Wednesday, April 23, 2014



I am trying to do my best, in the face of Waterloo.  Going to war with myself.  You see we have made an election promise, and now its midterm elections for some.  And now we have to tweek our message, not saying: " No more war. "  But am putting an emphasis on the facts.  Bin Laden is dead.  Iraq and Afghanistan.  Done with that.  Putting Hawk Talk on mute.  So now we need to find some jobs for the kids.  Put them through college, then pay them $10 to answer phones and push some buttons. 

Didn’t fix the potholes and bad roads in my neighborhood, but kept the children out of the bars and jails.  Well, sort of.  Changing the drug laws in some states.  Children at Risk can move there, or camp just across the river in those border states.  Life without borders and GSP.  Keeping track of you, but not in the way I thought I would.  So now I am starting over.  Imagining myself in your shoes.  Lose the Me-Me-Me state of mind.  Involves challenges, but I can do it.  Keep saying that. 


I am doing my best to get my head around this.  "No more war."  Cutting the defense budget.  So where does that leave us.  More jobs.  Bring the boys home.  Give them something to do.  Its time.  Don’t want to make this a baseball blog, but just reading.  And here is a partial quote.  From McClendon, the manager of the Seattle Mariners baseball team.  Not a perfect quote, is hit and miss.  Lot like what they do from the top down.  President.  Club Owner.  Management.  Don’t expect it to be perfect, but let it stand.  This is my final word on the subject.  "Until it isn’t."   


McClendon’s basic words.  "Are we short in some areas.  Yeah."   And goes on to give details.  "….We’re banged up a little….. been dealt a tough hand, but we’ll deal with that."  And here is the part I really like.  Makes my day in Clint Eastwood style.  McClendon said,

 "….We’ll bluff our way through it and in the end, we’ll be just fine."

So that is my message for today in this blog.  "In the end, we will be fine."  And to get my head around this compromise, I had a long talk with somebody I really trust about this."  Haven’t talked to this advisor for a year or two.  Just pulled the plug.  Was disenchanted.  Dude President into his second term, and haven’t seen the jobs or the troops home yet.  Oh they maybe be standing right beside me, but then these days I have to not notice who is carrying a gun and who isn’t.  In your shoes, and so I was looking for a safe place to stand and make a stand.  So I chose In Your Shoes to be. 

Hoping others can steady me.  No War.  Been a long time since anybody said that to me.  Not that I don’t believe you.  But is my plan to take you at your word, not be disappointed no matter how it turns , and hope for better roads, and things like that.  In the end we will be fine.  But of course I want to be fine now.  Everything is about now and instant gratification.  Want the baseball team to win now.  Yankees are doing that.  Seattle Mariners are not.  And am choosing to walk, and not fix another flat tire.  Bad roads.  Not a smooth ride.

So want to introduce you to my new voice.  Call her WhiteStone or StoneWhite, or just go along with my inability to name names and be perfect.  In the end we will be fine.  Remember that and don’t call me on my crap and inability to be more better.  It will happen when it happens.  And so I talked to WhiteStone and StoneWhite about this.  We agreed.  We would try to handle our business for another year. 

Will deal with the disappointments and how we invested a lot of time in all this, and are not truly satisfied.  Will deal with it.  Will talk among ourselves and help each other with the way it is.  Is what stonehead and whitestone have agreed to.  And will be the first to say, its not helping with the things that really are 

in my field of vision. 


Went to a baseball game.  Cold and Windy.  Team lost and gave me no reason for optimism.  But then I remember.  I hedge my bets.  Have a $20 radio subscription package for 2014 and no matter where I am, can listen to baseball on my computer, provided I am in range.  And most of the time I am.  Around in a life without borders.  Making it happen, but not in the way I expected to when I was in my 20’s.  But like they say, "Grow up."  And I did. 


And realize its never perfect.  Its often not even good.  But you learn to wait it out.  Figure out what the cycle and the ups and downs are.  Market adjustment and make due.  And during your time of leisure, have a little fun.  Block out what others are doing.  Get in Your Shoes.  Walk it off.  So that is what I am doing.  Saying over and over, "In the end, we’ll be just fine."  And add to that the current slogan.  No War.  Tis all have to say. 


Well, not really.  But is all I have to say without you with me.  Need a friend.  Need you.  But like I said.  Its not the way I thought it would be.  Me without you.  So as a compromise I will call my friend.  Somebody I really trust about all this In-The-End stuff.  And now its my turn to listen.  Comments and in conclusion.  What’s it like for you.  Today.  In Your Shoes.  

Saturday, April 5, 2014



It is just a matter of time and you will change your mind.  I do it.  The cat does it.  Even now, Microsoft is doing it.  And it doesn’t matter why.  At first I was thinking to ask, "Do you think it matters?"  and I answered my own question.  It matters.  It matters that I show up from time to time, and cry in my sleeve.  Or cry over spilt beer. 

Not to say the sheckles are running out, more like I hate to waste and its good to the last drop.  Not sure what advertising that was, maybe Maxwell House Coffee.  As I get older, I tell myself, just keep doing it.  It matters and why not?  Writing blogs and its simple.  Turn the computer on, and spend time with yourself and just write.  No time for criticism.  Failure is not the object.  Matters little if you are a professional or just some smuck like me, making good with what you have.  It all adds up to a good time, with baby in your lap, sucking on the pacifier.

Was looking at a cartoon, with an old guy with a long beard holding a sign, saying:  "The End Is Near."  I laugh.  Makes sense to me.  It matters, every conversation and interaction.  Time is a commodity and I noticed its been 3 weeks since I’ve posted a blog.  So now, its time.  Just do it.  Failure is an option, and we are only human.  Disappointing that something happens on our watch, and for a while it registers and we are sad.  You can understand.  It happens. 

But really, is it worth making a big deal about.  Depends.  If you are a role model, it matters.  Otherwise, continuance is a good word and a promising thought.  So what if you lack natural talent, keep writing.  Make that blog happen.  And so this is my small contribution to the big picture and its promotion.  Little things inspire me.  And yes, it matters.  What we do.

Ask the question.  Does it matter?  Stock answer, it matters.  And at some point you just want to bury your head in your arm and sob.  It matters who I am dating.  Ugly guy need not apply.  Ok I say that as a joke.  We all need love.  Come as you are.  And when you do, be prepared.  I will tell you loud and clear.  It matters how you look.  Next time put on clean clothes and comb your hair.  And that applies even if you are going to college and is early and you have been sleepless, for what seems like forever. 

Even so, we have to give it a little effort.  It matters.  We can fail.  We can do poorly, or average.  Getting a D is not the end.  Who cares how many sign up for ObamaCare.  Not in my neighborhood, where the young people outnumber the poor, 10 to 1.  Just saying, we don’t all live on facebook, nor live life as a beauty contest.  Some people do, but not me.  But the bottomline is that if it matters to you, then with due consideration, I can step back with what is important to me, and honor you and what you do, when you say, " It matters.  Listen up."

 So now we are done to basics.  Young person wants to go to college.  Needs a better job.  Wants to meet cute guys and marry one who can provide.  So matters.  ObamaCare.  Stay healthy.  The End is Near.  Obviously there is no end to it.  We can’t be heartless.  We have to care.  Wonderful words and to see it in print, just makes my day.  That is one way to celebrate a blog.  Big or small.  Sexy Tuesday.  It gets posted and for a minute we don’t have to feel bad about a child raised without a dad.  So that’s it for today.  It matters.