Monday, March 23, 2015




I didn’t expect much when I came alive this morning.  Woke up and thought I would just resume.  Saw that on Netflix, the movie site that I pay money to, to watch movies.  Resume is a button you push, as an option to hitting the pause button, or the Back To Browser button.  Not sure why I am boring you with this.  Not sure why I named today’s blog, SANDUSKY IN THE RAIN.   Would be easy to forget what I wanted to tell you.  Having a Senior Moment in the middle of the day, when a nap calls and you ignore the phone, might seem as if it was part of the plan:  Just Being Human. 


Human beings do a lot of weird things.  But not sure this is the time or place to expand on that.  As for me, didn’t have a plan for Monday.  Thought I would just hit The-Resume-Button and mindless follow my Monday Routine.  Thing is, doing so would not find me blogging.  I do that on Tuesday or Thursdays or on weekends.  But lately, I write but one blog a month.  And notice that others are doing something similar. has become dysfunctional, and the blogging crowd has moved on.  For the most part I thought this was true.  But after today, I will rethink all of that, and maybe come up with a different tune to chirp about.

Mind-storm and if I considered myself a slow moving boat, going through troubled waters, I would say, “Blown Off Course.  Considering Sinking.”  Has something to do with posting a title to a blog, I had not considered writing.  Seems the events of an unplanned day have enabled me, and now I find myself writing.  Starts with a title.  SANDUSKY IN THE RAIN.   Then comes spontaneous thoughts and composition, and a general feeling that maybe being blown off course is not such a bad thing. 


Personally I thought I was sinking into a habitual pattern for a rainy Monday.  Had tried to concentrate over the weekend, but found it almost impossible to do so.  Followed the buttons on my computer screen.  Came into a comfort zone when I landed on the March Madness NCCA Basketball web page.  Thought I would spend the whole day watching basketball, getting cozy in the man cage, and by staying on the computer night and day, become a screen zombie.  Well that didn’t happen.  Seems that after watching one basketball game, going to the kitchen to make nachos, and other various things one does in the man cave, March Madness alert arrive and lets me know, “Your view privileges have expired.” 


In some ways I was disturbed by all of this, but as often is the case when you are retired, and have no friends and nothing to do, there is a Plan B.


Plan B for me was tuning into the basketball games on the radio.  Stopped using my computer as a dysfunctional television.  Hit The-Pause-Button.  Entertained myself in a different way, and tried to forget about it, that I had been lured into watching basketball, by way of some clever marketing scheme that had been months in the making.  Sprung a trap and I had hit the resume button, became  part of something that truly turned out to be unimportant.  Rethinking all of this I decided I would follow their example.   Named a Blog:   SANDUSKY IN THE RAIN.  Now into it and did to you what they did to me.  BAIT AND SWITCH. 


Only thing is, I had a Plan B.  Didn’t hit the resume button and pay for continuance.  Instead I found an alternative to watching college basketball on TV or on a computer.  Listen to the radio.   Read a book.  Cook Gumbo in the kitchen.  All done at the same time.  Without actually staying on the March Madness NCAA Basketball web site.  Not sure the advertising and Cable Owners saw this as a viable option.  But then as I said in the beginning.  Mind Storm.  Blown Off Course.  And now its Monday.   Sandusky in the Rain blog is now a perfect example of what I learned over the weekend.  Bait and Switch.  Making things worse by talking about it.  Seems that is exactly what I am doing.


Am working on a Monday Alternative.  Thought it would be a boring day.  One we would not share with others.  Instead, something happened and it transported me to a different Monday and a different parallel universe, and more importantly into a Different Train of Thought.   Is where I am now.  Blogging.  Inspired by an alert signal at the top of my blogging page.  Part of my Monday routine, to look at and see if there is any activity I should respond to.


 Seems last week and now this week, new people have landed on my site and let me know that they have come to visit.  One was  Girl-in-Saudi.  Another was JimmyBird.  Turns out that both new visitors to my site, inspired me to blog on Monday, when it was something I would normally do in the Tuesday or Thursday routine.  Now I want to tell you why I spend this whole blog writing about the mindstorm I am experiencing, instead of going about SANDUSKY IN THE RAIN.


Girl-in-Saudi got my attention by mentioning a blog I had written in the long forgotten past.  Seems the blog was titled:  LOOKING FOR MRS. DRUMMOND.  So it startled me.  That somebody I didn’t know, would come to my site and see what StoneHead was all about, based on a blog once written.  Turns out I needed to find out more.  Clicked on Girl-in-Saudi web site name and decided to read a few of the strangers blogs.  Turns out I found it interesting, but at the same time I just didn’t know or have a clue what things I might have in common with Girl-in-Saudi. 


So I left a private message.  Basically said, “Thanks for coming by my blog site.  Not sure we have much in common, but if we do.  Come back.  Hit the resume button.  And maybe,……..”   So that was one experience I recently  had.  Showed me that I may have jumped to an erroneous conclusion about  being on its last legs.  Declining bloggers and declining interest, seemed to be prevalent.   Now I am rethinking all of that.  Mind Storm and Blown Off Course.


Now let me tell you about Event number 2.  Seems I was visited recently by JimmyBird.  Turns out JimmyBird visits and communicates with others that visit my site.  Turns out I have never read a JimmyBird post.  So noticed that I had a visitor to my site.  Went to JimmyBird web page on and spent an hour or so reading.  Found it all very interesting.  Found a blog:  FRAWG BOY DAY on JimmyBird site.  Found it interesting.  Then realized it was all part of the process.  Didn’t hit the Do not-Repost-Button. 


After reading Frawg Boy Day blog on JimmyBird’s page, I came across a renewed interest in reading other people’s contributions on  Didn’t have all day.  So mainly concentrated on Girl-In-Saudi  and JimmyBird.  Now its late on Monday afternoon.  Finishing this blog and would like to keep it short.  But it isn’t short.   To me it seem excessively long.  And annoys me if I was you, that it has nothing to do with SANDUSKY IN THE RAIN.   Bait and Switch.  Repost.  Conversations with total strangers.

And at the end of the day, it leaves me exhausted.  So now I plan to wander off.  Plan to go to Plan B.  Not sure we are on the same frequency.  Some on TV.  Some on Cable.  Some of Streaming Computer.   IN the end I wonder if it matters.

For those who know me, I just want to say. 

   Baseball season starts soon.  Damn Yankees.”  



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