Tuesday, July 30, 2013



A man needs a little help and where does he go to get it!!  Cosmic question or just common sense?  Am adjusting my radar, and fine tuning my intuition and suggesting change and new methodology.  But not really, as I am a creature of habit.  Nobody knows better than you, what has gotten you this far.  How old are you?  ( O.K., I don’t really want to know. )  Still acting like a kid?  Perhaps.  And what does it matter, as we all have a personal methodology for completing our day.  Back to what I was saying at the start. 

Man needs a little help.  Where do we go to get it?  Street walking?  Ask a stranger?  Or better yet, stay at home and be safe.  Power up the computer.  Tweet someone.  Or Facebook.  Ask.  "Can you help me?"  And I am willing to bet, this is not going to work.  Just saying this from gut feeling, as I have not done a factual study on soliciting help using the Internet.  And am not planning to.  Will remain self-sufficient and work as an independent agent for my own self-interest.  Is how its been for a long time now. 
 Why do anything different?

Why do anything different?  That might be my real theme for today, and I am just casting bread upon the water, to see what happens.  Once in a while you need a change.  A man needs help.  And yet, here I am.  Struggling with the notion that going online to solve my problem will really work.  Look in the direction of capable men and women, and see myself in the mirror reflection.  Been here before.  Slams the door on charity and stranger’s wanting to shake my hand, while walking down the street.  Been tricked a few times.  Shake his hand then go quickly into a sales pitch, naming this and that, small children and possible the poor, then ask for a monthly automatic payment from your credit card.  And its a professional approach, and it works.  Solicitor’s on the street, waiting to shake your hand.  And of course, I resent it.  Another human tries to reach out and touch me, and I veer away.  Resist. 

Not a long blog.  Its been awhile.  Putting off writing because its summer and I get outside more, or not writing because I have other things on my mind.  That’s it for today.  A man needs a little help.  And this thought comes to me.  Maybe I should try stand-up comedy, and make this a laughable situation.  Try something different.  Chuckle and Laugh.  And have a little fun.  For now that is my potential solution.  Have a good day.  Stand-up comedy.  Now that has me laughing.  For a while.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013



Is all this but a mental thing, stories planted in the mind, or even more in the headlines we call news.  And did notice lately how the printed word is losing out to digital-everything.  And now we are heading towards the cloud.  Saving trees, perhaps.  Still wiping our butts with forest products and chopping down trees and clearing land, because population is on the increase.  Or maybe that’s just another perpetuation of the media.  Nobody knows but you, and then sometimes even that is subject to interpretation and question.  And so this has me wondering, what’s new.  And is it really news, or just a continual creation of the publisher, done for money and that’s about it?  Not sure journalism and its integrity is in tact.  But that’s not really my topic for today.  Was wondering what the impact of digital technology  on our minds and behavior might be.  3-5 year olds playing violence-based video games, while Mom or Dad is in the shower.  And something persists.  How good is this.  And I suggest.  Nobody knows but you.  Its your children.  Your life.  Your story.  And again I wonder.  Is all of this but a mental thing?

High-Tech Humanity.  Is there such a thing.  Are we under the influence, always?  Is it a crime.  And so I explore and press on.  Unhinged by it all, probably not.  Is a constant state of finger pointing.  Exposure is money through branding.  Make a name for yourself.  Play it out and let the headlines pick up the story.  Matters not that it is inconsequential and a made-for-public creation.  Meeting and its a professional pursuit.  Media Creation.  Turning the light on certain individuals.  Keeping the story alive.  And is there a natural end to all things.  When they stop mentioning our name, Are we dead.  Are we more than just a story in the minds of others, Nobody Knows But You.  

All of this brings to mind and to the surface reflection of my last though, that a secret smile exists, radiates the room and night, as sarcasm and doubt is amplified by the physical presence of you.  Instant verification that I am in love with life and its off-springs.  Magical extension of population and DNA.  The example is everywhere.  DNA sampling.  Identify me by my biology and elemental Letters, A-B-C.  Forget the story, just come in, take a DNA sample and verify.  S/he was here.  Very clever how technology and science is taking over and becoming the reason for our existence.  Funding and Branding and Hearsay.  What is and is not.  Nobody Knows But You.


And often we are left in the dark.  People around us, even our government listen in, download our emails, and play and stream our lives.  On Demand.  Can we say this is true or not true.  Or will we be a fugitive if we do?  Rules and Justice and so much more.  Law and Order.  Keeping us in line.  And silence rules in many cases.  Here it is before our eyes, and we can not share it with others of our own kind.  Its that secret smile they radiate.  The privileged few who decide.  And that is what I am thinking.  Is it just a story.  Or a product of the mind, which threatens me and alters my behavior.  As I said in the beginning.  Nobody Knows But You.   

In the end I have to ask.  How much is too much.  Do I watch too much TV or screen-life.  Is my 4 year old playing violent video games and its showing in his behavior among The Littles.  Should I worry. What’s the concern here? 
When it comes to our children and even, to you and I.  The protection must be built-in to the life we live.

And suddenly it is being said, "It's us against them."
 But who is "us" and who is "them?
And then I realize:

Nobody Knows But You.  Maybe.  

Friday, July 5, 2013




I have asked the Rain-gods to cease, long enough for me to take my daily walk.  Walk and daily habit and writing about something first thing in the morning, while drinking tea, is both therapeutic for me and my experiment to keep the mind and body in synch for the duration.  Lately I have been replaying the refrain, "Use it, Or lose it."  I remind myself, not to sit around all day.  Have a schedule.  A job.  Man-made even.  Don’t let the forces overcome you.  Not every movie is worth seeing.  


