Saturday, January 28, 2017

Wind of a Hostage Moon

Wind of a Hostage Moon

Working my way across the quad, is what I called it when in college.  Those days are gone, but still have certain things in mind that still help guide me through my day.  Quad, or grid or maze, and he operates in a purple haze and doesn’t really think about Prince and MIA celebrity that just isn’t around until we hit on-demand replay and there they are.  Music and visuals and lights and action.  Is how it comes to me as I work my way into today’s theme for today’s blog effort. 

Did come to mind early in my staging of this event, that ‘… if you can’t play nice and be safe and non-threatening when in the presence of others, stay home.”  Now that is being said at an executive level, and seems others are treating this as if it’s a brand new thought and way of looking and doing things.  It is not, at least not in my neighborhood.  So will walk around and take notice of how others are dealing with these top-down notions coming our way, for orienting ourselves and playing in the sandbox of life, world-wide. 

For me, I will summarize it as the wind, now blowing  hot and cold.  Put a stamp on it, and register it as The Wind of a Hostage Moon.  Then sit back, partially satisfied, but know there is more to say on the subject and follows this blog into more white space.  And the world as I know it revolves around the sun, with the wind and moon in subordinate positions.  Is how I see it, as I walk across the quad.


Not sure if this has anything to do with a cooling earth, or about hot-springs giving off steam as new elements surface.  Top-down spin around the planet and is like a new toy given its few moments of your time, until the novelty of it all wears off, and you put it down and move on to some other form of instant gratification.  Said and done.  “Let’s go for a walk.  Join me if you will. Coffee for those who endure and stay with me. “


Not sure how serious I am with all of this.  First days and is like washing the new car endlessly, until you realize you have a license, but no insurance and are going nowhere until the devil in the details and there is release into the mainstream, where everybody operates as a legal.  Not sure what that means, as the rules for engagement are changing hourly, and day after day. 


Once said,  top guy changes his mind and verbiage and spin, and brings me to how I have balanced all of this in my daily environment and routine.  Treat it all as Wind of a Hostage Moon and wait for it all to reach me, one way or another.  Eventually man will go into space and when appropriate, learn how to deal and survive the new conditions found around the body of mankind.  First Days.  Washing The Car.  Going nowhere.  No insurance.  No valid visa or travel permit.  Sounds familiar.  Not really.  Wash the car.

It is a new day.  Woke to the happiness of being alive.  New possibility, or possibly just going to work and following through with scheduled commitments. Alive and he repeats the mantra he lives by.  “Movement is life.”  And doesn’t hesitate to embellish all of this,  to show improvement and positive reaction to progressive change.  Wants to talk about the wind of a hostage moon, and do so such that those around him show a little interest.  Sees it as an extension of Marshall McLuhan’s teachings when he was back in school, sitting at the master’s feet, taking it all in and making of it what he could.  Limited and it was new.  “The media is the message.” 


And that was 1960 and before computers and the world-wide-web and dancing on the surface without actually being earth-bound.  Technology and we began to rise.  Before going to the moon, but even so:  technology leading the way and we learned as best we could about the wind of a hostage moon and the space-station that aero-space community was putting on the drawing board.  So showed interest in all things new, and when the top guy said, “Media is the message.  Let’s Tweet.”


Now is a new day.  They took the Tweet away and in its’ place comes an executive order.  “If this is you, go home or go away, until you can learn to play nice.”  And for emphasize adds, “Not in my backyard.”  So sounds like wind of a hostage moon making its presence known, and has me thinking, “Do I need a coat?”

Sounds like we are choosing to do a case by case approach to movement.  “Movement is Life.”   I said as part of my statement of purpose as this day revealed itself to me.

Now I am starting to figure it out.  How would it be, if I was you?  But is too complicated in this days’ version of media spin and planet that is in the air, and if you don’t like it,  you can book a trip, but uncertain now, what happens when they say, “Everybody else, but not you.”  And this is how you know,  gonna have a bad day, and nobody wants to be you.  Or so it seems.  When it is happening to you, and nobody seems to want to address the situation.  Wind of a Hostage Moon.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

( NOT )

( Not )


For me, there is always another level of consideration that lurks and then imposes or interjects and becomes the center of attention.   Strong character, or just the DNA and genes of dominance, and I would ask.  “Is there such a thing as the perfect original design, and from that all blessings flow?”  And this rudely jerks me back in line, bumps me around some, and roughs me up, reminding me in the sternest of ways, to keep the Party Line.  You started with ( Not ) and even as it is an unusual constriction of grammar and format, it was accepted. 


