The Trump Card
There is no reason to go into
details, as this is part of my retirement routine, and is my way of fighting
off the urge to go back to sleep and just get it over with. Not induced by anything specific like drugs
or alcohol or PSTD or any of the complimentary LSTD-like coded words that might
bring you up to speed and enable one to say, “Oh he is living that kind of existence.”
More like I have been going over and
over the same territory, staring at my fingertips as I examine myself for flaws
and signs of breakdown and decomposing elements of the essential kind.
Staring at my hands, and up the arm,
and now consider another 10 minutes looking at my feet, but know that if this
is my final act in this morning ritual, then I will have no will nor energy to
complete the thoughts I am having as I start my day. Which
as I see it will culminate in the endless cycle of inconsequential actions that
map the territory of an expended individual and the experience of retired that
teeters on the edge of extreme contradiction.
So head to toe, or more like finger
nail to toe nail examination of my body is an option, but as I stated at the
I decline.
I am warming to the task. Slept in late and spent the first hour
thinking I may have missed something.
Again it would be harmful to go into detail, as this is what I have done
all my life, and where it has gotten me, teeters on the cusp of forces external
to me taking over, and there is nothing I can rationalize and transform into
positive action in the opposite direction of what others do.
So here I am, caught in a mass movement that I
elect to ignore. Without details it all
becomes a matter of conjecture. Just
exactly what is the situation a retired person faces? Might be his platform of protection to say, “ Wait For It.
It is one of those experiences you have go through on your own.”
Of course we know that this phase of
his life and reading about it as he writes another daily blog, is one of those
tricky passages of word play that is or could be hard to understand. The story is his cover. It acts as a subdivision of his intentions to
share all of this with you, but without the agony that comes with the thousand
yard stare, starting at his fingertips and going as far as possible without
using instruments of detail. Instruments
of disclosure that might exaggerate and distort the grossness of his toe nails
in full review on the Internet, and posted as a graphic that often accompanies
the narrative of his blog.
It is just one day. One blog.
One in a constant flow of too-many to share and make sense of. Hate to continue on and pester you with a blog
that is meant for my amusement only. Is
an instrument of play for me, and the interplay with an interested party that might even be an avid reader of this
blog, is included in the range of vision I have, as I try to reduce this 1000
yard state to something useful in the moment.
Off on my own tangent and thoughts,
covering the space between us is all but impossible. Is why I say, “No details. Just words as he decides to put them on this
page.” Helps me be clear about the need
to cultivate suspense about the outcome and more so, about his intent of
involving others. I like it when people
read my blog.
Simple like that.
There was a time when I played the
game just for fun. First wife was gone
and I had no children at the time. Had
time on my hands and did experiment with the details and meaning of life. Small and exciting it was. Technology was not what it is today. Small steps and we had time to enjoy what we
were doing. Played a game. It was called Bridge. Had something to do with Trump Cards and
making your bid. It was fun. I played only with loved ones and family and
friends, so close we could not tell ourselves apart. But that was in the old days. Now our phone is also a camera. Details expose me in the picture that is
displayed instantly with a click of a button.
Click. Click. All is known.
No mystery, as you can see it for what it is.
Not sure what I am leading up
to. Has been a frantic pervious
year. 2015. It has been like a take-over of my senses and
the world I once was part of. Seems like
I am going through a cycle of misunderstanding.
Not sure what others are doing, nor what they want, and how any of what
is going on around me is to impact the current day I find myself with. So I have developed and have this 1000 yard
stare. Blog and emphasize my
insufficient commitment to the world-at-large and my state of affairs, caught between what is important to you, and
what is incomprehensible to me. A
balance and it is time to play my Trump
Not sure what the outcome will
be. The 1000 yard stare comes when I
find myself at war with everyone and everything. The power centers are shifting. The enemy is elusive and difficult to find,
even with today’s technology. And so it
is, I see the world as fat pigs, dogs
and slobs and disgusting.” And when that happens it is time to pack it up, go
home and say in a defiant voice. “I am
retired. It is okay to ignore me.” Seems
like a vulgar way to make a simple
point. Time has taken me away. It is not something I will debate.
And that brings me back to The Trump
Card. Is Thursday and am reading how there
will be a final Republican Debate before the Iowa Vote, which is but the start
of a process that interests me.
Democracy. Voting. Power.
Muscle in the system that has powered me to where I am today. Retired.
Safe. Content. Staring at my hands and possibly my feet,
asking myself, “What adventure awaits me today?” And this is my Trump Card, and it gives me
comfort to lay it on the table and
escalate the attack in the game I play.
Now I wait. To see what
happens. Is it enough. Did I win?