Wind of a Hostage Moon
Working my way across the quad, is
what I called it when in college. Those
days are gone, but still have certain things in mind that still help guide me
through my day. Quad, or grid or maze,
and he operates in a purple haze and doesn’t really think about Prince and MIA
celebrity that just isn’t around until we hit on-demand replay and there they
are. Music and visuals and lights and action. Is how it comes to me as I work my way into
today’s theme for today’s blog effort.
Did come to mind early in my
staging of this event, that ‘… if you can’t play nice and be safe and
non-threatening when in the presence of others, stay home.” Now that is being said at an executive level,
and seems others are treating this as if it’s a brand new thought and way of
looking and doing things. It is not, at
least not in my neighborhood. So will
walk around and take notice of how others are dealing with these top-down
notions coming our way, for orienting ourselves and playing in the sandbox of
life, world-wide.
For me, I will summarize it as the
wind, now blowing hot and cold. Put a stamp on it, and register it as The
Wind of a Hostage Moon. Then sit back,
partially satisfied, but know there is more to say on the subject and follows this blog into more white
space. And the world as I know it
revolves around the sun, with the wind and moon in subordinate positions. Is how I see it, as I walk across the quad.
Not sure if this has anything to do
with a cooling earth, or about hot-springs giving off steam as new elements
surface. Top-down spin around the planet
and is like a new toy given its few moments of your time, until the novelty of
it all wears off, and you put it down and move on to some other form of instant
gratification. Said and done. “Let’s go for a walk. Join me if you will. Coffee for those who
endure and stay with me. “
Not sure how serious I am with all
of this. First days and is like washing
the new car endlessly, until you realize you have a license, but no insurance
and are going nowhere until the devil in the details and there is release into
the mainstream, where everybody operates as a legal. Not sure what that means, as the rules for
engagement are changing hourly, and day after day.
Once said, top guy changes his mind and verbiage and
spin, and brings me to how I have balanced all of this in my daily environment
and routine. Treat it all as Wind of a
Hostage Moon and wait for it all to reach me, one way or another. Eventually man will go into space and when
appropriate, learn how to deal and survive the new conditions found around the
body of mankind. First Days. Washing The Car. Going nowhere.
No insurance. No valid visa or
travel permit. Sounds familiar. Not really.
Wash the car.
It is a new day. Woke to the happiness of being alive. New possibility, or possibly just going to
work and following through with scheduled commitments. Alive and he repeats the
mantra he lives by. “Movement is life.” And doesn’t hesitate to embellish all of
this, to show improvement and positive
reaction to progressive change. Wants to
talk about the wind of a hostage moon, and do so such that those around him
show a little interest. Sees it as an
extension of Marshall McLuhan’s teachings when he was back in school, sitting
at the master’s feet, taking it all in and making of it what he could. Limited and it was new. “The media is the message.”
And that was 1960 and before
computers and the world-wide-web and dancing on the surface without actually
being earth-bound. Technology and we
began to rise. Before going to the moon,
but even so: technology leading the way
and we learned as best we could about the wind of a hostage moon and the space-station
that aero-space community was putting on the drawing board. So showed interest in all things new, and
when the top guy said, “Media is the message.
Let’s Tweet.”
Now is a new day. They took the Tweet away and in its’ place
comes an executive order. “If this is
you, go home or go away, until you can learn to play nice.” And for emphasize adds, “Not in my backyard.” So sounds like wind of a hostage moon making
its presence known, and has me thinking, “Do I need a coat?”
Sounds like we are choosing to do a
case by case approach to movement. “Movement
is Life.” I said as part of my
statement of purpose as this day revealed itself to me.
Now I am starting to figure it
out. How would it be, if I was you? But is too complicated in this days’ version
of media spin and planet that is in the air, and if you don’t like it, you can book a trip, but uncertain now, what
happens when they say, “Everybody else, but not you.” And this is how you know, gonna have a bad day, and nobody wants to be
you. Or so it seems. When it is happening to you, and nobody seems
to want to address the situation. Wind
of a Hostage Moon.