Now you are tinkering around with it, and are trying to make it more and perhaps something it was never intended to be.  And then it comes.  Oden or  some thunder god from another era and time, “Not In A Thousand Years will you find a replacement for the perfect idea, not yet found.”  So just let it be, and in time we will accept all things as the march of progress and  refinement of mind and society and life.  “In a Thousand Years.”  And this has me thinking, why did we settle on this timeline.  “Can’t this be done faster?  More efficiently.  And cheaper? “


So level one in America is all business.  How can I improve on the bottom-line and make some money?


Level two and there is more to life than just money.  Borders on the whimsical and will interject this for starters.  Something to do with upsetting corporate life and business in government, and demise of the working man, and eliminating a need for a more perfect way.  Just say.  “In a thousand years.”  Or  make it all coded into the conversation and work-around-things by not saying it at all, but its there.  ( NOT ).  And then we can drop down to Level 3 and lower.

Level Three and below that:  The Devil’s Playground.  Here lies my true thoughts.  Battleships.  Raincoats.  And the basic fear of doing nothing.  Naught.  Not.  Knot.  Has me going in all directions at the same time.  In a blog.  Losing it.  Losing my mind.  Ends up humming and thinking about a guitar and its acoustical body.  Floating world significance, and won’t harp and won’t guitar for very long.  Women are marching on Washington D.C. on January 21st, 2017 and seem to be saying.  “Not Right.”  But I wasn’t there, and am a devoted skeptic. 


Not.  Naught.  Knot.  Battleships. Raincoats.  Honey Bear and Guitars playing for me.  Not sure what it is I think we should be saying.  “Not In A Thousand Years.”  Will we improve on this. Its perfect.  But of course, the women are saying something different.  They always do.  Giver of Life.  Teacher.  Social Organizer.  And this has me thinking,  should I just go back to doing the things that come naturally to me.  Like smoking.  Like the smoking gun.  Like writing about it and saying,  Winnie The Pooh was right.  “Its all for naught.”  A thousand years you do not have.  “Smoke this.  Live for now.”  “Let’s March.”



[Pooh, Rabbit, Owl, Eeyore, Kanga and Roo are trapped in a hole and Piglet gets a rope - only to cut it up into six pieces]

Piglet: And six! There! Now we can ALL get out!
Pooh: How very thoughtful you are, Piglet.
Rabbit: [loses patience] Good grief! Tie them together, Piglet! Can you tie a knot?
Piglet: I cannot.
Rabbit: Ah, so you CAN knot.
Piglet: No. I cannot knot.
Rabbit: [in disbelief] Not knot?
Pooh: Who's there?
Rabbit: Pooh!
Pooh: Pooh who?
Rabbit: No! Pooh... eh... Piglet, you'll need more than two knots.
Piglet: Not possible.
Owl: Ah, so it IS possible to knot those pieces.
Piglet: Not these pieces!
Pooh: Yes. Knot those pieces.
Piglet: Why not?
Eeyore: 'Cause it's all for naught.


Now I jump to the subject of  A Thousand Years.  Starts with a song.  Lyrics.

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years [Official Music Video] - YouTube
Lyrics: I have died everyday, waiting for you / Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years / I'll love you for a thousand more
And then move on to something that is just on my mind these days.  ( Not )  In A Thousand Years.

Not sure what level we will stabilize at, after he goes on and on about love and business and the perfect design for a battleship or a raincoat or a life crafted on the illusion that it is soundly justified and is stable, when indeed we will find out:  It Is Temporary.  This is the perfect design.  There exist something better.  This won’t last.  Won’t last forever.  And the money you make off the existence of other people, be all for naught, you can’t take it with you.  And he says with a smile and simple understanding.  “Perfect.”

Friday, January 20, 2017

Look At Me

Look At Me

Up early on Friday morning and in America this will be a day to remember.  Alas, I don’t intend to rain on your parade or spoil the party, but am aware it will be a long day and into the night it will go, as we celebrate a political change and new president and on center stage we will feel the heat of a million lights and cameras, as Washington D.C.  on the east coast of America becomes home and stage of Party Central as the Republican Party takes over after being out in the cold for over 8 years.  Won’t be wearing pink, but hope to make a fashion statement.  Blond Wig to cover my bald head, for starters.  And when I write about political subject I usually am met with an empty comment field at the end of the day.  And I am good a judging the net effect and compensating as tomorrow I have the option to post another blog, not political and to welcome back a few, who come to see what is on the menu for that day.


