Tuesday, June 10, 2014



I am about to embark on a new approach.  Will take the position that when you and I sit down together, something good will happen.  Following this theme into a well written blog is my intention.  Scattered around the foreground of this thought, is my need to get back into the groove, make word-music that is harmonious and rhythmic and reoccurring.  Comes down to using my time in an efficient manner.  Have manners.  Sit down with you, and do more than say, "Howdy."   Do more than posture that I have oh so many friends on facebook, and no time to communicate.  Getting past the blank screen of an unintended mind, is easy.  Know that when you start this day, I want to be with you, at least in the beginning.  Won’t analyze what that means.  Mostly tuned in to the warmth of summer and the smile I just know, comes with you.   So we sit down.  Not like we sit across a negotiating table.  This is a volunteer assignment.  Making time.  Want to do this.  Not sure how deep my history with you might be, as this is a public channel and many unknowns come and go.  But on this day I will do my best to satisfy your every need, when you and I sit down together.

Maybe I should be more careful.  Lead with my head.  Give you something to aim for.  Know that satisfying your every need from a distance is wishful thinking, but then again its how in a perfect world, it should be.  Come with full intention to me nice.  To do what others desire of you.  Am sure you can understand this thought, even as we might question in the moment, how to go about doing this.  What he talks about mostly, is missing the opportunity to make things better.  Talks about being with you, without going into details.  And perhaps details are what we need.  Be specific.  What can you do for me?  And he smiles.  Its tea time.  Maybe just an early morning conversation before you shower and run off to work is all that is needed.  

It may be the little things that are important here, and we can pass by the idea that we choose to do very little together.  Know its impossible to spend a lot of time with each other, when he blogs only once a month.  Has gotten into that habit now.  And you want him or her to more available.  Thinking about that, I am sure that when you and I sit down together, we can discuss all that and a little more.  That would be exciting.


Truth is I have gotten myself over-extended.  Have too much meat, and no potatoes or gravy, nor greens on my plate.  Starved by attending to deadlines and basics.  Not enough time with you.  That is what comes to mind, as tea arrives and I stir the pot, with words sent in your direction.  Sit down.  Put it all together.  What’s on your mind? Do I have a laundry list and a code of conduct for handling my business, when I am making you my primary assignment for this day.  He talks a lot, when he makes himself available.  But he hasn’t been around lately.  Not sure what I think about that, as there are so many people on the Internet, why do I need to be concerned with him?  


Most of the time he is not around.  Why bother now?  And of course, sitting down with you, gets me in the mood.  Will make the best effort to talk about it, once we agree on a mutually inclusive topic that interests us.  And so I stare into the living room, noticing that it is empty.  Dogs in the backyard digging bones up, that were carefully placed, when he had yard time.  Have time on my hands and speculating that when you and I sit down together, this will be a happy time and as good as it will get for me, today.


Sounds good on paper.  But once in print, it bears a full examination.  The world is a busy place.  Who has time to just sit and have a cup of tea, and just talk.  This is not the 50’s, when only Father works, and mother has time.  And when he comes around, she enjoys his company.  Safe and wonderful contact with somebody out there that declares.  " I am here for you.  What’s up?"


I like it when we agree, having company can be fun and worthwhile.  The art of manliness suggests that he should initiate first contact, and then follow through.  Not just flirt with friendship, but actually be there, affirm that he is involved for the long run.  Having said that, he is aware he can’t have it all his way.  Agreement and disagreement happen even when just sitting down for a nice cup of tea.  Is only a metaphor for warmth and sharing.  Intimate corner of the kitchen, the nook, and realize that it is the inner fire that must be started, as most folks have electric heat, and campfire warmth is not included, when one sits down to conversation and tea.  


Now he realizes he does not want to talk about Starbucks and how they now have included tea on their coffee menu.  Confusing to me, what others do.  But now I know, its just you and I on this day, and the conversation should go in your direction, encouraging you to open up and surely, tell me what’s going on, what is important to you.  Tea, beer or hot cocoa.  Even coffee, and I am thinking its been a long time since we have done this.  Not exactly holding hands, but then again holding a conversation that interests both of us, is worth doing.  This is my chance to declare publicly that I adore you, and look forward to this time together.


You don’t believe him.  He hasn’t been there for you.  On your birthday.  When your team won the big game, where was he, exactly.  And that is the point.  It is difficult at best, when we don’t make time for each other.  Blogging and he comes around once a month, and tries to make things sound like this is the place and everybody here, is his best friend.  Not sure what the plan is.  Show up.  Create goodwill.  Leave a space where others can contact you, knowing you will at least answer your comments with a bit of substance, now that you have initiated the conversation.  


