that will affect me adversely.  And this is where this all begins.  Will the way he says things change the way we relate with what is being said here.  Second tier and is a way to say,  “Not the primary focus.”  Then zones in and says, “ This blog is based on anticipated events that come to me, but not directly.”

Do not want to complicate this.  It was said not long ago,  “.... you lost me here.”  “I need more information!”  “…. But I think you want me to work for it.”  “You want me to extrapolate phrases and interpret your intentions.”
I find this correct.  Is the methodology I use in most of my blogs.  And since blogs are short, and structured by the blogger, am going to the place in my mind, where I settle on all of this as second tier events, and do not really have the ability how things like this will affect you.
Am sure there is some performance loss and loss of meaning,, when the blog goes to a diverse collection of readers, and extrapolating phrases and interpreting intentions is just not on their list of things to do while reading blogs.

Living large and in a world connected by the Internet.  Local and International is within our reach now.  These conditions drastically affect me.  Make it known:  events in one place are affected by processes and intent and local nuance, based on it being in front of us, but actually taking place many, many miles away.  And in the end, deal with this by designating my first priority or priorities, in the face of its closeness to me.  I see it on a screen, but can it impact me directly?  That needs to be determined.  Click on an email and suddenly to have a virus, perhaps a Trojan Horse running through your computer and making a mess of everything.  Order is an important part of my discussion here.  Will this be a primary event and I need to deal with right now.  Or is it a second order event, and I have time to figure out how this will impact me?  Or can I just ignore what the people are saying on the opposite coast of the continent on which I live?  Guess I would call that tertiary events and far away, and I do not anticipate them, as I would a knock on the door and Police and Men in Blue taking over my space and my current activities.   “Immigration.  We are here to investigate you.  Let us in.”


Am living differently now.  The dance of connection is affecting me, up close and personal.  Finding out that not everybody is my friend.  Finding out that the leadership can lie and betray and insult me into unconsciousness.  So maybe the things and people I encounter,  directly and secondly and from a distance are not all the same.  Intend to deal with things as they come to me, but am recently experiencing an entire range of emotions that come with anticipated events and their outcomes, and then finding out, it will never be the way you thought.  Am now being forced to give attention to the order things come to me.  First order and it affects my primary position in the life I am living.  Then comes a second tier of events that are not life threatening, but might force me to make changes immediately.  All of this comes under the heading of the dance of connection for me.


The danger of bad people or unthinkable negative events is understandable.  I read about in the paper or online news, each and every day.  Troubles me, but does not lead me to depression or suicide.  Trouble is all around us, and is our job to protect ourselves, best we can.  Want to say I am seldom seriously affected when things in Washington D.C, say… “the White House” go awry.  “Read about it , but it will never impact or affect me.”   Is what I think and use to reassure myself, “You are okay.”


Starting to think different now.  Second Tear Event.  Sounds the same as Second Tier Event, but is different.  And takes him away from the black and white of things, and into a different place.  Needs clarification, so that we do not need to extrapolate and interpret situation and meaning.  Chaos all around me, as people are being run over by vehicles in crowded streets and assembly points.  Memorial monuments are being torn down, because it is not clear.  Primary Importance.  Secondary Influence and this is coming to a city near you.  Or is it something that happened in the past, and is being revisited by alarmist that make it a point of involving you.  “Trail of Tears.”  All of this is affecting me one way or another, and prevents me from maintaining focus and staying on topic.  Starting to think things are different now, but not sure how.


The space between you and I is both physical and mental.  Is subject to continual cession and annexation, and have the feeling I am being over-run by events that are foreign to me.  Not sure how to explain it.  Boundaries are being dissolved.  Am no longer independent.  The threat seems to be there, each and every day, as I read what happen to others,  thousands of miles away.  Spending more time now asking,  “Am I safe?”


Feels like I have been moved into the second tier/tear event zone.    Has me thinking about the flow of tears and sorrow one experiences when somebody close dies.  Run down by a vehicle at a protest rally, or just ran out of time, and had a natural and peaceful death.  It happens.  And am thinking it happens each and every day.  Today it was Jerry Lewis, the comedian and filmmaker, who teamed with Dean Martin in 1956, to keep us laughing.  Natural and he was old.  But then this has me thinking about the young and died at a protest meaning, somewhere far away from me.  Has me doing disaster triage and practicing on the way to a football game in Seattle,  exercises and drills prior to participation of the real event that could come crashing into or down on me.  Crying in my beer and saying,  “What’s up with you.  You are still alive.  Why are you crying?”


Have no answer just yet.  Before anxiety mounts, have decided to go watch a Netflix Movie.  Collateral Damage.  Will rest some and prepare for another day.  Will close the gap between real and imagined.  Helps when watching Hollywood or Bollywood feature film.  Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis and when I think about that pair,  has me laughing and feeling good.  Just does.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Meaning Of Life

Meaning of Life


Ambitious title and it is a short blog, because he wants it that way.  With a question he sweeps away all doubt.  Am I making problems for myself?  Meaning of Life and maybe that is way too much to handle before consuming his first cup of tea on Saturday morning, 6 am.  Perhaps a step back and that will clarify the stream of thought he is having.  Meaning of Life becomes,  does this have a meaning for me?  Now what, he has introduced a completely different idea into the conversation, and as we might dread or hesitate, it seems to be all about him.  Blog writer and Stoney and might be a brief history lesson to determine if this is about the MEE  MEE Generation.  He steps back.  States it all as clearly as he can.  Meaning of Life is bigger than one person, hence can’t be a blog just about me.  Now I am feeling better.  If this is not a blog about Stoney Blogger and the Meaning of Life as interpreted by him, what is it about?  Maybe its about asking or starting out with the right question, and we know that in a short blog,  Questioning the meaning of life is a bit too much.  So where do we go from here?   Let me explain.

