Beware means to be cautious. Be aware or she is aware, means she notices her surroundings and keeps a watchful eye on you. Ok it might not mean that at all, but all of this is a good lead-in to the subject most on my mind. We shall begin with this: Gone in 60 seconds. Crooks are swiping ladies’ purses from right under their noses, and it could happen to anyone. Lined up to go to a NFL football game, and each year they change the rules. Part of what makes the game interesting. Just when you have the right players on your team to win and keep winning all the way to the end. The Super Bowl. And then just to throw you off balance they change the rules and the game gets more difficult to attend or attend to. Calls for constant awareness and one must be aware of what’s really going on.
Standing in line at the entrance to an NFL game. It happens. To my friend, or wife or some female I don’t know. Her purse is gone in 60 seconds. And the security person points at a sign. Turns out it is like this now: The NFL changed its security policy banning purses this season except for small clutches. Aware. Beware. What happens next. Purse ends up in a trash barrel, or even more, they have you over a barrel and the ball is in your court. But then you remember, its just a game. Change The Rules. And this is preseason. And we sort of know this is an attack on us, much like putting pressure cooker bombs in a backpack, and leaving it at the Boston Marathon Finish Line. People get hurt. Thieves stealing your purse. Gone in 60 seconds. The NFL saying, "Trim down. Forget about it. You can’t bring it in." And this is when it becomes plain and simple. They are telling you what to do. Grin and Bare it, or sell your ticket to the people over there. And go home, or to a bar and watch the game on a big screen. Take your purse with you.
I remember being told by a sister or her friend when I was young. "Girls just like to have fun." So I was a little skeptical when the NFL starting making the uniforms pink and hired women to entice women to come to the NFL game. And mostly it was a man’s world before all that. But the goal is to sell tickets and stuff. But now, the rules dictate that your leave your comfort food and stuff at home. Put it in a gallon-size ziplock bag . Make sure its see-though. Follow the rules. No backpacks or seat cushions. So as it appears, this is not fan-friendly and most certainly alienates the wife and girlfriend or daughter. Goes against the notion, this should be fun. No fun at all. But men are different. Get them inside. Leave your stuff on the bus. Call your insurance company. Seek a settlement. Just get to the game and inside. Have somebody hand you a beer. Now, ready for the game.
And if its still bothering you,
drink more beer.
A lot of men do that.
Haven’t written a blog for a while. Wasn’t sure what might interest you. Still don’t know, where your interest lies. If its not a problem for you, and you watch football on TV, and not at the stadium live, well then. Aware. Beware. Is must a cautionary tale he tells. End of Summer. Next thing you know he will be talking about the icy patches of winter on your local road. Posting a warning. Beware. But we all know and are aware of what happens next. Mostly we do. And its just a game. Football. Don’t let your guard down. In the end, its our life. Our rules. Sort of. Have a good time. Its still summer. Fake Football Games. Preseason. Why let all this spoil our good time. That’s what I am saying. Bag Ban. Banned in Boston. Now its where ever the NFL plays. And I am thinking. Beware. And Be Aware. Next year they will change the rules, and
move the game to London.
Oh my.

move the game to London.
Oh my.

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