I am caught up with an afternoon dilemma and its Monday. Been going through the routine that is scripted for the first work day of the week, but then it needs to be adjusted for the fact that I am retired, and not like you, in the sense I had to work all day and waited for this moment when I could sit down at my computer, at home or in a coffee shop, and do the social and media scene, determine what I have been missing and pine away in my mental box, wishing to be more like the digital you, and not feeling myself at all. Not like that for me. Maybe its not like that for you, but a rare projection of that which occupies me night and day, in my subconscious. Truth is that a swift rendition means more than one thing to me, and since I am retired, but pretend I am not, hence get active on the internet at any time I choose, and do what you might do,
only not at work.

Swift Rendition and it could be a song or musical experience that attached to me back when I was young and influenced by the music I would hear, and associate it with the person I was dating or married to or just wanted to be with. Swift Rendition and it might even be a dual apprehension of a negative aspect that I was drawn to, like moth to light or fire. Dual and now its up to me, and it always is, to figure out what it means to me, and why on this day, I find it important to pursue. Swift Rendition. Wonder what it means to you? On the Internet, looking for company and somebody that finds this a proper topic: Swift Rendition and now we play it. 1-2-3. And is that it? Swift and now I’m gone, or just that fact that I have listened to a rendition of a favorite song that is being done, by somebody new. Not the original at all. And I wonder. Positive or Negative, what does this mean to me. Today.

Am dealing with duality. Spirit or Body. And in a simple telling, rendition means, "handing over." And then there is the extraordinary rendition, that is the apprehension and extra-judicial transfer of a person from one country to another. Difficult at best to understand the simple and the complex, side by side and in different versions. Like a rendition of a song, from old to new, done in an entirely different form, you hardly recognize it as the song you learned and associated with your first love, back in the day when any was possible. So young. Swift rendition and has this anything to do with CIA Renditions and the dude named Snowden, who admitted to it all, when she sang out, "My Bad."

So here I am. I hear again, the chorus to that song I first heard when I was 16. Lovely. Not rap music. Nobody had to die, back then. Innocent and harmless. But not now. Dealing with a duality and a simple telling, which only means I am handing over all those things that happened to me in the past, moving forward, and trying to make it all disappear. A Swift Rendition. Make it disappear. My duality. Make me single again. Willing and Ready and Able to fall in love once more. Regain my innocence. Is that possible?
Not sure.

Swift Rendition. Good or Bad, or just a product of society and the common mind, living today with so many instances of duality, caught between the body of facts and the condition of soul, attempting to express itself in music, finding something new in the harmony of the past, now out of popularity with the young audience that buy music or steal it from the internet. Hard to understand this practice of questionable legality, which is what we do in the new world. New construction. Rewording or interpretation of a perfectly good song, I grew to love. But then what did I know about the real world, back when I was 16. Falling in Love.??

Swift Rendition of old music, not played or listened to. Beethoven’s First. Not to be the last, and now comes new and improved as a new arrangement, I am suppose to get use to. Get Real. Adapt. And that is how I see it. A practice of questionable legality, who are you to tell me, what I am suppose to do? Probably not correct to discuss this in light of CIA Renditions. The damage has been done. I heard the new arrangement. Didn’t like it. Now am part of the resistance. Not sure if I will be charged with anything. Of course I am hoping for a happy ending. Want and intend to have a close relationship with you. Preserve those feelings I had at age 16. Don’t want to be abducted by today’s sudden change of mind. But wait, is there enough tolerance and leeway to allow me what I want? Not sure. Swift Rendition.

Will I disappear?
And Be Duality:
Lost Love.
A Love Song I listen to on YouTube.
But its not the same. Happening at the same time.
I Don’t Like It.

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