Saturday, October 13, 2012



It is okay to ask:  “Where Did Time Go?”  “Did I Do Kay or O’-kay?”  And more to the point of fantasy and oblivion we ask, “What Now, Superman?”  Was Superman but a character out of comic book land, and is the grandson of the publisher of DC Comics a billionaire, because back then in a simpler time, Escapism was King?  Questions and am not here to find an answer.  Am part of the stream of consequence when all things go digital, and out west on the edge of a now unspoiled stream, sponsored by the environmentalist, I. M. Green, salmon frolic in the spray, sentimentalists like me lay on the bank with picnic basket and wine bottle in hand, counting Old Growth Trees and rejoicing in the fact, we have technology now.
 SAVE THE WORLD.  ( if you can.) 
Be My Super Hero. 

The powers then that made a nuclear bomb, and yes it was used in war and was dropped on warriors and people.  Not sure who died and who survived, but that generation is almost gone now.  A few survivors and they can give us stories and names, but more than that, if they speak to me, they might be able to complete my thought and theme for today, “What now, Superman?”

Not sure I am a fan of Small-ville.  I like my Super Heroes big.  Super Size it.  Obesity will come and go.  Am dying to try out the next diet fad.  We come and we go.  We are willing.  We are hostile.  Jimmy Olsen was Superman’s pal.  Newspaper junkie, and we all know.  Going Out Of Business. Local Paper – 10 Cents-Small-ville Journal 1954.   Where does time go?  How bad can it be, from age 15 to age 30. 
The Glory Years. 

And is part of history that Superman’s pal, Jimmy Olsen is/was an American comic book series character published by DC Comics from October 1954 until March 1974, spanning a total of 163 issues.  The original.  A Geek.  News Print.  Not digital.  And those who read this now, ask:  “What is he talking about?”  And that is why I say, “What now, Superman?”  Is there any money to be made.  Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debates.  What are they talking about?  Old People on stage.  Talking.
Sounds like my parents. 

Good question.  A Bunch of Malarkey.   Exposed for what it is.  Politics.  What does this have to do with me?  Just asking.


Caught in the middle.  Was alive in 1954 when Superman was a new creation.  Pulp Fiction.  More like comic book and pictures, and I was not yet bi-lingual.  Learning my A-B-C’s and basic math.  At the time it didn’t add up for me, I was little.  But now.  Omg!!!  The big question:  “What now, Superman?”

 Is like the world is going to pot.  Smoking and doing a line.  Things get hazy, but then we recover and go to work.  Live for the weekend and free time and more lines.  Lines of departure and looking for something to keep the buzz going.  Maybe.  Mostly I scratch my head.  When they write about me, I don’t want to be a fictional character, based on the need to escape and yes, young or old, we have to ask, “If I was the last man on earth,  “Would I Do Kay or O’-kay?” 

And I can see it clearly now.  Salmon and Trees.  Sunshine.  Technology.  No need to be the last man on earth.  Have the power.  Can do something to make it all better.  Not fictional character at all.  Am real.  Keeping it Real.  No, I won’t vote for you.  It’s a joke.  Maybe you are too. Who Knows?  Not I.  

In front of the people.  Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate.  And I cover my head.  Duck for Cover.  Ask:  “What now, Superman?”  And then retreat into the shadows and prepare for winter.  Chilly.  November Elections in America.  But is our lot, so  Vote. 

And if you must find a choice outside of the establishment and people you saw talking malarkey on TV, well then.  Just vote and write in, in your own way, your man or woman or favorite Dawg,  who sees things as you do.  Just Vote.  Pencil in.  Digital Protocol.  Hello World Vote For Me.  I. M.  Green, no wait changed my name and mind.  Time waits for no one.  Getting old but still flying around.  Vote For Me.  I. M. Superman.  2012.

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