Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Fool With A Tool

Fool With A Tool


Right away I am being pulled off course, as if a magnet hovers over my head and I am powerless to change what is occurring.  Thought I had a good idea.  Write a blog about the world around me and not once mention what was my main concern.  Seems certain things are or should be off limits when writing a blog.  In this case, I was hoping to write this, without mentioning America’s new president, Donald Trump, but like I said am being pulled away from my original intent or promise to make this blog generic and not specific to the events occurring since November 8th 2016 election.  Came up with a blog title and thought I could pull it off.  Fool With A Tool, and was hoping to talk about diverse things that come to mind following that path and topical line.  But then I made a mistake and am like a spaceship with little chance of regaining earth orbit and forces without burning up.  Off course and this of course, spells disaster or a blog that just won’t live up to all he thought it would be.


Problem:  I liked the title.  Fool with a Tool. Thought it held promise as a lead-in to an entertaining session of discussion.  Now I am not so sure.  See that Urban Dictionary defines Tool:  

 One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used.  A fool.  A cretin.  Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-esteem.


Turns out I made one more check to see what others have written on the subject of Tool and Fool.  And found a quote by Grady Booch, who said:  “ A fool with a tool is still a fool.”   And that left me pondering if I should abandon this blog and come back another day.  And do better.

Bending things around a bit, and want to add a little tension.  Will say without trying to be controversial, I have heard women, usually young women about college age, refer to men that they don’t like too much as “Tools.”  Mr. It’s-All-About Me.


Seems I can’t really follow my thoughts to a logical conclusion.  Fool With A  Tool, and can’t be serious with the topic at hand.  Maybe I should just discard my original outline for this blog, and start over, but then I will not feel good about abandoning this challenge I have made for myself.  Write about a fool with a tool and come up with an upside and a positive spin, allowing myself to settle, come back to earth, and behave as I wish to be, quite logical.

But find myself with problems, as I have been driven off course and still feel like there is a magnet pulling me around.  Off course, of course.  But maybe with a little deliberation I can get back to where I want to, without setting fire to myself.
Playing with fire, and will say, “…intellectual pursuits are not of any interest to a tool…”
So now I am looking things over with a view from the top and revisionist orientation.
Ask myself:    Can a person act foolishly, but not be labeled as a fool? 


For the moment this seems to be the case.  Unconventional and not orthodox, but one goes his own way, and separates from the maddening crowd, long enough to come up with an approach that is novel and goes in the opposite direction of those who have earned the title of Expert-In-Their-Field.  But then, with hindsight we see, it works.  Man has gone to the moon.  Man has gone to Disneyland.  Extra-ordinary things, people have done, just in my lifetime.  To say we are living a foolish existence and a fool with a tool should be banished from the tribe, and it is true now.  After what I have seen in the last few months:  I am thinking.  Seemed foolish at the time, that Mr. and Mrs. X said this.  But then we gave it some time, and let the world as we know, sort it out.


Tool and it is a computer.  Has allowed us to do things never before possible.  And this has happened in a very short time period.  And now we have somebody, often labeled:  “Foolish “  and “A fool “, who is soon to be next president of The United States.  Interesting to me.  Is as if just by writing this, I feel better.  New Tools.  A Computer and something novel:  Social Media.  And then add-ons.  Twitter and it has gotten my attention.  In fact it has gotten the attention of millions.   Fool no more, and tool no more, and I will veer away from the implanted quote I carry in mind.  Will let it go.  Served its purpose and now, will discard it.  A Fool With A Tool Is Still A Fool.  And now I am redirecting my thoughts.


Give it a chance.  Discard the gender bias.  Realize we all have our faults.  Just see the dream and hang on to it, as we must.  Got to get back to the surface, and ground myself.  Back to Earth and does that mean, act sensible and not expand the envelope?  Not sure I am made to live that way.  So will take chances.  Might even say foolish things.  But in the end, am willing to tell myself.  “What was done here was pure genius.”  He won when it was said by the polls and experts, “This will never happen.”


So moving on into a new year.  2017 and it might turn out to be long slog, with lots of change and difficulty waiting for me.  But then again if I have learned anything from past experience, maybe the results that wait up ahead won’t be as bad as I think, or thought, just two months ago.  Give it a chance.  Social Media.  Fool with a computer and now he write a blog and people notice.  What happens next, and that is for me the challenge.  How can we use these same tools to help the fool-with-a-tool smarten up and benefit the greater good, if indeed we can agree, what the greater good might be.


New tools and new ways in the hands of others, and a new generation with thinking quite different than my own and it will be a challenge for me, but I have decided.  I was a fool or foolish, once.  Okay maybe more than once, but not sure I could have lived this long without learning from my mistakes.  We voted.  The deed is done.  We have a process to live with and go by.  Corrections will be made, when necessary.  Have seen it with my own eyes.  Men in Space and now plotting a trip to Mars and this is a story that could go on and on.  How far are we willing to take it?   Am willing to wait and see.  Promise and Hope and the add-on:  “Give it a Chance.”  Many bad things happen.  Saw the cold war vanish in my lifetime.  Two Super Powers:  Russia and USA.  Saw man go into orbit and off planet.  Saw nuclear threat and destruction.  But have lived though it.  Fools with Tools and had many arguments with my spouse.  “No radiation in our house.”  “Damn the nuclear and the microwave, and while we are at it, forget about owning a color TV.”  So that was then, and look at us now.


New Tools and New Ways, and that is what I am planning to take to the grave with me.  A form of acceptance that even bad things can have beneficial outcomes and make life better.  Not just for the few, with money, but for the Masses.  For the people we never heard of or from, before computers and social media and all that is with us in 2016.  Looking forward to another year with you and on the planet.  Need to foster a bit more discipline and acceptance of the things beyond my individual control  Will work on that as I am putting together a list of New Year’s Resolutions that sound good to me.  Acceptance is high on my list. For 2017.  Live with.  Improve on it.  And that is where this blog will end.  Hope and Promise and it sounds good.  But like the fool with the tool, perhaps a Porsche he just got for Christmas,  going the wrong way on a one-way street, this could have a lot of turns and change of direction, before its over.  Just one night and one year and we hope it ends the way we thought it would.  Without a DUI.

New Year’s Celebration coming up next.  Be careful, one and all.  Fools with a Tool, and a computer-driven car and drugs and alcohol.  And he says once more for emphasis: “ Be careful.  One and All. “


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