Saturday, December 8, 2012




Let me see if I can make sense of this.  Little-1 says in his too-loud voice, “Daddy, Juice.”  And this brings to my attention, several things that I would like to come alive, using my morning blog.  The importance of milk and juice for young children can not be over stated.  Is important to do a couple of things, as morning starts, namely prayers for the opening of eyes and the opportunity to have a normal day, and a healthy breakfast.  Such is the way around my round-table of want-to-be prince and princess people.  We try our best to do the right thing, each and every day. 

Having said that, I want to emphasis The Family Rituals.  Comes down to this for me; It all begins with people.  We must take good care of each other, be it your potato-tot and little people, or strangers across a far-away-sea and ocean.  Tis the season.  Of Goodwill.  And will use this as a lead-in.  I wanted to write a blog about the importance of juice, but something has come up, and now has my attention:  Media Juice.


And now there is more.


My children are asking for juice, and yes one likes apple juice and one likes blackberry juice.  I like water and coffee, but that does not apply just now.  Juice and it occurs to me, on the subject of Media Juice, that it can be quite potent. And now I can get into the real subject of this all. 
Holidays.  People.  Hoax. 

Seems there is this topic:  2Day Fm UK hospital prank.  Started when Kate went to the hospital for morning sickness.  And the influence from afar is great.  Some folks in Australia at a radio station thought it might be proper and funny, to call the hospital in London and pretend to be royalty and concerned family and pump the poor person who answered the phone for information.  So far so good.  Twas just a little fun. 

And now I read, where a British nurse is Dead.  The details can be found on the internet, but for me its all about Media Juice and what happens, around the world.


Clearly something is wrong.  Something went terribly wrong.  And now comes the business of getting counseling for those involved, and lawyers and so much more for those being drawn into this situation.  It is today’s news.  Around the World.  Consequences of Action Taken.  Started in Australia, after news of the royal couple in the UK.  “ Cause No Harm.”  Is what I tell the Littles all the time.  Do not hit your sister.” 

And since Christmas and World Holidays are drawing near, we have in our house a Naughty and Nice List for official use, to determine who gets a new car for Christmas and who gets a plastic one, or in her case, “Another doll.”  As you can see, its complicated.  Can’t take sides.  Have to be careful.  Family Matters.  Love One Another.  And with that I look across the table and ask, “ Well Littles- 1 and 2.  Do you want any more Juice or toast?”  And with that we all agree. 

Play Time. 

Time to have a little fun.  And so now they are off, doing other things, out of sight.  Nanny People take over.  And I am left with my own thoughts and a lot of Media Juice, nobody really wanted.  Have a good day.   

Do No Harm.



  1. Naughty or Nice Seeedrum? You involve me. This is sometimes just one to one but I choose to be involved. There are other shoulds. I have microscopes unused for years and other life forms I could look at. I listen to others. I even juice them.

    My wife hoasted a bible study meeting last night (just 4 lovely people) and I listened to a fundamentalist view of creation and the flood. I restrained myself but here is my reaction,

    Minutes of meeting about Philippians 2

    In the final minutes I should have contributed my own prayer, something like this.

    I’ve missed our conversations but now it’s much better. I hear you in the wind and waves and silences. You are in all and not outside.
    Call it a form of pantheism or atheism but all spiritual sources such as Sufi Islam, Buddhism and Taoism inspire.

    “The best, like water;
    Benefit all and do not compete.
    They dwell in lowly spots that everyone else scorns.
    Putting others before themselves,
    They find themselves in the foremost place
    And come very near to the Tao”

    Media Juice - It's hard to avoid. I want to get away. On the other hand at the moment I'd like to communicate with someone in China, Iran and Pakistan. My contacts have been lost. There are problems. I don't need orange juice. Perhaps the economy needs it.

    We had a good day walking in our wet moorland hills. Low cloud, lots of sun beams and I studied some lichens.

  2. you will notice, the objectionable part is missing.

    won't happen again.

  3. I didn't notice and still don't notice. But then I often don't see even things I'm looking for that are in front of me. Didn't get the Abel Cain picture.

  4. cain and able came from a UK London advertising campaign on the transportation system. not sure what their point might be. But...

    reminded me, even in well attending families, there is potential chaos. Discord is part of the original intent.

    what needs to be: Teach The Children Well.

    Love and Peace.

    one picture too far removed, and yet. its there. As I intended. A reminder.
