Friday, February 22, 2013



I am a confidence man.  Pull the hood over my head, hood-wink me if you can.  Does this offend you?  That I defend my physical prowess or lack of.  Offend Defend:  Physical Confidence.  My blog for today.  And yes, is way more than just body language and smoke signals behind leaded-glass.  Has a lot to do with how one sees into the mirror of self-existence.  Physical verification that brings confidence as each day passes, and if it does not, do we still defend the position that offends others. 

Interesting thoughts to me, waiting to be revealed.  Inner thoughts of a confidence man or wait should we say,  this confident man in front of you.  Offend or Defend.  Let’s take the position.  Take the position that its good if its all natural.  No steroids.  No mind games.  Its all about the pre-release special, what happens when his performance comes up a little short.  Defend him and say, “Can happen to us all.  Having a bad day.”  Or say, “I was offended by his performance.  He disrespected me by not bringing his A-Game.”  What was he thinking;  What’s going on?

Physical Performance.  Minimal confidence.  Have to do better, before she beats the crap out of him.  She expects better.  In the real world, away from the cameras.  Situation made easy, just bring it and make sure its good.  Don’t disrespect me by constant freefall from now on.  Had a bad day.  With that I agree.  Now what, should I take you off my dream team, and void you from my day dreams and fantasy sessions. 

Easy girl, and not saying I am one.  But it would be better if and when the physical performance is better than to be expected.  Kiss and Make Up.  Improve your physical performance and make-up.  And that’s the plan, behind this blog:  Offend or Defend:  Physical Performance.

And now I am waiting for The Oscar’s.  Reaching out for the girl on the stage.  Will take what she gives me.  Best Actor.  Best Performance.  Want to feel good.  Receive your applause.  Will keep the acceptance speech short.  Is about trust and love and having confidence in this man and his performance.  Center Stage.

Have read his blogs before.  Not sure what I read and what it has to do with me.  Perhaps nothing.  Might be his Vanity Fair showing.  I am ready.  More than banter and body language.  Direct  contact.  Embraced and Dazzled by you.  Is more than just rapport and connection.  Is the inner feeling of confidence, yours and mine.  Nothing that is offensive nor has to be defended.  Just you and I. 

With all the confidence necessary, so make your move.  Impress yourself, and with that you will satisfy me.  Simple like that.  Is all about  building self-esteem and incremental improvement.  One kiss at a time.  And that’s it for today.  Short and Simple  Pre-release for the big event.  Oscar and Hollywood Night.  Paying tribute for performance and the best of everything.  Every detail on the screen and in the audience, I hope you will applaud.  Even if its true, the Oscar didn’t go to you.  Not this year.  But let’s not rule out the possibility of next year. 

Best Man of the Year. 

Best Performing Partner.

How cool is that. !!!!.


  1. Sorry Seedrum. This time I didn't get it.

  2. This is a blog about appearances and what individuals want, and what the outside world projects, as something of worth.

    Oscars and entertainment, often sets the standards for what some think is the performance standard.

    On the other side of the world, this is but a frivolous view: What people think and does it offend, or is there really a basis to defend one's view and performance. Case in point: Steroids in Sports. Is this what we really want for our children. As always, I don't spell it out, what I really want to say, as this is not just an american playground, and world wide, I do not seek a consensus.

    appreciate that you look in. Oscars and analysis of the movie tendencies, just another distraction: who needs?

    be well.

  3. Thanks. Just a quick response at the moment. I am with you, 'Oscars and analysis of the movie tendencies, just another distraction: who needs?' If I was interested I might ask why do they need. Perhaps to be part of the herd. Later I'll look at the whole piece.