It all begins for me right here.  John Muir.  1871.  Let me explain.


I have no idea what it means, nor why this might be important just now.  Is the reason I am here, blogging at 6 am on a Saturday morning about something I know so little about.  Things that increase my ignorance.  Blog titles that include:  The Meaning of Life.  Blog comments that inform me about John Muir.  1871.  And a thought I woke with.  My world begins with this:  San Francisco  1850 to 2050.   This has been a constant for me.  When I sit down to write, be it a blog or a book or a short essay, my starting point is always a block of years which I try to focus on.  From these years I draw from the source and without much effort, complete the sentence I am working on.  One thing leads to another and before I know it I have completed a daily blog.  That continues and I keep writing.  Suddenly I realize I have completed a manuscript.  Not sure I am brave enough to call it a book, but have reinvented myself as of late, and am no longer an aspiring writer, amateur to profession, but instead have become in the stomach of my own mind,  a CONTENT PROVIDER.

Meaning of Life and now we ask again, what does he mean?  Content Provider and is a new term, or at least new to me.  Not sure the difference between a published writer  and a Content Provider can be explained in a short blog.  So he takes a short cut.  Mentions John Muir.  1871.  And he had mentioned already that he is talking about a meaning of life that can be centered in the years 1850 to 2050.  And now we know,  he is talking in big pictures terms.  We know for now that a single or individual life does not take up the span of 200 years.  So that narrows things down.  He is talking about a collective life and the meaning that might be derived from that.  Again this is a Stoney-Blogger Interpretation.  Truth is.


Caught in a stream going in two directions or more.  From mountain high to sea bottom, and we realize, there lies the answer to all of this.  Meaning of Life and add to that a simple fact some have related to me.  A single cell holds all the information necessary for creation.   Meaning of Life.  Creation.  Published Author.  Content Provider.  John Muir.  1871.  Puzzling perhaps, until he mentions that he is thinking about a collection of things that begin with looking at a blog comment in one of the blogs he wrote, not long ago.  In that blog, Sumie Madness and Brush Off he finds what he is looking for.

Is an interesting comment from an online-Associate who lives in Scotland, but has thoughts from time to time that stretch from his world to mine.  And this is where this blog really starts to take on meaning.  The COLLECTIVE.  Not sure if I am referring to this world I partially occupy.  Online and Communicating with others, by writing a blog that is usually centered just on me, and is what we say, stream of consciousness writing.  Caught in a stream going in two directions or more.  And am currently in a pool or eddy that swirls and calms, and is not exactly standing water, but is mirror-like island from which I can reflect,  Mountains and Sea.   1850 to 2050.  Spans the years.  Starting not in San Francisco in 1848, but rather starts here and now.  John Muir.  1871.  Yosemite.  In this blog and with the help of others, am transported to Yosemite in 1871.  Now in my mind, my work is done.  The rest should be other than MEE-MEE.  Keeping with my intent, a blog should be short.  Which means, one’s intent should be clear when writing such things.  Meaning of Life and I cannot explain that to you in this blog.  But I can give meaning to such things as the mentioning of John Muir and a reference to Yosemite, California.  1871.


Perhaps I have done all I can. What follows is surprise and delight for me.  Without knowing much about what I speak or write about, clarification often comes later.  Comment Field and the contribution of others, and I am thinking:  This is the Meaning of Life for me.  Shared thought.  Collective and contributions made, spanning oceans and continents and time.  And there it is.  Am almost done now.  But not yet.

Now I have reached the point when reality and dream are one.  1850 or is it 1871?  Not being very precise now, but that appeals to me also.  Now jump ahead to 2050 and he talks from the foundation that is clearly classified as Future.  Content Provider and information is KING.  He pretends to have all the answers and we can question that?  John Muir and what does that have to do with anything I might be interested in?  Another question that may not have an answer.  Takes time, to figure it out.

And now he has moved on.  Multiple streams from mountain to sea and he is now asking the search engine on the Internet about  Quasimoto and multiple streams.  As if doing so will make sense and complete the thought.  John Muir .   1871.  And he learns.  Yosemite Glaciers.  New York Tribune.  December 5, 1871.  The following was John Muir’s first published work, for which he was paid $200 dollars.  Which at the time, 1871, was a large sum of money.  Contrast that with the idea, Stoney writes this blog for  FREE.   Imagine that.  He smiles.  Likes the idea that John Muir describes his adventures in Yosemite and his surprising discovery. 


And what might that be, his discover that gives meaning to life, or perhaps is the meaning of life that Stoney-Blogger is looking for.  Exciting discovery of ‘LIVING’ glaciers in the Sierra Nevada in the fall of 1871.   And stoney-blogger wonders,  in 2050   what will be the fate of the natural state of things?  Glaciers.  Global Warming and C02.  Nukes and North Korea.  Will there even be a United States? 


And he laughs.  Meaning of Life and his remains buried in the mountains or at the bottom of the sea.  Somewhere in time.  1850 to 2050.  And again he mentions  John Muir.  1871.  And now we know why.  He read it in a book or in a blog-comment-field, and he is clearly distracted or dedicated to being caught in a stream going in two directions or more.  From mountain high to sea bottom, and we realize, there lies the answer to all of this.  Stoney’Blogger and this blog:  Meaning of Life.  Joins with Quasimoto and the Multiple Stream to become more than it really is.   

Imagine that.