Thursday, December 10, 2015

Discount The Holiday

Holiday Discount In Reverse


Am looking out the window at midday and notice that there is more rain in the garden just a rooftop level down from where I am standing than there are flowers in full bloom.  Extend my eyes out a little further and realize I can barely see the water’s edge, which is but two blocks away and a normal part of the path of urban scenery my eyes often take, when the sun is out and it is hard not to respond to the glint of light coming off the miles of water that are in front of high mountains on the horizon. 


Today I can barely see to the water’s edge and the impact of raindrops tapping on my window, are but a gentle hint that staying inside on this day might be a good idea.   Had plans, as we all do but now think it might make sense to alter my priorities and take advantage of the fact that I have a choice here.  Relax and finish lunch.  Then use the resources I have to reconfigure my activities, and put on a happy face.  Understand that Rome wasn’t built in one day, and when you have a rain-day staring you down, one can stay dry by just finding something else to occupy one’s expendable hours, before others come home and say, “What’s for dinner?”


Ends up I see the promise and how a rain-day can benefit me.  Seems yesterday was an exercise day and I left my energy on the running track and in the exercise center where my intent was to sweat off some pounds before the holiday treats found a place upon my waistline.  Is a familiar thing to hear this time of year.  How we want to enjoy the special meals and treats and wine and song, but do not want the downside of extra poundage slowing us down.


And this is a good time to put the raincoat away, sit in a comfortable chair and tell you my thoughts about how Holiday Discounts will impact the way I spend an obvious rain day inside without going totally bonkers.  It all starts with staring out the window, feeling the drops of rain as I crack the window open, and shiver as the outside wraps itself around me, and suddenly I find it wise to change my plans. Sit and write and feel satisfied that you can do this.  Find a topic and proceed.    Holiday Discount and how all of this impacting me, is the point of this blog.


Of course it is known he is easily blown off course and the expected results often differ from the expectations we come up with by focusing on the Blog Title he presents.  Blowing rain and I close the window.  Get a towel and dry off.  Minimize the impact of rain on my skin, and settle down for an afternoon inside contemplating something I visualize as the Holiday Discount,  and how things change over the course of my day and month and year.  Yes it is true, the month of December is flying by. 


And the holidays and the home decorations are highly visible as I look around and put myself where you are, mentally and with the help of the visual internet see an alternative world out there, all done up in lights and decoration.  My spirits rise.   Am content to remain inside for now.  Watching how this blog develops and takes shape.

Not sure if a Discounted Holiday means that I will save money and get off cheap with the things that happen this time of year.   November and there was Black Friday and Cyber Monday and then the circulars and flyers that come in the mail.  A reminder that where I live, the merchants and business people have a big stake in how prosperity influences the neighborhood and local community.  Yes, I live in a commercial state where the mind is reminded daily, it takes money to live.  And November and December are the big months to boost the bottom line.  This I know as all the advertisements point in the direction of conspicuous consumption.


And on top of this is the headline about the world in general, and gearing up to blow things up over near the holy lands, where once we prayed for peace and people living in harmony.  But that is the holiday discount, and it is not the way I had visualized it.  My job for the moment is to sidestep reality and fantasize over the endless possibility of happy and joyful moments, out on the street where people walk by, with shopping bags full.  The shopping cart, online or over at the Target store is full and the lines are long.  Good reason to turn up the volume for some commercial free Christmas and Holiday Music.


Best to not be upset because it is raining.  Stop being too serious and pop a cookie into the mouth, take a sip of something warm, and raise one’s awareness that the promise of the Holidays are near.  Tell the kids to take off their shoes, make sure the cat is not wrecking the Christmas Tree dispay, and yes, understand that Discounting the Holidays is not a bad thing.  Make the best of traditions and learned activities, like shopping online and waiting in expectation for the UPS Delivery Man to appear.


Stop fussing.  So what if it is raining.  Rinse and Repeat.  Spread the cheer around.  Enjoy the timeout, where you can grab a hot chocolate and look at the tree and the lights, say a prayer for those in passing, and in general for a world that needs to sort itself out, discount the bad things that have occurred, and from this point on, Let one’s mind and heart sing out.  Glory be the blessings of this season.  Concentrate on the good things one can do, and yes if you must or just want to, draw inspiration and positive vibes from the message we send to each.  Live in peace.  Do no harm.  Love one another.  And realize,  a little rain will not prevent you from having a good day.

Having said all this, I find myself pleased in the present moment.  Holiday discounts do not have to be massive to make a difference.  And yes,  accepting a raincheck will not hurt you.  Is how it is for me.  I check myself, acknowledge the rain, and step back, for now.  This too will pass.  And besides, it is not a big deal that you and I are separated by a long line at the checkout counter.  Later we will laugh about it, stand under the mistletoe and receive a kiss. 

And that is what I live for.  Being with you.  Being happy.  And yes, I like it when I can stay dry and am able to celebrate the moment, without a holiday discount impairing me and keeping me from maximizing the pleasure when I am here with you.  So that is the message.  Come Home for the holidays.  I miss you. Put it on my credit card if you must, but Come Home.  Now is the time.


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