Thursday, September 19, 2013




I am trying to discover what this means to me, in terms of event details.  Soft Zone Drift.  Of course I need to pick the proper words and grammar usage, but there comes a time when drift as in white snow over the northern plains is apropos.  From where I sit, it is furious speculation that this has anything to do with you, specifically because I don’t know you, don’t know where you are, and even more so, have no clue if you get my drift.  

In my defense, going soft is not what I do, but ice cream melts and feelings make you soft, regardless of flavor or what it costs at the dry cleaning shop to remove the stains of life.  Peaches and Cream, and I wonder about you as you approach me, and I ask myself, "Will I Get Lucky."  A couple of inches make a difference, but that is not what this is all about.  Settling in the Strike Zone.  Wondering how it will be today, out and about and knowing that each day has a soft zone, where observations make a difference and you and I are slowly moving towards each other.  Not exactly slow dance, but in the quiet of my mind, I imagine it so.   Soft Zone Drift.  My topic for today.


Lilac in the mist and how does it make you feel?  It is okay to be friendly, but if you have ever been kicked by a horse, you know to keep your distance.  Leveraging ones position to define and take advantage of the assets that are around you, once in a blue moon and deep into the night, I follow you and hope for everything, from A to Z.  Being with the one that is perfect for you is an art form that needs to be perfected in real time.  Thinking about it too much, makes you soft and vulnerable.  


Daydreams and products of the mind do no harm if left in a vacuum, but then again this is the real world, and I have been scared by the likes of you, even when officially we have never met, nor kissed or had the pleasure of the  soft zone drift.  Lilac in the mist and we need to discover if we leave it where it is, or take it home.  Trading and swapping particulars, I want to know if any of this would be good for me.  Caught in the moment.  Hoping it will last the night, and later we could laugh about it when asked, "So how did you meet?  "

Getting a second opinion seems appropriate, and yet it seems like a take it or leave it moment and situation, with clock ticking and things moving forward on its own terms, not of my control or choosing.  So what?  How important is just one flower.  Lilac in the mist.  Was it really there, or was in just something manufactured in the mind, and lost in translation as it came into my world, fragile and vulnerable, much like me.  Without you, what is the next big thing for me.

  I wonder.  


What is the point when the soft zone drift repeats, and winter returns.  Cold and Chill and an icy fall onto the pavement.  Knock Out.  Concussion.  Not sure, the game we are playing.  But it hurts.  Not looking for a theory that explains how this happens to me, over and over again.  Phenomena Unexplained.  Serious Relationship and it happens.    Plate Tectonics and Sensual Touching.  A shift of time and place and perspective leaves me wondering if this really happened as a precursor to love and romance and affection, seriously displaced.  A product of the mind.  Lilac in the mist reality.  Mind’s Eye Refraction and now Jupiter Rings and Outer Space, and the possibilities are endless.  In The Soft Zone.

And so it is, I want to ask, "Are we okay?"  Second Opinion or not, is best to remember if you have ever been kicked by horse, it hurts and if its just bone, it will repair and mend.  But kicked in the head is something different.  Calls for ultra respect and caution, if again you find yourself out there, in a soft white dusting that touches you and turns you cold and unresponsive.  Mother Nature and the call of the wild.  Side by Side, and calling to you. 
Now Touching.  

Soft Speak.  Slow movement.   Monumental Freezing.  Inviting us to proceed into the danger zone where matter meets mind, I regress.  It won’t be allowed.  Not this time, I won’t make the same mistake twice.  Kicked by a horse.  And she leans over you, like a lilac in the mist, asking, "Are you okay?"  And the truth is, you just don’t know in the moment of soft zone drift and your heart is bleeding.  Is it love? 
Is it death? Or both?  Universal Truth and we belong together. 

But Where? 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013




There is no one way to do this.  But you do need to be focused and follow through.  For me it begins with morning, and the computer and fake-news-headline banners.  The key for me is to realize we are being forced to change our ways, become a lot like our forefathers at the turn of the century.  Not 1999, but rather think back.  1900 and where I live now, had just achieved statehood.  Prior to that, it was the Oregon Territory.  And Prior to that, 1848 and the California Gold Rush and of course, the add-on:  Alaska.   And little by little it all comes into focus and the history books.  Alaska.  Seattle.  San Francisco.  And we have heard about it, but most of us have never been there.  And that’s ok.  We have blogs now and people like me who write and post and others read.  Free and Available, if you have a computer or phone-app or how-to-say-it:   modern technology.  And now we do.  Many of us.  Most of us.  Some of us.  Let’s say, "10% have it all."  But really we know:  we are not where we want to be.  Just 14 Years  Ago.  That’s it.  Perfect.  Where I wanted to be.


