Not sure what I expect to accomplish by such a title: Spiraling Escalation, and it does sound like a hospital procedure to me. If we can get past the blood and guts of hospital life, we will find a bit of science in the story-line we print and serve up, breakfast at the dinner table and digital repeat. It all comes in Super Sized Portions, and is too much for me to figure out, how all of this is good for me. Just as we suspect, it is another early morning blog, and he is expanding on the idea of understanding in a rapidly changing world. Hence he decides on the title A Spiraling Escalation.
Hint and tiny clue to what this day will be all about, will not be found here. Is an attempt to get a blog out into the open, and entertain as best we can, with hospital precision and Super Bugs causing havoc in the operating room, and to top all that, a fly in the ointment when it comes to story-line and making sense to a global audience that has no clue, what he is up to. Takes real effort to find the plot or subplot in all this. Have you had breakfast, and do you have the energy for this? Just wondering.

Takes effort to get things right. This is the underlying narrative of his blog work. Simple enough for beginners, but does it have enough blood and guts for the hard-core reader among us. One needs to be careful. Held together by a narrative thread that weaves its way into existence. Enough to ask, " Silk or Cotton." But the truth is his blogs are a tapestry of unbelievable dimensions. Powerful enough to get you to the bottom-line, but then you ask: "Is that all there is?"
Have learned the hard way that a continuous program of starting over takes its toll over time. Why bother? Just give up. Go away. Is only a blog, and it took up a good part of my day. Oh the things said and it was like a spiraling escalation of things I didn’t really need to know. And yes, that is how I feel about going to google news, and even when its free, I have to ask myself: "Is This Really News? Am I okay with all of this? Oh Really."
And that gets me to where I want to start. Am in a community of digital sharing. Concussions and football. Baseball and Steroids and hitting the ball a long ways. And then one of us fails the drug test and it has us all wondering, "Is This The Way To Go?" Raised expectations. Always scrambling to keep up. Hard to come up with a compelling title for a blog or a headline for the news banner. Blood and Guts. Have we had a enough? I wonder.
What does it take to get through my day, with or without blogging. More difficult when I am not engaged in word-smithing, but in the end it all ends up on the assembly line: Book. Word Play. Film and more blood and guts and loud music. This is a never-ending story he likes to tell, and when push comes to shove, is a spiraling escalation I just can not afford.
Can’t afford to go to the hospital. Can’t imagine getting a Super Bug that takes my kidney away. Dysfunction in the way things are, and I do ask myself. "Is This All There Is?" So I take a few days off. Ponder the big questions in this life I am living. And then begin the rebuilding process. Seek foundation and resolution. Come to the conclusion that Hollywood is right. We all love a good romance and aluring visual. Beautiful People kissing on the big screen. Stoney Blogger making out and doing the best he can. Smoke and Mirrors and Haze. Blue Smoke in Flashing Lights, and we can only assume. Help is on its’ way.
Not sure if this is all logical. Chaos seems to be produced organically. Dilated Pupils. A shot of this and that administered in the emergency room. And it brings to the moment of truth. Blood and Guts. And loud music. Is this enough to get me through breakfast and close to lunch? What is entertaining about all this, is when I decide I need to be more healthy, give up some of my impulses and Super Sized Drinks, and yes. Stop Smoking. And if I do that, will things become better. Reduction of the spiraling escalation of the harmful side of how I live.
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