So that is the main focus of this blog today.  Movement is life.  Spectator sports and watching television are permitted, but only when its raining, and you choose to stay in, to watch your favorite NFL football team win on any given Sunday.  Limit your consumption.  Whiskey.  Spectator activities.  Bad movies.  And that’s my mindset for this Friday morning.  Write.  Think.  Move.  


And when do you think, his writing is a moving experience, and you need to get yourself some.  Probably, never.  But it’s all rhetoric.  And a form of self-help.  Now is the time to say in bold letters, Walking Is A Healthy Activity.  And the dogs will thank you, a thousand-fold in ways too numerous to tell.   Without knowing and fully understanding about the connection between you and your dogs, nor between the brain and walking, it is safe to suggest:  Dementia is not the way to go.  And the older we get, it is safe to say, "Use it, Or Lose it."  My blog for today.  Walking ( the )  Dogs.


Have you ever thought about why you like them?  Or why dogs have 4-legs and no Ferrari.  I have, and even the most disgusting thing can influence the brain, and promote improvement.  Stupid thoughts are more better than no thoughts at all.  Say it again for all to hear.  Dementia.  Your dog loves you.  Ok that might be an exaggeration.  It might be that when you take them out for their daily walk, it only reinforces their habit.  Like watching spectator sports or too much TV.  But it happens anyway, and more so when there is more than one canine in the house.  They have a way of letting you know. " Geesh Master, Aren’t you forgetting something."  Let’s go for a walk.


Walking brings about a most remarkable effect that is equally important for me and for the dogs.  60 minutes of physical activity, and with 3 dogs on a leash, tugging and pulling and jockeying for position and all the things that can happen, when it all is said and done, and I return to my favorite chair.  I notice.  We all settle down.  Are calm.  Its a remarkable effect.  World Peace.


I briefly mentioned dementia.  And how it comes to me that the wife is right when she says, " You watch too much tv.  Sports."  And my best comeback is when I tell myself, I don’t want to dwell on it, the canine brain, nor what my wife just said.  Dog brain activity and basic intelligence, theirs or mine or the wife’s is not my specialty.  So when she leaves the room, and the dogs are sleeping, I turn up the volume and tune-in.  ESPN.  After Walking Dogs.  After The Wife has her say.  I work on my favorite old-age project.  Slowing Dementia.  Ignoring some things.  You know what I mean. 

It supports mental health.  Tuning it out.  Regulating thought patterns and the daily routine.  Sitting in my chair.  I fully agree .  Use it, Or lose it.  And I know.  Its just a matter of time.  The dogs will walk.  Notice what time it is.  And stir.  Gang up on me.  Demand their afternoon walk.  Its what they do.  Wives and Dogs.  And its times like that, I surely realize.  It is not important who pulls who on dog walks out on the path.  What is important, is getting out.  Having a few minutes of solitude.  But not during bad weather or in a blizzard.  


Walking everyday, is what they do.  And that’s when I often think.  The best way to please the family is to let them join in.  And so I tell the wife.  "Yankees are on TV.  Do you want to go for a walk with me, and the dogs."  And that’s when I know.  Getting old.  This blog.  This blog writer.  And for the moment, am happy.  Even when I know.  Its just a matter of time.  Wife and Dogs and Dementia.  Will have their say.  And there is very little I can do about it.  This I tell myself. 

Smart Solitude is creating healthy doses of well-designed time alone.

And then fall asleep.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013



So I was thinking.  4th of July.  Summer and a time to get out.  Summer and just wanting to be seen.  Looking good.  In the shade.  On Land.  At sea.  People watching.  Beautiful tan.  Bikini-pretty.  And even if all that is but a dream, my theme for today.  Man Hunt On.  And was thinking more about the man and woman game.  Based on looking, but in a stealth-based psychological way.  Where no one is desperate yet.  Age 30.  Age 40.  Age not telling.  The clock is ticking.  Are you looking for a man.  Or a companion.  A human presence.  Fourth of July in America. 

Man Hunt On.  Some what embarrassing.  But not really.  It took a long time to get the last guy.  Why should this be any different.  And its just a talking point.  Summer and if on a beach, we pray you are blessed and see Mr. Georgeous  or  Ms. Pageant Beauty.  But all in all, just have a safe and sane independence day.  Enjoy your freedom to express and be.  Find some shade.  And by that look in your eye signal.   Man Hunt On.

I keep wondering what contentment looks like.  When we ever get enough.  Number of variations on the game, or going out, looking for a man, a woman or a companion.  How long will it take.  How long will it last.  That certain feeling.  This is so good.  Hunt and Chase.  Flirt Happy.  Showing your charms and assets.  Slimming down and wearing something cool.  Being out in public.  Hoping you will run into him or her or them.  And they will say, " Please join in.  Having fun."  Sounds promising.  A place to start.  Summer and you can let your hair down.  Breath and relax.  Not all things are political or serious.  A few days away from work.  Reveal and be the remarkable person you are.  Again I say.  Holiday mood.  Have some fun.

Would be nice if finding your man or companion was easy.  Not saying it is.  Some find and keep, and search no more.  Others keep hitting the airports, read the magazines, and continue the search, regardless of where they are or what time it is.  Endless search.  Man Hunt.  Mr. Right.  Does he actually exist.  And I smile.  By definition , Man Hunt is an organized and extensive search.  You might even have a picture in your mind or on your wall, of the one you are looking for.  On one hand, its a chase and capture game.  Charm him.  Keep him.  Have him coming back for more. 

And I wonder.  Is this real life or just what I learned from movies.  Looking for a man.  Hope he is the one I really want.  No false positives.  No bad intelligence.  Have  it on my mind.  Holiday.  Would like to spend it with you.  And so I ask.  Man Hunt.  Any suggestions of what I should do?    Today.  Fourth of July.  Have my smile on.  And little else.  Looking for you.  I am.