From the Google and headline banners, I see a good example of what I want to talk about, but maybe you realize like I have recently, our government is everywhere and we have to be careful not to get tagged.  Tagged.  On The List.  You know.  That 10 % of the people that look so good, it can’t be real, so we need to look at them closer, tap their phones, read their e-mail and generally scrutinize.  Just to make sure, they are what they appear to be.  Using other people’s words, I proceed.  From a blog posted september 17, 2013 by shemelts ( ) she says it all when she says, "  A little history for you."  And so I will follow that model.  Not exactly a history lesson, but going back 14 years and then going back some more to 1980-something, I will try to make my point, in a focused and brief way.  Blog style.


Starts out with headline:  Georgia Kidnappers Seek 10 K for Ransomed Teen.  And now an hour or so, I see it being reported that, these same Kidnappers up ransom for Ga. Teen to $100 K.  And I smile.  "Its The Economy Stupid."  Meaning why get yourself killed for a measly $10,000 dollars.  Not sure its a question or just the realization that the price of living is going up.  And of course, over the years, we expect things to cost more.  But did you know, we are now asking for higher wages and a living-wage.  Can’t live on $10 or $15 an-hour.   And so it goes.  Helps me focus on some basic things.  Baseball and Military Conflict and The-Way-It-Is.  And its just a  Blog Style way of finding a different way to do what we did in 1980, only back then more of us were married and had jobs, and taking care of our family in a different way.  Not saying it was better.  Even in 1999, it was good.  But was it the way we wanted and were we happy back then.  Case by Case, we have to listen to the stories from back then, to really know.  But as we know, Technology was almost non-existent then, compared to now.

So I want to talk about it, but I really can’t.  Freedom on the Internet might only be for the top 10% of the people.  Haven’t decided yet if this is true.  But just having to consider it all in terms of past history, even just 14 years ago, and it means we have to be careful now.  So I really want to write a blog about the cost of doing business.  Even something simple like Ransom and the proper price to ask or pay.  Bin Laden.  Ask for $10-million.  A teen in Georgia.  Ask for 10k.  But then you realize, not enough.  You need more.   And that’s when it becomes apparent, we need to look at things more closely.  And is what I really want to talk about.  Baseball and its becoming apparent the fans are not coming out to the ballpark like they once did.  And of course, we can read in the USA Today why some say its depressing, but they can’t really talk about it.  


Why Baseball is not as popular as it once was.  And I smile.  Is a conversation for another day.  As is the article I just finished reading about divorce for military women on combat assignments in Iraq or Afghanistan longer than 12 months and ever more frequent.  And so it goes.  14 years ago.  Not sure its clear what this blog is really about.  But if you look at it back then.  Say, before the bombing of the World Trade Center in 2001, it would be obvious.  Things looked better then.  Including me.  Looked good.  Felt good.  Had a job.  Just:  14 Years Ago.  And I want to talk about it, but I really can’t.

Monday, September 16, 2013




I write a blog about what’s going on around me, but in reflection it is kind of scary.  For many reasons, I say this, and the final answer to it all is that you need to be there, to get the full impact, that I discovered by accident and while in attendance at the best and worst of the football game played in Seattle last night during an Electrical Storm.  And do not want to tire you about the experiences of an addict.  I was there.  Suspended Disbelief.  That this could happen to me.  And now I feel inspired to tell somebody.  Not that its like rape and the fact that it could happen to me.  But yes.  I need to tell somebody.


Ok and I was aware that I was putting myself at risk.  Not entirely safe to find your way in a stadium with 70,000 people or more that have just gone through the most elaborate security check mankind could devise.  Ok, not saying this is correct.  Security Check and now I should feel safe.  Is that it.  Is that the facts of the awareness that comes to me, now that I am home and feeling better about it all.  NFL Football.  Seattle and San Francisco on Sunday Night.  Some people paid a lot of money to be there.  I walked by the people on the street and they asked, "Have any extra tickets.  I need tickets."  

And so that was the start.  In the end, it was even more scary than that.  Four hour game.  1 hour Thunder and Lightening Alert.  And when that part was over, the violence on the field began, once more.  But the fans were safe.  That was the point of the Work Stoppage.  And the point of the Security Check.  But still.  I was aware I was putting myself at risk.  Its the NFL.  On Any Given Sunday.  Best Made Plans Can Go To Hell In A Hand Basket.  


And its true.  I was there.  First quarter score Seattle  5  San Francisco 0.  And then at half after an hour delay for weather and scary people, it was still Seattle 5  49ers 0.  On one hand I felt totally blessed.  Fun In Paradise.  Two best teams in the league playing each other.  Defensive Standoff for almost 2 hours.  Thunder and Lightening Delay.  And then we started over.  Star Player QB took a shower and was totally refreshed. "Got His Mind Right."  So he said.  No laughing matter.  Came out after the storm passed and handled his business.  Serious business.  A few people got hurt.  But then they get paid for all that.  Like military recruits in Iraq and around the world.  War is Hell.  But its our duty.  We get paid.  Its our job.


