Sunday, August 30, 2015

Life On The Half Shell



It is Sunday and I know there are those who curl up with tea or coffee or other drink, and watch Politics and Shows that have to do with the elections.  See where somebody named Scott Walker is talking about putting a fence along the northern border between Canada and USA.  We use to call them our friends to the north.  Now we are talking about walling them off.  And I am thinking,  Mr. Walker needs something to combat the ways of Donald Trump and the Hispanic vote.  So he tries to get us to think about the enemy factor, and who to subject next to the tyranny of his words. 


So they all are looking for ways to get noticed, before it is too late.  Thing is my blog is read in Canada and South of the Border and even in the United States.  Talking politics and religion is a show stopper.  You can do it, but your viewers depart and go elsewhere.  So we need to be selective here.  Write something people like to read.  And that indeed is the challenge.

Not sure I can use my blog to talk about  their issues, unless of course it is truly something that impacts me and I need a change.  I don’t need you, and will continue on.  You can do your own thing.  Good Luck.  And is how I will handle the reality TV methodology as they are trying to apply it to national politics. 


And is an old technique.  Distract the people with talk about WMD’s and Fake Wars that become like wildfires spreading out of control, and kill a lot of people.  In hindsight, maybe we would have turned down the volume on the enemies we create to do our dirty work, and then discredit, defeat and then roll over the opposition and stonewall free speech about such things. 


But of course, we have Sunday and our leaders show up on the national media covered shows, and blow smoke.  In Washington State and Colorado it is legal to blow smoke and talk junk.  If you get in the way,  they will shoot you.  But that is another topic I will not expand upon now.


But of course we will hope for due process of law and justice, but am thinking it would be better to stay in Washington and Colorado and let the people learn by trial and error that you are not a threat, won’t blow up the World Trade Center, and are not on a train in Paris doing harm.  Stay home Blow Smoke.  And maybe that is what Scott Walker is doing.  But is it legal and ethical at the same?  Not sure. 
Life on the Half Shell.
My blog for today. 

Half blog and half reality therapy using the printed word.  Beware.  Doctor’s in the house.  Nurse.  Nurse.  Bring it.  World is in disrepair, I need to get elected, and yes haven’t got the big money sponsoring me, so I need to use the media to get people to notice.  How am I doing?  Is the topic I will explore today.  Life On The Half Shell.  Maybe, half baked.


Life On The Half Shell and wonder how Stoney will spin it.  Half his world is going up in smoke via the thunder and lighting and thrown cigarette butt, still lit and things that start fires in a dry area.  Millions of acres and all he cares about is getting elected, and perhaps to limit loss of life, animals and people and unnamed critters that if found in your garbage can, would creep you out. 


The other half is also going up in smoke but it is legal.  Washington and has an ocean buffer off to the west.  Asian junk rolling onto his beach, but that is the past and the consequences are just being felt.  Makes for an opportunity, as he gathers it up, bills somebody for Clean Up and lives on, praising the existence of THE SUPER FUND.


 Doesn’t matter that what comes ashore is not radioactive.  Government and he has friends.  So he makes a living without running for president or getting into State and Local Office.  So don’t go off course. Stay on Message. World is made invisible by the smoke he is blowing, or smoke from the forest fires now coming to homes in Mexico and New Mexico.  But nobody is saying,
“Build A Fence.”
 Stoney is saying, “Life on the Half Shell.”  Now we need to figure out why this might be important.  Or wait, Sunday is almost over.  Time to go back to work. 

And sometime in September, The Yankees will play well enough to win.  Yes, am talking about baseball.  And then, comes football.  Not talking about The Fake Games and Scott Walker.  Moving on.  Sunday is almost over.  Half Baked media bursts and sparks and fire. 


Once the rains come, we will have a solution.  In the meantime,  watching TV and hoping the leaders of tomorrow have the answer is much like how I spend my time.  Life of the Half Shell and Half Baked.  And when we realize that blowing smoke in Washington and Colorado is legal, then we know.  Need to be careful who we listen to, and select as our next president.  But we know that. 

So we are just killing time until the real party gets started.  Maybe too early in the process to invest a lot of interest and time.  Not saying that we-the-people  have too many things and people to consider, but what if that is true.  And we are being exploited by the sheer number of candidates trying to get noticed.  Guess we can leave that for next week, and the political shows next Sunday.  That’s what occurs to me.

Half a good man is better than none at all.  And at this stage of the election process, feels like artificial insemination might be a hotter topic than forest fires and smoking pot in Washington State.  Have to do some investigation and uncover what is important to most of the people, all the time.  Not sure building a fence on our south or northern border is the answer.  Use technology.  Lasers and things we haven’t really seen yet, attached to hobby drones, operated by 10 year olds.  Zap things.  Make it risky to not go to the crossing station and do it the established way. 


