Looking out my window to the outside, and its fair to say, "Nasty and maybe I should stay inside, until things improve." This performance, day after day, is worthy of an Oscar nomination. Not a professional, so I won’t win. But it helps me pass the day. Winter and March and to make things worse, this is the weekend we Spring Ahead. Turn the clocks forward, and mess with your biological timing system. Little things like this affect me. Nasty weather. Weekend and you want some action, but if you stay home, it all gets like a simulation or video game. Nasty weather and fooling around, with the clocks. Nice phrase. Spring ahead.

But have done this before and what I know, is that all of this puts me in the mood to pull the covers over my head, block out the morning light, and yes. Sleep it off. But then the real me comes to life. " Do something, even if it is wrong." And that of course is how I came up with an alternative life, that turned into the Me-You-See today. And is why I never go onto the web and web-cam chat. Never say never, but mostly its not pretty what I see around me. Common and ordinary. And this inspires me to take a walk around the village, staying close to the buildings and out of the rain. And that works, if you are willing to endure a little hardship. And isn’t that what life is about? Making it through another day. Around The Village I need to go, to see how others are doing. So I ask.
"How are you?" "What’s up?"

Created a new routine. Tis artificial reality for me. Goes around the situation, where out the window peek returns a nasty weather phase, and now my first option for after-breakfast action goes up in smoke. But if you follow the rules, you have to go out to smoke. Smoking ban. " Go outside." Instead on goes the computer. Blogging time. But first, I go to the webcam channel, dial in Iowa City, Iowa and see what the people are doing on Main Street.

And that’s how I came up with going Around-The-Village, digitally. A portal to something different, but then you find that its not all that different, when you go to the same place everyday, look in and after a week or so, it is what it is. Small town Main Street. Saturday morning and hours ahead of where you are. Just planning my day, while these folks on Main Street are moving towards a setting sun, or clouds that turn into a obscured sky with darkness descending. My point, a walk around the village, and soon you realize. Different places and different lives playing out their destiny.

And basically it is all the same. What do you learn by watching people in a far away place. Of course, I could tell you what some people in Iowa City, Iowa. U.S.A. , are doing, but heck if you have the inclination and a computer and bandwidth, you can go and see it all for yourself. So who needs me?
And that will not become the focus of this blog. Not worried about what happens day after day, and we reach a point where we turn the clocks ahead, and it becomes obvious. "Who needs that." Who needs Old Fella, lamenting that its bad weather outside and suddenly he has nothing to do. A full day without plans or ambition, or places to go and something to do. Who needs that, when the rest of us are trying to make a living, feed our family, and go shopping on the only days we are not at work. So instead. An artificial reality is created. Online and facebook happy. How ya doing?

And its best to post a picture, rather than say, " Nasty Weather. I’m depressed." And it makes me wonder, how all those people in Alaska and Russia and well north of the 49th parallel get along through those long and harsh winters we know are out there, but seldom see first hand.

And so that very thought helps me get over what ever it is that is limiting me. My thoughts. My attitude. My reality. Over time and what have I become? Guess that is a subject for another day. What I need to do is put my hat and coat on. Step out. Make a trip around the village, and see how others are doing? Around The Village. Real or Digital. A magical destination for all that seems to stand in my way. Throw open the windows. Open the door. Step out. And see what happens. Beyond artificial reality. Get real. Smile. Laugh. Duck and cover. Do what you must do, but don’t let it all get away, just because its nasty out there, and you choose to stay in bed.
And when you see her, be sure to ask,
"How are you doing? What’s up."
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