It is time to write a blog, and I have a couple of things on my mind, mostly I want to wear my wife’s shoes. Put the shoe on the other foot, and see if that might slow me down. First let’s examine my state of mind. I am befuddled by the world around me. And the reason is simple. I am looking at today’s world from an antiquated point of view. I will try to explain. I am trying very hard to keep up, and not rush to judgment. Just accept things the way they are, and not spend a lot of time and energy analyzing the situation. But two things happened recently that is making me reconsider and not rest easy. And so I will have my say here and now, and then let it go. Can’t change a thing. Its just a blog and the other world operates on its own, separate from me and what I am thinking about. And so I will call this my Other World Voice, and justify looking at all this from swollen eyes, and will leave it up to you. “Is he crying?”
There are 3 different things
going on that influence this blog. On
Monday I was reading about The United States and finding somebody to be
Secretary of Defense, a title that leads us down that path, and decided who the
Military/Pentagon Boss will be for the next 4 years. And suddenly was reading articles about how things were changing,
and the Military Budget would be cut, and the emphasis would shift from foreign
wars, to spending money and balancing the budget and maybe even, Jobs in the
U.S. Not necessarily military spending. And that was simple enough. The mindset is changing. Or at least that is the general impression I
had. But then, I moved forward and
looked at a list of movies that were moving into position to win an Oscar. You know.
America. Entertainment. Winning an Oscar. Like that’s important this time of year. And I wasn’t sure, what was more
important. NFL football Playoffs and
Washington D.C. Redskins playing Seattle Seahawks, that team from the other
Washington. Football is a little bit
like war. And so that’s what I was
thinking, when.

When I found out that
RG=III, Washinton Redskins Super rookie
QB got hurt in battle, his team lost and now the super talented QB is having
Knee Surgery. Played hurt. Now finished for the year, and maybe his
career is in jeopardy, perhaps. So I
was thinking about that. Football as
War. A fight for territory and bragging
rights, and that lead me directly to thinking about Oscar and the movies. And something added up for me, and I had to
go see it for myself. What’s the big
deal? Or is all of this small potatoes,
and really in the scope of things, looking at my day and life from a 100 year
perspective, does it matter that RGIII lost the game, maybe lost his position
as QB, and that losing in turf war, ends his career. If so, what’s next?
And now I am looking at the
movies that are in top contention for the Oscar, and see two movies that seem
to get me thinking a certain way. There
are 3 movies for 2013 that touch upon the theme that comes with this blog and
my Other World Voice. Those movies
are: Lincoln. Zero Dark Thirty. And. Silver Linings Playbook.

So I went to the movie
yesterday, and after 40 minutes or less watching Lincoln, the 1865 view of
President Lincoln and his issues of the day, which was mostly about The Civil
War, and giving equality to slaves, and I guess indirectly, to women, who at
the time could not vote in the United States in 1865, I walked out. Yes, didn’t stay to see the whole movie. It was about war, and about many things that
reminded me of the end of military influence and spending in our society, and I
just left the theater thinking, Zero Dark Thirty. And. Silver Lining
Playbook. Those are the other movies
seeking an Oscar Winning opportunity for best picture. And I have seen Silver Lining Playbook and
it was entertaining but in my mind, not Best Picture material. Football oriented comedy and that’s where
the idea, Playbook comes in. Washington
Redskins and RGIII. About the playbook
and playing hurt. And now I am down to
one movie: Zero Dark Thirty.
And from where I am and my state of mind, its bleak. Lincoln is not my choice for Best Picture of
the Year. Nor is Silver Linings
Playbook. So what’s left. Zero Dark Thirty. A movie about the demise of Bin Laden and water-boarding and
behind the scenes activity, we chose to not talk about. At least that’s the way it seems. What happens when your best player gets
hurt, RGIII and it flashes on the screen:
Game Over. So it is with Bin
Laden. We know how the movie ends
before its finished. Game Over. But is that it? Lincoln and the Civil War ends.
Zero Dark Thirty and Bin Laden’s life ends. Silver Linings Playbook and its just a comedy, but then I
think: Washington D.C. Is RGIII’s career over? And that’s when my other world voice kicks
Tells me that there are
other choices we can make. That its not
all about war and the military budget and that kind of thinking. And so I look farther. More movies: Argo. A movie about
rescuing hostages and has something to do with the Hollywood movie theme. Haven’t seen the movie yet, so am not sure
how it relates to my theme about 1865 Civil War and Lincoln. Or about football and RGIII getting hurt
over the weekend and now having knee surgery.
Or about Bin Laden and all that.
Argo and Les Miserables and Django Unchained. More trouble.

And it gets me to
thinking. I have it good.
Didn’t get hurt playing football.
Didn’t have to make decisions about ending a war and the issues of
slavery. And all I did was walk out of
a movie, Lincoln after 40 minutes because it reminded me too much of
today. Finding a new boss to run the
Pentagon. Didn’t want to think about
how it all goes down in Washington D.C.
Didn’t want to think about what happen to RGIII and his football
future. And mostly, Hollywood.
Movie Oscars and Best Picture.
And now I have decided.

My Other World Voice votes
for a movie called: Life of Pi. Part fantasy and Part Reality. What happens when your ship goes down. And you survive? And that’s it. Other
World Voice. 2013 and equality. All The People are equal. Sort of.
Same-Sex Marriage and other stuff is in the air. And I am thinking. 1865 to 2013. We’ve come
a long ways?
Haven’t we? Sort of.
Read Pi and that's my choice. I hear its well done.
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