Introduce the risk of the unpredictable, and make it legal.  Drones and 10 years and pot.  Might be the way of new leadership.  In the future.  Half a good idea is better than none at all.  Is that what stoney is saying, or is he just showing how it might be when Life on the Half Shell thinking goes global and to those on the other side.  It makes sense.  Less dangerous than North Korea and rogue Nukes.  Cheaper than building a fence, north or south.

So like I was saying.  Sunday and it is the end of summer.  Soon the forest fires will be dowsed by rain.  The wind will not be the factor it is.  Football begins.  Baseball ends.  And then we can give more attention to the politicians who are trying to get noticed and elected.  Yes,  you know what I am going to say next.  People on the Half Shell will say just about anything to get served.  Where I live there are lots of oysters and it is cheap to go to an Oyster Bar and get what you need. 


But maybe in other parts of the country, it is not so simple.  Maybe going on TV and saying just about anything;  is how it is done.  Just saying, where Stoney lives we blow and suck in a lot of smoke.  Sure it is not good for the lungs, and has the same effect of smoking cigars and cigarettes.  But it is natural.  It is green.

Half Baked and On The Half Shell.  Life as he knows it, being shared in a blog.  Wish you all a good Sunday.  Enjoy.  Words are Free.
Sort of.  But I would be careful who I listen to and who I elect as the next leaders of your conditioned state.  What they might do, impacts you or might.    Life On The Half Shell.  Be careful. 


Saturday, August 29, 2015

I Have A Choice


I think it is nice when on your blog space, a comment is left and it makes you feel good.  I also think that over time I have learned the hard way, to just go about your routine on the blogging front, and if you can identify your audience , write things suitable.  But how do you know, when the other class of online people show up, spam the site, make sexual moves and innuendo, and generally leave self-serving comments.  Then it becomes the life and death of feelings that can be and should be and might develop into positive actions by others.

But my experience is that we must adjust, and adapt and be okay with what you experience.  The blog site is free.  It is an open enrollment.  Social networking is most certainly a grand event for the geographically and mentally isolated.  So I like it when people use what they have, to make their quality of life better.  And The Others can benefit.  Am sure this is what the developer, Big Ben, had hopped for when making this site available.  So the hands of time turn.  A new generation of users come along.  

And I have decided it will be difficult to stay in the main stream and continue what I was doing.  And so I blog less and less.  And I have a choice about this.  And I know it.


So really what is it I want to share with you.  Distaste for the comments you leave.  The style and format of what I see, and I can do nothing about it.  Comes with a disclaimer.  You are here at your own risk.  Not sure that is something I really wanted to say.  But I did.  Want to be familiar in that traditional way.  But tradition has changed and the youngsters are old hands on the internet.  They come and they go.  And influence the ambience of the site.  We all have felt this.  And so I notice,  the regulars are not blogging.  Including me.


I do not care to cater to the invisible blogger who has nothing in common with me.  In the past, I would use natural selection and response to tell me who to share social interaction with.  And how to do that sharing, and when and to what degree.  As my blogs are quite quirky, and to find a  fit with my personality and content, is not necessarily a style suitable to all.  So I am good with an occasional WTF response, but  do not expend a lot of energy explaining myself, or staying in good standing with the Invisible Ones.  For me it is a come and go situation.  I write.  I post.  Sometimes the content is appreciated, and when its not, I deal with it.  By moving on.


Another day, and another complex accumulation of things to put into words and then distribute.  Word Art.  Keeps me from painting with The Littles on the walls, or tossing things and breaking windows. Try to be in good standing with the adult writer crowd, and not drop down, and be childish or child-like. Try to keep a sense of proper conduct and action going on.  But of course,  that’s not how it is.  I am not in control.  It’s a blogging site.  I have a choice.  Stay or Go.  Comment or Ignore.  And as time goes by, we can all be one happy family, or not.  Public Space.  Posting private or individual things.  Not Facebook.  And for that, I am grateful.

So rushing through all this.  Didn’t expect it to be a rant about being on the Internet.  I have a choice, and it is known to me, that this is so.  Am aware that if were to blog daily, then the general number of blogs written would sort things out, according to the laws of average, and by the sheer number of days shared, a familiarity and probable expectation of what you seek when coming here, would just work into the equation of this site and this blogger having compatibility.  Not rocket science.  Out in public and we will just try to get along.  And if not, less and less.  Will be the way it is, and people come and go.  Tis how it is.  Not sure it is wise to expect more.  But then again.  I do.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Twist The Bottle Cap


Here and now, and am up early hovering around the zero point, balanced between new found love, and a dislike for the way things seem to be, in the world of material display.  No substance and standards seem to be on a sliding scale, as people gear up, and show their professionalism, or lack of, and of course I speak to the issue of presidential candidates looking for something that will separate them from the pack; put distance between themselves and their competition.  And it should be noted that running for the presidency is not something to be taken lightly. 


