This is a blog started
yesterday. I liked the sound of
it. Title. General idea that this could be my focus for the day. Liked it that it was centered around the
love of my life. And its not a long
story if I leave the personal details out.
On the fringe and will talk without saying things that might upset
you. Must say:
“Christmas is over. Happy New Year.”
And when I do things like
this around my house, an eye of suspicion comes into play, but it’s a yearly
routine, and its just the way husband is.
Forget about it. In a few days
he will be on a new tangent, and come up with a novel way to yank the chain of
family, and mostly wife, as the Littles are too small to really know what’s
going on. Little and still playing with
their Christmas presents. We try to let
them be. Just be happy. Best we
can. Home and Cupboard full of food,
and it was just Christmas and presents under the tree. The rest is adult stuff. We carry on.
And now into the topic
started yesterday. Abandoned when the
phone rang. And now its worth the
starting role in today’s blog roll.
What does that mean? Mostly that
this is a clever way to introduced the subject of imminent concern, without the
children asking: “Mommie. Daddy.
Are you fighting?” And we always
say: “Heaven’s No.”
And that is the answer that
works for them. Peace on Earth. Goodwill towards man. Is a great way to go into the new year. And I am looking forward to it. But first, let me tell you about: Angelical Green.

Angelical Green. Long rain stops. Shutters come down.
Gradually, an angelical green emerges.
We are thankful. Give praise to
spring and flowing water. The thaw and
negotiations. Getting close to the
truth of it all. And close to an ocean,
nautical miles away. Separation is
great. Waves cover the distance. In winter’s storm, many ships will sink, and
yet another year passes and is not you, now unmentioned and in a watery
Count your blessings, and I
do. Search for survivors begins. Looking for those who came ashore and now
experiencing angelical green. Landscape
and State of Mind. Christmas is
over. The New Year is about to begin. And the children ask: “Are you fighting?”
And in some ways, I am. Fighting the urge to tell you
everything. Mostly, its about allowing
November and December and the spending spree.
Maxing out the credit cards.
Presents under the tree. And
today she asks: “Where are you going
husband? Talk to me.” And I give that
look. More to say, like you don’t want
to know. Don’t want to know where men
go and what they must do, to provide and pay the bills and carry on, year after
But she persists. “Tell me.”
And I do. Going out to the field
to shoot the cow/beef. Call her Betsy. Have to make ends meet. Pay off the credit cards. Get ready for a new year. And yes, the children will notice when Betsy
is missing. But for now, its about
fresh meat and coming into the new year, with our heads above water, and
keeping our family operation afloat.
Its about money. Fiscal Cliff or some
language-of-explanation that
is meant to take you off course and in a new direction. Political Dissonance. Christmas is over. The jubilation is felt and now over. Is replaced by father headed out the door. Father is succinct. Lots of information passed along. Mother now knows. We are all doing our best, but its about the debt. To keep going there must be a change of

And he makes it simple. He calls the process. Angelical Green. But we know, its about money and financing foreign wars, and
over-spending. And that‘s it. We find a way. We trust mother and father, when they say, “Heaven’s No. Not fighting. We love you.”
Angelical Green and is about the end of the shopping
season. Christmas is over. New Year and we will pay the bills, one way
or another. Tis our job. Political Football or NFL. Tomorrow I attend the last game of the
season for the Seattle Seahawks. But
there is more. Good enough to enter the
Super Bowl Tournament. One game at a
time. The excitement mounts. And when its finally over, be it Christmas
or 2012 or the football game: somebody wins, and the rest go home We don’t say they lost, not really. Good teams play. Everybody goes home, eventually.
Its just a matter of time.
And in the end, we explain it all. And bookmark the experience and the process
of spending and paying the bills. By
talking about it in special language.
He repeats the keywords. Fiscal
Cliff. Over Spending. And Spring Thaw. Stopping the leak and the money drain. Shoring up the sinking ship.
Going under that bridge when we come to it. And it’s about performance and responsibility. Just say.
Angelical Green. Spare the
details. Don’t talk about Betsy missing. The children will adjust. And father and mother and nation find a
way. To pay off the debt. And continue on. Happy New Year. Tis the
Go Seattle Seahawks. Just win.
And if you do. Mother and Father
will be smiling all next week. NFL Football. Count your blessings, and I do.
The search for survivors begins.
Looking for those who came ashore and now experiencing angelical
green. Landscape and State of
Mind. Christmas is over. The New Year is about to begin. Football.
Paying the bills. Getting ready
for what lies ahead. Angelical
Green. The money pours in and the rain
stops. Tis my blog for today. Missing you. ( Betsy The Cash Cow.) Now
nameless and unmentioned. The bills are paid.
G-D provides. We are
grateful. And the children are safe and
at play. For this we thank you. Amen.