At first I thought it would be another Football Saturday, college style and its late October. Halloween and frost on the pumpkin, and all I can think about is spitting the seeds on the floor, yelling at somebody to sweep up this mess, and go for a walk, expecting the mess to be cleaned up, by the time I return. Of course this is wishful thinking. Am out and about, and its just myself and the dog and the big screen for entertainment. Sure, the dog will probably eat the pumpkin seeds, then barf. Nothing is perfect and the downside is reoccurring. When you don’t pay a living wage, the results are predictable. Barf. Barf.

And this is nothing you want to read on a weekend morning, when being at work or even taking out the garbage is not what you deal with before sunset. So this will be a misunderstood blog. Will take some explaining on my part, and I am caught between the sun and the moon, frost on the pumpkin and he spit the seeds out. Feel on the floor, and that by itself is disgusting. Door slams. Puts sign on the door.
"Nobody Home. Beware of Dog."
"Nobody Home. Beware of Dog."
Saturday and the choice is college football, or walking around in the rain and cold until late afternoon when the 3rd game of the World Series will be played. Baseball in October and you don’t want to hear what I have to say about that, or pumpkin seeds that we recycle as barf and compost. So I am inspired by recent events. High School Shooting in Washington State. Many in the hospital and some are dead. Add that to the body-count of those in Canada a day before. Adds up to a refusal when asked, "Do you want to come to dinner?" I said. "No." Didn’t offer a reason, just said. "Not feeling well. Would not be good company." So that recaps my week and how I find myself early on during this weekend.

Started things out this morning by turning on the computer. Looking for good news, and good cheer. Looking for the positive spin, but was on auto-pilot when I typed into the search screen: North Korea. Came the news. More Nuke Power. Soon a small nuke will be available. Blend that with orange juice and news more subtle. School Shooting. Death in Parliament. Population decline in South Korea, where the average birthrate is now 1.6 children per couple. Project this out and in 2060 this means a drastic loss. And I am thinking:
"What does this have to do with me?"

"What does this have to do with me?"

And then its spelled out. Less people and less stuff. Less cheap stuff from Asia and Korea. And they do speak of the unification of North and South, and the release of one of 3 foreigners that have been arrested recently for leaving a Bible in a Hotel Room, or even worse, missionary work near the China-North Korea border. Add to this saber rattling, exchanging gunfire over the border as a way of signaling the Supreme Ruler is back. Seems there was speculation that Denis Rodman’s Friend Forever had been disposed of. Not around for a few weeks, going on a full month. So it had people talking. And this is the basis of my blog for today.
Speak Easy.

Speak Easy and the remainder of this blog might not interest you. By the time I get home, the pumpkin seed problem will be solved. There will be no discussion, and I will look around to discover The-What-Next-Situation. Won’t be talk of the school shooting in Washington State, nor about the difference of gun laws in Canada and the United States. Instead I want to tell you about leaving the Television/Computer Stream on, so the dog will have company while I am out. Turned on Bing Video and went directly to Dog’s favorite show: WebCam Japanese Girl @ 6. Fully clothed and sitting there in Kimono, speaking in Japanese. And this is where Speak Easy comes in. Its for the benefit of the dog. So less complicated is better.

And Speak Easy comes down to a young person speaking Japanese and allowing the dog to be involved. Japanese Language Lessons. And yes, its true. Gorilla’s do sign language and demonstrate some language ability. Dog, not so much. But that should not rule out the importance of Speak Easy and the sound of voice in a one-dog room. No shooting or shouting. No running. Have seen on the other cam, that the dog does get bored, and chases thin air and its own tail, but not for long.

Japanese Web Cam Girl # 6. Takes me back to younger days when I was in school. Studying languages and foreign culture. Had to work, so study was part-time at best. We didn’t have today’s technology. And local to Global exchange was expensive. Ocean Cable conversation at $7 a minute, when I was working for $2.00 an hour, part-time. Had to be smart or at best keep it simple. And it was a challenge learning Mandarin Chinese and Standard Japanese at the same time. Speak Easy was not in play in those days. Was a struggle to catch a word that was familiar. "Hai Hai."
At $7 a minute it was an expensive lesson.

Not sure how much stayed with me. I am older now. Retired, if being on the road with dog and companion is retired as you know it. Slammed the door and walked out. Easy Speak reminds me that I know more than most think I do. Advanced Studies and travel and of course Japanese Web Cam Girl # 6 has brought me up to speed. Know all I need to know about population decline in South Korea, Bibles and Nukes in North Korea, School Shooting in Washington State, and more of the same in Canada.

Is weekend. Have finished this blog. Not sure how this relates to you and I. Perhaps with the aid of Easy Speak, you will tell me. If not, I have college football, World Series and NFL football on Sunday to distract me. Case in Point. Barf. Barf.
Substitute OMOCHI for Pumpkin Seeds
call it International.
Didn’t make it over last night for dinner, but will come over soon. Just in case, you wonder. Is he ignoring me. Not at all.
Just not feeling well. Was Depressed.

At $7 a minute it was an expensive lesson.

Not sure how much stayed with me. I am older now. Retired, if being on the road with dog and companion is retired as you know it. Slammed the door and walked out. Easy Speak reminds me that I know more than most think I do. Advanced Studies and travel and of course Japanese Web Cam Girl # 6 has brought me up to speed. Know all I need to know about population decline in South Korea, Bibles and Nukes in North Korea, School Shooting in Washington State, and more of the same in Canada.

Is weekend. Have finished this blog. Not sure how this relates to you and I. Perhaps with the aid of Easy Speak, you will tell me. If not, I have college football, World Series and NFL football on Sunday to distract me. Case in Point. Barf. Barf.
Substitute OMOCHI for Pumpkin Seeds
call it International.
Didn’t make it over last night for dinner, but will come over soon. Just in case, you wonder. Is he ignoring me. Not at all.
Just not feeling well. Was Depressed.

Watched a bit of Web cam 7. We have a little common ground. I am just back from a couple of weeks in Japan. I was on holiday around Kyoto. It was the Zen Gardens and Shinto shrines that worked for me.