I write a blog about what’s going on around me, but in reflection it is kind of scary. For many reasons, I say this, and the final answer to it all is that you need to be there, to get the full impact, that I discovered by accident and while in attendance at the best and worst of the football game played in Seattle last night during an Electrical Storm. And do not want to tire you about the experiences of an addict. I was there. Suspended Disbelief. That this could happen to me. And now I feel inspired to tell somebody. Not that its like rape and the fact that it could happen to me. But yes. I need to tell somebody.

Ok and I was aware that I was putting myself at risk. Not entirely safe to find your way in a stadium with 70,000 people or more that have just gone through the most elaborate security check mankind could devise. Ok, not saying this is correct. Security Check and now I should feel safe. Is that it. Is that the facts of the awareness that comes to me, now that I am home and feeling better about it all. NFL Football. Seattle and San Francisco on Sunday Night. Some people paid a lot of money to be there. I walked by the people on the street and they asked, "Have any extra tickets. I need tickets."

And so that was the start. In the end, it was even more scary than that. Four hour game. 1 hour Thunder and Lightening Alert. And when that part was over, the violence on the field began, once more. But the fans were safe. That was the point of the Work Stoppage. And the point of the Security Check. But still. I was aware I was putting myself at risk. Its the NFL. On Any Given Sunday. Best Made Plans Can Go To Hell In A Hand Basket.
And its true. I was there. First quarter score Seattle 5 San Francisco 0. And then at half after an hour delay for weather and scary people, it was still Seattle 5 49ers 0. On one hand I felt totally blessed. Fun In Paradise. Two best teams in the league playing each other. Defensive Standoff for almost 2 hours. Thunder and Lightening Delay. And then we started over. Star Player QB took a shower and was totally refreshed. "Got His Mind Right." So he said. No laughing matter. Came out after the storm passed and handled his business. Serious business. A few people got hurt. But then they get paid for all that. Like military recruits in Iraq and around the world. War is Hell. But its our duty. We get paid. Its our job.

And you have to be there, watching the Best of the Best going at it. Just a Game. To some its a living. And that’s where I start to question why I was there. It was suppose to be Fun In Paradise. And it was, but then I have to tell you about the rape of body and senses that happened. Living on an Aisle Seat. 5 hours in the stadium with 70,000 others. And out of nowhere it happened. In the vacant seat next to me, sits down a dude in 49er’s Jersey. Was like painting a red flag on me, Signaling to The Bull, this is where its at.

And so it happened. Violated. Raped, but not in the traditional way. Not exactly Family-Friendly. Beer poured on me and at my feet. Spillage from the fans, with nothing to do but drink beer and go back and forth from Beer Stand and Fans in the Stands, carrying beer and other things. And yes, part one. Spillage. Happened more than once. Aisle Seat. Preoccupied with other things. Eyes in another direction.

Beer Head. Kind of smelly. But still life goes on. Might only been a quart of beer landing on me. And it was enough. 49er dude sitting next to me, one seat in. And people came by. Fans of 49ers, and they did high fives. Acting Friendly. Then came the others. Seahawk fans. Issuing Fighting Words. And there I was. Sitting in the middle. Friendly Fire. Lateral Damage and it was me. 3 fist fights and such over the top of me. And there I sat, listening to the radio. Ignoring The 49er Dude sitting beside me. Noise. Beer Spillage. Fan fights.

And there I was. Having Fun In Paradise. What a night. Nationally-Televised. Were you there? Did you see it? Fan Rape and Carnage. On and Off-Field Violence. NFL Football. Live. Is just a game, until you add insult to injury, with physical and mental abuse. Class Warfare. Mind-Rape. Using beer and words. And closed-caption TV.
Fun In Paradise.

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