A man needs a little help and where does he go to get it!! Cosmic question or just common sense? Am adjusting my radar, and fine tuning my intuition and suggesting change and new methodology. But not really, as I am a creature of habit. Nobody knows better than you, what has gotten you this far. How old are you? ( O.K., I don’t really want to know. ) Still acting like a kid? Perhaps. And what does it matter, as we all have a personal methodology for completing our day. Back to what I was saying at the start.

Man needs a little help. Where do we go to get it? Street walking? Ask a stranger? Or better yet, stay at home and be safe. Power up the computer. Tweet someone. Or Facebook. Ask. "Can you help me?" And I am willing to bet, this is not going to work. Just saying this from gut feeling, as I have not done a factual study on soliciting help using the Internet. And am not planning to. Will remain self-sufficient and work as an independent agent for my own self-interest. Is how its been for a long time now.
Why do anything different? That might be my real theme for today, and I am just casting bread upon the water, to see what happens. Once in a while you need a change. A man needs help. And yet, here I am. Struggling with the notion that going online to solve my problem will really work. Look in the direction of capable men and women, and see myself in the mirror reflection. Been here before. Slams the door on charity and stranger’s wanting to shake my hand, while walking down the street. Been tricked a few times. Shake his hand then go quickly into a sales pitch, naming this and that, small children and possible the poor, then ask for a monthly automatic payment from your credit card. And its a professional approach, and it works. Solicitor’s on the street, waiting to shake your hand. And of course, I resent it. Another human tries to reach out and touch me, and I veer away. Resist.

Not a long blog. Its been awhile. Putting off writing because its summer and I get outside more, or not writing because I have other things on my mind. That’s it for today. A man needs a little help. And this thought comes to me. Maybe I should try stand-up comedy, and make this a laughable situation. Try something different. Chuckle and Laugh. And have a little fun. For now that is my potential solution. Have a good day. Stand-up comedy. Now that has me laughing. For a while.

KICK the habit!