As for me, a biscuit and a cup of tea, and time writing as if you are sitting across the table from me, and hoping you feel the same.  Blogging is good.  Friends are something we all need.  Not a dispute resolution process, we realize he is doing his best.  Show up.  Be available.  And answer back.  Beyond that, what do we really expect from our online friends.  On this day, the subject as presented, sounds good.  But then again when you and I sit down together, our time together should suit the two of us.  And now I wonder.  Is this possible?  Blogging.  Online.  How satisfying can it get.  Having tea with him?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Searching For Lady Drummond



It has been a while since I have written a blog, and confess I have forgotten how to do it.  Will lay the blame on the aging process, realize that one of the blog spaces I post to is now 7 years old.  And was reading about the legends and pioneers of blogging and noticed over time, how I needed to get a life, spend less time online, and see if that would improve my quality of life.  In the beginning it seemed the thing to do.  Go online.  Blog.  See what others had to say, and come back another day to do it over and over again.  

That sums it up for me.  Blogging has now reached the middle stages of maturity.  Still around and a life-line for many, I have found myself in an outer-space of my own making.  Much like being on The Space Station, which has been renamed and adopted.  Still floating around, but just not the same as when it first went into orbit.  That is me and my relationship to blogging.  Less frequent now.  And again, I confess.  I have forgotten how to do it.

In a new stage of life.  Old enough to know better, but I insist.  Create a list.  Put things on it that if completed might lead to your happiness and efficiency level of being.  So am running around with a chip on my shoulder.  It should have been a puck, as in hockey puck.  But something happened on the way to The Big Dance.  And she says.  "Who gives a *uck?"  Hockey puck.  And I say.  "I do."  Well as you know, with communication the genders often speak a different language and get it wrong when in translation, you omit a letter for brevity’s sake  or because on the internet and blog you get censored for bad language.  

So one thing leads to another.  I say.  "I do."  And she thinks, "Man is getting too serious."  And does what any rational person would do.  She runs away.  So now I have a chip on my shoulder.  Am a little irritated, agitated and shook up.   Lost my appetite when I looked in the dishwasher, which was full of dirty dishes and had not been turned on for an entire month.  On top of that, in over-time of the final game # 7 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, my favorite team lost to the L.A. Kings.  So now its the L.A. Kings against The New York Rangers in the Stanley Cup’s final 7 matches of the hockey season.  "Who cares?"  She said.  And runs off.  Is the start of a common misunderstanding.  Boys and Toys and Sports Teams.  It all gets worse when I said.  "I do."

Here I am.  Have forgotten how to do all this.  Write a blog.  Have a meaningful relationship.  Get a life.  All those things are on my list, but first I find myself:  searching for Lady Drummond.  She ran off.  Not sure why, but it happens more often than I would like to admit.  Over the years you would think I would know what to do.  Write a blog.  Then read the comment.  " I don’t get it.  This is really confusing."  


And I tend to agree.  Not sure how its possible that my team, The Chicago Blackhawks of the NHL could possibly lose to The L.A. Kings.  But they did.  And it caused a problem.  She ran off and took the dog with her.  Not sure if this really happened.  Blackhawks lose.  But it seems like it.  And I am home alone.  Writing a blog.  Titled. Searching For Lady Drummond.  My blog for today.

Now I am looking for an unbiased opinion.  Am I wrong?  Did it really happen.  Is any of this real.  Does Lady Drummond really exist, or is this a dream.  Did I make it all up.  Been 7 years.  Been hanging on by the teeth.  Fact or Myth.  If you read his blogs you know Stoney Blogger is under-the-influence and should be taken with a grain of salt, when it comes to his dealings with others.  Relationships are not his thing.  Hockey and baseball and NFL football.  Now that’s another thing he professes to know a little about.  In the end he finds himself back online.  


More artificial than real, he swallows the truth and commits to finishing what he has started.  Writing a blog.  Searching For Lady Drummond.  " One blog a month."  He tells himself.  "What harm can it possibly do?"  So he does a search online.  Ends up with Diff’rent Strokes:  Season 6, Episode 13.  Drummond’s Lady  (  21 Jan. 1984 ).  Discovers that this story is about an unfavorable first encounter with a lady at the gym.  Makes him think.  Lady Drummond does exist.  But its still a problem.  She has run off.  He doesn’t know where to find her.   

So now he is back in the search for Lady Drummond.  Takes him to present day reality.  Finds himself in Montreal, Canada.  On Drummond Street.  Followed all the leads.  Clicked and drank his way to a likely place where she might be.  He followed instruction.  It said.  Click here to Locate Lady Drummond.  What actually happened is this.  He finds himself one block south, at the corner of Drummond rue and De la Gauchetiere Street, which is actually Bell Centre, home of the National Hockey League’s Montreal Canadiens.  

And then it hits him hard.  She is not here.  But the Montreal Canadiens are.  And he has to face up to it.  Blackhawks and Canadiens are the big losers here.  2014 and no Stanley Cup for them.  This makes me sad.  Along with the basic truth.  7 long years and I am still searching for Lady Drummond.  End of hockey season and I wonder why, she keeps running away.  While I am standing around in disbelief.  Crying in my beer.  "How is this possible?"  I ask.  When and where and how did all this happen?  Was it something I said.  Women and Relationship.  Men and Sports.  And it goes on and on.  Another bad dream.  Searching For Lady Drummond.  My blog for today.  Not so good.