And you have to be there, watching the Best of the Best going at it.  Just a Game.  To some its a living.  And that’s where I start to question why I was there.  It was suppose to be Fun In Paradise.  And it was, but then I have to tell you about the rape of body and senses that happened.  Living on an Aisle Seat.  5 hours in the stadium with 70,000  others.  And out of nowhere it happened.  In the vacant seat next to me, sits down a dude in 49er’s Jersey.  Was like painting a red flag on me, Signaling to The Bull, this is where its at.  


And so it happened.  Violated.  Raped, but not in the traditional way.  Not exactly Family-Friendly.  Beer poured on me and at my feet.  Spillage from the fans, with nothing to do but drink beer and go back and forth from Beer Stand and Fans in the Stands, carrying beer and other things.  And yes, part one.  Spillage.  Happened more than once.  Aisle Seat.  Preoccupied with other things.  Eyes in another direction.  


Beer Head.  Kind of smelly.  But still life goes on.  Might only been a quart of beer landing on me.  And it was enough.  49er dude sitting next to me, one seat in.  And people came by.  Fans of 49ers, and they did high fives.  Acting Friendly.  Then came the others.  Seahawk fans.  Issuing Fighting Words.  And there I was.  Sitting in the middle.  Friendly Fire.  Lateral Damage and it was me.  3 fist fights and such over the top of me.  And there I sat, listening to the radio.  Ignoring The 49er Dude sitting beside me.  Noise.  Beer Spillage.  Fan fights.  

And there I was.  Having Fun In Paradise.  What a night.   Nationally-Televised.  Were you there?  Did you see it?  Fan Rape and Carnage.  On and Off-Field Violence.  NFL Football.  Live.  Is just a game, until you add insult to injury, with physical and mental abuse.  Class Warfare.  Mind-Rape.     Using beer and words.  And closed-caption TV.

Fun In Paradise. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013



I don’t want to sound discouraged.  But will say, “Summer has not been long enough.”  And could add more, like “The Boys of Summer.”  And make a reference to A-rod and what people do for the game they love.  Keep on playing, take steroids and PED’s, and what ever it takes to fool nature and others, and play on and on.  So yes, I might enter the trap and go on and on, saying more and more, about nothing.  “Its nothing.  Forget about it.”  War on Drugs.  War on Jobs.   War on Syria.  Another vote, to make us feel included.  And I am thinking, have we learned nothing from the previous years and from the past.  So on one hand, I tell myself:  “Its summer, go out and have some fun.”  Its summer, if you use sun-screen, perhaps you can get some rays.


And have a conversation with myself, and almost convince me to stop blogging.  But then, what would I do with too much time on my hands.  Go to a baseball game.  Win or Lose.  Sit in the stands, and be part of the sport, I once loved dearly.  And its ok, if the team near me is never more than average or worse.  For the last 10 years they have been worse, and the price keeps rising.  So I declare, “Can’t afford you.”  So it has a special effect.  The girls leave me.  Personal Interest leaves me.   And for the last 6 months, in my daily blog I have nothing to say.  And so, it seems I am running on empty.  But that is far from the truth.  Global Warming.  I must adapt.  And this is the reason my blog is almost extinct.  My  Theme for today:  Just Say No.


I can remember back when I would watch Ronald Reagan in the movies.  I would laugh and have fun.   Role Playing.  Movie Star.  Before we had gone to the moon, and all those other things, that now I know is best to take the stance, “Just Say No.”  Repeat of the theme, become aware.  If what you have done before, hasn’t gotten you where you thought it might, take a different approach.   So entertaining Reagan dude became political and then President of these United States, and perhaps was the beginning for me.  Find your voice.  If you felt like going to the baseball game wasted 6 hours of your day, its okay to speak up.  Say just that, “It was a waste of time.”


And so it took many years to get a computer and The Internet, and suddenly in real time, world-wide people would read my words.  “Not to worry.  Its just a blog.”  And thought that would do it.  But then I added more.  Every day.  It became a routine.  Blog Writing.  And had no idea who my audience might be.  Made a few inquiries, when I did private chats with Bloggers.  Took my lead from comments.  What others said, after I had my say.


And I thought, the interplay of real life and sports.  Interplay of world-wide expression, and for while thought something good could and would make my personal experience seem expanded and beneficial.  Not saying, “Fooling Myself.”  But well here I am.  President Dude is taking a vote.  Syria Agenda.  And here I am again.  With my theme for today.  “Just Say No.”


So I am wondering if its just been a summer I should forget.  Has the weather pattern shifted.  Global Warming and its year around Hot.  Not sure. 
Do know that I get to do the thing more than might be good for me.  Just watched a video from June 2007 of Nancy  Reagan at the 1988 World Series.  Flashback to baseball.  And not sure when all of this began to lose its appeal.  Have to think about it.  The side effects of all this.  What happens when you take it full circle and “Just Say No.”   To everything.  Is this the end to life as we know it.  Is this what happens when you need some peace and quiet.  Or is the answer to all of this uncomplicated and simple.  Even a child can understand.  “Just Say No.”