And before I get sidetracked by a marching band, and the Pied Piper of Hamelim or the copy-cat.  Need to identify in lowercase terms what I am talking about.  Pied Piper is thought of as a person who induces others to follow or imitate him or her, especially by means of false or extravagant promises.  And before I forget, one more identity statement.  Been reading about the closure for the season of most research stations in Antarctica, because the ice shelf upon which it rests has developed a huge crack, and for now is becoming a show stopper.  And that is not good.  Especially on Party Night when the people in D.C. want all your attention to be pointed in a northerly direction, and not south of the equator.

So this brings me to mentioning that we will not be pushed off stage by Kremlin Reports or by loud conversation about global warming and how we are now on warning to expect doom and gloom. Tip of the Iceberg and is a need to identify in lowercase terms what I am talking about.  Tip of the Iceberg:  Only a hint or suggestion of a much larger or more complex issue or problem.  And this is where I want to start.  Marching Band.  Loud noise.  And Fireworks.  Oh, and one more thing.  Is party day and night, but I won’t be wearing pink, which as he said before, is only a hint or suggestion of a much larger or more complex issue or problem.  Don’t Ask, and I won’t tell.  Chelsea Manning’s sentence is commuted from 35 years in prison to current time served, which is 7 years or around that amount of time.  Outgoing President’s last act, and of course is being mentioned here as tip of the iceberg and Chelsea, with name and pattern change, might be wearing pink.  But not me.  On Party Night.

And now I am ready in uncertain terms to talk about everything else.   Falls under the heading of battle station centric and can be thought of as an alternative title for this blog, as he goes off topic, once again.  Not choosing sides in a publicized manner, but like it when I tell myself.  “Man your battle station.”  Not putting up a fight and will go along with wishes of the dominant party and organizers.  Like the world of Party Central and will make it a one-word addition to this sentence, which for some, has been commuted.  Not sure why, but is a conversation we can have at another time, or not at all.  Shrunk down and made for general consumption around the world wide web, he comes up with a nickname for Party Central, and that is embedded in his alternative title:  battle station centric.

For now we will use all of this to boldly celebrate the diverse and beautiful and the down-right weird.  Have no strategy for dealing with the incoming, but will give off the impression that I am having a good time.  All of this will come as Party Play On-Demand, and the more you pay for admission to the party,  the better chance you have to access the new administration and power, now coming onboard.  Active footage of party, with re-enactments and first-hand accounts of groping and lude conduct to be included free.  Replay and life-long party commitment.  A good opportunity to be successful, and sue your friends.   Will be a fun night.  For some.  And for many, to be expressed as A Grateful Nation, we will attend and party on into the night and for the next 4 to 8 years, unless our sentence is commuted, but probably not.


Down south the ice shelf is coming apart, and in tip of the iceberg format, there’s trouble up North.  To what extent any of this is important depends on media-savvy sensibility, and what will be reported in the news.  As it is, it has a faintly comic tinge to it.  Off-colored and not true red, white and blue, even so there is something mock-heroic about it, as it is said,
“ Look At Me.”

When I think about it, all of this is really cool.  World as I know it, is heating up.  Has a huge ice shelf ready to break off and declare its independence.  Really impressive and want to pay my respects for those who sacrificed so much, to make this all happen.  Am looking at all of this as a pivotal moment, and am unable for now to give a 1 to 10 rating.  Maybe after the celebration and beyond the hangover and recovery period, I will have something useful to report.  For now, am concentrating on what I am wearing.  Did you hear it when I said, “Won’t be wearing pink.”  But will dress up for the occasion. Wants attention.  Is egotistical.  Famous and getting more so with every moment that passes.  


All of this embedded in the publicity given to this historical event.  Listen.  Watch. Download.  Replay.  By the magic of technology we are invited to the party.  Not sure if where we are positioned, we will have the best view, but with big screen protection to our front room, it is possible, you won’t be left out.  Big Party Night.  See you there. Perhaps.  Many have decided not to attend, but then again this is America, and we are like that.  More often than not.