It seems to be a zero sum game,  and people have their own way of betting on the outcome.  Long term or just back from a vacation, saying:  “What have you done for me lately.”  Wanted this to be a blog about the love of life, and exuberance and excitement that comes from having passion for the things we are doing and creating a special relationship with that involvement.  Call it love.  Love the game or the situation that has me calling all the shots, and if I am right, I can be president of the United States.  POTUS.


Remember everything is reduced to something you can type quickly on a small keyboard, like your smart phone.  Big fingers and a lot of movement on a crowded train.  Somebody is hungry and brings out the big guns.  Have to stop what we are doing, be part of an intervention, changing the course of outcomes, and in doing so earn the French Medal of Honor.  So did happen and the media writes about it.  How young American military saves the day, limits the damage from an animal just looking for a meal, and in doing so goes beyond the zero point and adds to the folklore of how ordinary people become heros and saviors of life, just overnight.  And all you have to do is ride a train, and pay attention.  Have a plan.  Execute.


And then let others tweet and write and the rest just happens.  Overnight sensation with a lot of hits.  New front page news that gets our interest.  Only now it is digital and is seen and disappears before we get a true understanding of things.  Zero Point Tolerance and find myself hovering between a new found love, The Digital Sage, and something very easy to grow tired of and in many ways, dislike.  Can you say, “Baseball cap and Donald Blowhard.”   Using Tweet and Digital Exposure to discredit the competition.  And by example, if you ask me, “The methodology is primitive.”  Disarming, actually.  Targets the most unlikely source and people.  Get in the way and you will be steam rolled by a billionaire and by the media.  Digest that and then realize, your new found love has become a monster, growing larger and larger.  Now a threat.


That is where the American Military Youth show their strong side.  Stand up.  Disarm the bad guy.  Let others do what follows next.  Terrorist or Just-Hungry?  Lawyer Up and see what happens.  Jails overflowing and Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and it  is moving to a location near you. Making Nice with our neighbors to the south, Cuba and others. Places of Suffering are soon to be no more, or maybe we just change the name and the place and do business as usual.   Now we need to vote.

Humanitarian Good works, or execute the dude.  Democracy and we should vote.  What should be the fate of the hero guys?  And the bad guy?  Zero Point Something and I am still hovering around the whole idea, New Found Love or Big Time Monster:  Running to be POTUS and it occurs to me.  Is good it only happens every 4 years where I live.  Any more often and it could become so disruptive, it would be hard to set the table and put food out for those who need it. 


 Seems so simple.  Shake things up.  Twist the bottle cap and see what happens.  Champagne and the cork flies across the room.  “Cheers.”  We hear.  Warm Soda and there is fizzle and an outpouring.  Later we get a towel and clean up the mess.  And that has me thinking.  “I need a drink.”


Welcome to my world and my new endeavor; Project Life.  Am blogging because I realize my last blog, Killing Time was written 3 weeks ago and it is depressing.  Started out with the right theme about being retired  and having too much time to do very little.  Hence, daily blogging which became a once a week endeavor.  Summer and he goes outside.  The blog stops here, and we are left with Killing Time, which is a dreadful topic.  Now we need a replacement.  Twist The Bottle Cap and see what happens.


Not saying one candidate will be any better than what we had, but nothing remains the same and it is time for an election and another leader to step forward and show us what we need to do.  Start another war.  Just ride the trains and see what happens.   Compete and create jobs and a new found love for materialism and the capitalism that makes good, the assembly line and a new design I can buy or buy into.  Get a job.  In time, perhaps retire.  Do all the things we have always dreamed of.  Like being safe and putting food on the table, and maybe even go to Paris.  Perhaps, romance and fall in love.  New Found Love and a new POTUS.  Capitol Economics and The Elections are big business.  Billionaires Anonymous.

And here I am, seeking a new found love and a twist to the Bottle Cap Story.  Made in China.  But now not doing so good On Wall Street.  Life chaotic with the ups and downs of the marketplace.  North and South Korea staring at each other across the demilitarized zone.  And on this day it has me thinking.  Young American Military Presence.  Now French Hero for this week.  Makes sense to me.  Killing Time and retired out and about in Left Field, waiting for something to happen.  So I blog.  And that makes me happy.  Hovering around the zero point, and am waiting to see what happens next.  Election Year and people positioning for power and control and wealth.  It’s a business and can’t wait to see what happens next.

It is exciting.  The Donald says, “    ….not political correct and I don’t apologize.  I’m a billionaire.”  And has me twisting the bottle cap, and waiting to see what happens next.  Tomorrow will be another day in my ongoing Project-Life.  And if I have nothing better to do, I will blog.  Otherwise, Killing Time and absolute silence.  On the train.  Somewhere in Paris.  Hero Time.