Friday, September 8, 2017

Gradients Of Recycle

Gradients of Recycle


Working on a novel system of organizing my thoughts in sync with my heartbeat rhythm.  Constant and steady is what I am hoping to achieve.  Then I stumble across the idea of gradient trigger mechanisms that can lead to bursting patterns and something addressed as chaotic spiking.  Seems this has meaning in a computational leech heartbeat model.  Has little to do with me.  I am human and not a leech.  But it is forcing me to consider gradient recycling and converting the gradient trigger mechanisms to something positive and more useful to one like me.  Novel.  Organizing my thoughts about gradients of recycle.  My blog for today.


Was visiting a friend recently and was tested for iodine deficiency.  Turns out I am lacking so many things at this stage of my life, and did not have a good idea where to start with The Fix.  Begins the puzzle and it gave me something to focus on.  Leech Heartbeat Model.  Have a remarkable ability to transport and change my mind.  Channel my thoughts and come out being in control.  This is the force and idea that keeps me going forward.  Centers on an ultra-fractal position.  Slightly unstable and makes me tipsy, and all of that without a single sip of alcohol or injection of drugs in my system.  Put some iodine on my arm and said, if it goes away within 24 hours, you are deficient.  And so it turns out, that is the case.

For me, I am new to all of this.  Have lived a life of having things.  Material Man and made out with this style of living.  Now it turns out, I take a test and am now deficient.  One thing leads to another, and is a poorly understood  condition, if for me the gradient trigger is reversible.  Understand there are great advances in what we are capable of doing.  And now I have something that seems important.  Mastering the process of gradient recycling.  Gradients of Recycle and it has a nice sound to it, when repeated over and over.  Will call it the gradient mantra.  Will use it when I need to have a meditative moment and a trigger to arm a relaxation response.  Will use it as an alternative to using the Leech Heartbeat Model to determine the condition, my condition is in.


Not sure if any of this is really what I am concerned about.  Iodine Deficiency and yes that could be a gradient trigger mechanism that needs to be recycled and removed from my body and from my mind.  Seems I have turned things  upside-down.  Not sure what my perspective is when not seen in a straight forward way.  Suits me.  I have a divergent intelligence and personality.  Or so I have been told.    Have a deficiency.  Am facing a little understood situation.  Go to Wikipedia and look up Divergent Thinking.  Not sure why, but seems a natural thing to do.  Get supplements and I go to Wikipedia.  Not sure how that happened, but is where I find myself.


All of this is leading up to an inquiry of a different proposition.  What does divergent intelligence and personality have to do with being with an iodine deficiency?  Very little, I suspect.  “But is where all of this has taken me.”  And am aided by Wikipedia when I read.
[   ……Psychologists have found that a high IQ alone does not guarantee creativity.  Instead, personality traits that promote divergent thinking are more important.  Divergent thinking is found among people with personality traits such as non-conformity, curiosity, willingness to take risks, and persistence…..] 

The road he walks leads to an openness to experience.  “Test me.”  He says.  “matters not if I am deficient.”  And what is not said is important, also.  Seems he is working on a project that involves gradients of recycle.  This too is little understood.  So he writes a blog on the subject to clarify his position.  Throws in a lot of ex-temporary material that would not come up in most conversations on iodine deficiency in humans.  But this time it is different.  Dealing with a person who is hung up on

The Leech Heartbeat Model.

Not sure why.


He wants to tell you.  Creativity is recognized as the ability to generate ideas or products with novelty and usefulness.   Over time this can contribute to something he likes to call, ‘…. social progress.”   Gradient Trigger Mechanism and leads him to telling you that DT ( divergent thinking )  aids individuals like himself to generate as many answers as possible to a problem.  Haven’t considered all of this completely, but realize this is a good start.  Test.  Deficiency.  Now take supplements.  Is simple as thinking this way.  Do what is suggested.  Is reliable and valid predictor of a solution to the problem facing you.  Iodine Deficiency.  Take a supplement.  “Just do it. “

Turns out he has many problems, and iodine deficiency is only one of those problems.  Turns out he has a more serious problem.  He has the tendency towards fluid intelligence-driven activity and creativity takes over his daily practice.  Invades and surrounds him.  Makes mountains out of mole hills.  When asked to be responsible for such actions, he talks  about divergent thinking and the side effects of excessive creative ability.  And when most will lose interest, he goes on to talk about Gradients of Recycle.  As if it is the most important thing standing next to him.  For him it is the Elephant in the Room, and he goes on and on.  But of course all of this occurs in a blog.  In real life, he is quiet and passive.


Gradients of Recycle and has me wondering what this has to do with you and I.  Where is the interest?  Why did he feel it necessary to write this blog?

Has something to do with living in the moment and the interaction of affinities that converge and find meaning for him.  Knockoffs and triggering mechanisms and is like epilepsy or stroke,  just happens at the most inconvenient time.  Triggered by something, and he wonders if an iodine deficiency could be involved.  No idea and he knows how complicated life can be, and how the human body works, is a bit of mystery for him.  Seems like he is more interested in things like demilitarization, recycling and reclamation and conversion of bad thoughts and invasive things.  Short version and he uses the phrase:  Gradients of Recycle to bring all this to mind and apply himself to solving the puzzle of how to rid himself of the side-effects that these things bring to him.


Not sure why he thinks blogging about the gradients of recycle will solve his problems, or yours.  Inner medulla pressure releases thoughts that he is unable to account for.  But just in case it is important, he has gotten into the habit of writing it down.  Is one of his primary blogging goals.  Write it down.  Then let it go.  Recycle one’s thoughts and see what others will do in the comment field of his blog.  Has something to do with counter-current-multiplication, but currently he is not in the mood to explain any of this.  Just mentions it in a blog.

Comes down to this admission.  The material in this blog is not recyclable.  And we should dismiss all of this as a by-product of iodine deficiency and contaminated thinking.  It happens.  Gradients of Recycle and there is no place to go with all of this.  Hence,  a big push to go to Mars.  Another challenge for mankind.  Another place to put our stuff.  Is the thoughts of material-man and I must confess.  This is my biggest problem.  Material-Man.   Too much stuff.  Won’t fit in a blog.  Going to Mars.  I am.

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