It seems interesting to me the mess we get into just living from day to day. And wonder if that has anything to do with an uncertain future we cling to. Do we know what the next day will bring, or is all that a product of our imagination as we dare to dream big, and carry on as if all of this is ever flowing and continuous and always in our best interest. Been a long time for me, as stoney blogger, investing in words and the freedom to write and express myself.

Of course, its true, the incentive to write comes and goes, is guided by the seasons and my placement on the globe, and it is my essential nature to seek self-expression. Is my reality, and so today I commit to the idea of writing a blog, but staying away from the questionable things that make gossip and speculation self-expanding in the ordinary world, aided by Twitter and social media and people like you and I inquiring. Its been okay, but should we shut it down. Look for a better way. Try something new. Wave goodbye to yesterday. Just say, "New Day. Can’t afford it." And just walk away. Can we?

So I need nourishment. Getting hungry as we speak. Freedom and Open Expression takes resources we often take for granted, and I am no different. Expect to write this blog and reach out to you, without really considering if you will be there. Shutdown, and maybe you have just walked away from the ordinary routines of yesterday. Too much fuss and confusion. Human Nature. Shut it Down. Wonder how many of us have come to that conclusion, but have not taken the energy to implement that plan that lurks just a few steps away, digital or real time, and for me is time to seek the kitchen, cook up something, like home made stew, and let others manage the best they can.
Limited Edition.

And is true. Front Page News, but now its all digital and not a paper on my front porch getting soaked by the rain, because the paper-boy was all too busy, delivering the good and plotting out a new course that would distance him from you. And I wonder, is it time. To just go do something different, and deal with the reality of an uncertain future, doing it one by one, or in a chorus of others, rising up and making ones presence known. Often wonder, if I should go fishing or write a blog. Energy in the Dust. Tampered down by the rain that reaches for me and my newspaper, just out there and exposed to the elements. So it gets me thinking. Newspapers and is it time to let those institutions of the word just go away. "Go Away." He said. "You are annoying me."

People talk. Not sure if what they are saying has anything to do with me. Pay your bills. Live month to month. Take care of self and family, if that’s what you are dedicated to. I am. I like my dog and friends and family and newspaper. Just plain old fashion. And so it goes. My daily love affair with you.

Just now, found myself in the kitchen with tears in my eyes. Not sure if it was chemical, as I was slicing up onions, for its place in the pot and stew, and wonder what we have gotten ourselves into, as a certain reality unfolds, and we radiate and dispense an energy that warns of something more coming in the days ahead. "Shut it Down." He said. "I am not fighting with you. A decision has been made." And its like I have dedicated this day to drying out the wet newspaper gathered from the front porch. Not worried that I won’t be able to read it, like tea leaves at the bottom of my cup, for its known.

If it appears in newsprint, it is possible I can find it online. Digital and Available. Plan B. So much to think about these days. Wandering over the well-trod landscape. Can’t get into Yosemite or the National Park just down the road from me, where mountains stand and look down, wondering in a stone cold way, is this for real. Am I really standing after all this time.

And there he is. Looking out his window, over land and water, looking at the reflection of sun on snow and mountains now off limits because they say, "We Shut it Down. No Access." And I am thinking. Wet Newspaper. Cold day. Time for a cup of soup and a cheese sandwich. Time to eat. And to repeat. A Certain Reality Unfolds. Am I happy? Blogging today. Spending time with my newspaper and with you. Extending the happiness and extending my daily love affair with you.
Yes, I am.

So good to read you again. You got me off to a good start. I up very early at 0500 as I am afraid to miss my ferry to the mainland and then an Adriatic cruise with my wife. First the agony. I have no cash because no card with me and must walk 2 miles to boat with legs recovering from being broken. Its a challenge I like. My wife is a challege. I like challenges. Reading you is a pleasure. Makes me think. I'll be back.