Thursday, February 19, 2015



It takes practice to repeat the success  you had, just last year.  And as we go through this life, we realize, youth indeed was a gift and exceeded all expectations.   I am one of the lucky ones, but it still takes effort to put out and be received in a genuinely gracious manner.  I extend myself, but by this time in life I know what I am good at.  And am saying this because I was just looking out the window, kind of a gray day, and looks like a whisp of light rain.  But I can deal with that. 


Mountains to the west, buildings to the east.  Great contrast and a breath of fresh air, from the mountains and across the water, now reaching out to me, and I am grateful.  Thinking about being in the mountains or just in climate and weather, dealing with the next incident of life.  Terrific.  And brings me to understanding how fortunate my life has been.  But then arrive back to my first thought.   It takes practice.


Baseball thoughts.  Spring Training.   It takes practice to be this good, but is why they pay them and discard them when performance wanes.  As for me,  I see the big picture.  Mountains to the West.  Buildings in the East.   Stand tall and improvise.  Check out the online hype and then wander off.  Call it a day.  Most are stuck at the office, or in a sweatshop, or at home working the computer.  Just managing.  Getting by.  And I notice today is Chinese New Year.   Was at the Asian store just yesterday.  Was fun to see the people out and about, preparing to celebrate with their families.  I liked that. 

For me, it mostly about Tiers of Family.   Am the grandfather type now.  Flux and flow between the constant of thought and dream, mixing Asian seasoning with Euro-Refinement.  Mediterranean Diet and  all of this reminds me to say by prayers, brush my teeth, and wave when out in public and you pass me by.  Not that the baseball season is fast and furious and fleeting.  So many ways to make the adjustment, gage the pitch and strike out.  Is what I do when I go west into the mountains, leaving the city behind.   I find it cute that Chinese New Years celebration surrounds me with the pink of Cherry Blossoms, and crab bisque. 


Takes practice  to dabble in the cultural affairs of people you don’t even know.  Takes practice to blend in.  And I am thinking, who cares that you were just this close to winning 2 Super Bowls in consecutive years.  Can you throw a  97 mph fastball.   Can you out run me?

Heartbeat and strong hands is almost enough to turn the corner on yesterday, and make your way along the corridor of wisdom and truth.  Is important to know what the children are doing, but as it turns out, with cell phone and smart device in hand, its all so deceptive.  Not like everything is a countdown to disaster, but as the election year gets closer to electing a supreme commander and chief, you see people lining up and hoping to get some of the offerings the system dangles in front of the ambitious ones. 

As for me, it takes practice to look the other way.  Go back to Day 1   and Transcription 12.   Memorize the parts I missed, and hope to improve.   Calgary.   Hockey.   Lent.   Cold enough to shiver and not go around with bare feet.  Mostly seeking out a lull in the storm.  Seeking a walk down to the ferry dock, and then due west.  Into the mountains.  Not working.   Have enough for now.   Plants on the deck below are turning green.  No worry stalks me and not really tomatoes that inspire me to practice more.  Heartbeat and strong hands, and I adore you.   That’s enough.   For now.


Technical difficulties do not deter me from practicing on the wire of the unknown.  Slip and fall, and you are destined to meet your maker, or so might priced doctor, or at best another trip to Medicare to see if your insurance covers all of this.  As for me I know.  Its just a test.  Its just words they give to you, like an implant for mind control, as they prepare you for the arduous path you are about to embark on.   I remember youth.   I remember the View Nam War.   I remember thinking it would be nice to have a warm bath, but times were brutal.  Deferred and often deported, time warp and stale sandwich.   No McDonalds.  No Subway.  


Mountains and Building became a rally cry.  911.  And so it is, it takes practice to keep the peace, rattle a sword and control the sun and the snow and be the star of this afternoons practice.   We look forward to it.  Everybody loves the day their paycheck is deposited.  Chinese New Year.  Drones in my backyard, and I am thinking.   How’s it going.  Anything new?