Its 12 o’clock. Hands on Noon. Have to make some soup, but that can wait until this blog is over. Summer, and its not something we do. Soup in summer. But here is my rational. Fast food makes me fat. Eating in the Urban Zone I live in, you know: downtown and walking distance to everything the suburbanites come to visit on the weekends and when not at work. Knee Jerk. Can’t afford the prices they ask these days. Average price for coffee: $4. Everything else is $10. And after 5 pm, well the price is $21.99. More or less. Generalization, but eating around here will drain your wallet or your credit card. So my blog for today. Big Surprise. And expand on this theme, when I say, "No big surprise. Other’s behavior. Local prices." And quality of life is my main enterprise. Best Loved. The Person. The Place. The Thing. And of course, The Dog. Having said that, will just explore the best ways to surprise myself when an ordinary day, turns into something special.
Spending money, is that your thing? My thing is about being frugal and blending in. Live in a fat-cat neighborhood but then offset that by saying, "Walking distance to the Pike Place Market and The Gum Wall." And if you have no clue what I am talking about, just google it and then look for pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, so that will save me some time. Adding to the theme, I suggest that you do not have to lavish or extravagant to be with me. Don’t have to go out of your way to think of the exact thing to do that will make me really, really happy. Mostly, is a trial and error thing. We learn by doing. Can say,
"Life is full of surprises."
Not sure what you are doing, nor what you are looking for coming here today. Big Surprise. Well, maybe. Once we figure it out, that will go a long way to unravel the mystery and the just cooked spaghetti. Throw it against the wall, and if it sticks, its done. Not very romantic, but that'’ how I started out. Very Practical. My fuel was to be gas-efficient and it got me far. Now here I am. Big Surprise. Made major changes and over time, not sure I got better, but I did come into the Romancing the Stone Crowd. Not sure what that means, but maybe you do. Ground Zero and sometimes I am a keeper. Celebrating the 68th Year of dropping a Bomb on Hiroshima. How good is that? Not sure. Wasn’t there at the time. And have learned that half of what they teach as history is bogus. Go back to the idea: Had To Be There to experience full meaning. And with that mind circuit and bent, will move on. Bright Flash. Blinding. And the heat. Can only imagine. Big Surprise. How something like that can spoil your day, or influence you for the rest of life. Can Only Imagine.

Almost reached the end now. Not sure if I have covered the theme or material to your satisfaction. Came to the idea of writing as a habit. Not because I had something important to say. I know that I did not want to write or address the subject of A-Rod and Performance Enhancing Drugs. Is the talk of sports land. How to police your own. Big Surprise, it is not a regular feature of the sports-as-business-people. They do it when they must. But lately, its just chatter. Haters and Cheaters. I have no time for that, because age has caught up with me, and each day is bonus time for me. So why talk about it. We know. Doesn’t matter that they say, "Not Guilty." The truth comes out, eventually.
Life is as hectic as it can be. No parking in the Town of Seattle. Mayor and City Council conspire. Make this inner city a no-parking-zone. And that is how it is. So mostly I walk. And talk. And tend towards Big Surprise. Each day is different. No real standard for what I think or do. Except I make soup. Winter or Summer. Have a pot of pot, or a pot of soup on the stove and in the kitchen. Not like a methane lab, but like I said before. Have to be there to experience the full impact of being with him. Things happen. Almost Accidentally. Hiroshima. We dropped a bomb. That was long ago. And for the most part, its all but forgotten. Wasn’t there. Don’t want to talk about it. How I feel about baseball and The Damn Yankees. Maybe tomorrow. Big Surprise. I will dedicate a full blog to that subject. But not now. Making Soup. Man in the Kitchen. A keeper. Perhaps. Maybe. Life On A Full Stomach. Pike Place Market and The Gum Wall. Google it. If you have nothing else to do. Have a good day. Be well.
Now go look for parking.
I'm reading along.