Happy, pretty and free. That’s what I want. For you. For me. For the people. Is my tea time thought for this day. Have time to burn, as we added an extra hour to the routine. Daylight Savings Time protocol, and here I am with the blond, celebrating. Truth is, its not about who I am with. Does it matter? Older and Wiser now. Be with the one you love, or go it alone, and find a friendly face to be with, from time to time. So that’s mostly all I have to say, about the one you are with. Truth is, I want this blog to be about projection and protection. Wearing protection, and as a side-trip, about wigs and bad hair day.

Time moves forward, by a clever trick. Manipulate the clock, suddenly we are all an hour older. And am here to say, this is really about messing with her head. Red, black or blue, does it matter and if so, where do we go with this conversation next. Small town. Everybody knows me. What does it matter that I dye my hair, or put on a wig. Can’t really hide, and is the truth that they snapped a picture of me, and posted it on the web. Suddenly I am with the blond, or am the blond, or just in case you missed it, having a bad hair day. And on top of it all, they Spring Ahead. And here we are. Messing with my head. Once or twice a year. Am I happy.
Probably not.

So it happens to everybody, once in a lifetime or so. You end up with the blond, and have your 10 minutes of fame. Get the looks, and the shadow. People asking, " Why is she with him?" And before it starts, that is how it ends. Day 2 and he is back to walking his dog, and nobody asks, " Was it a wig?" Basically a short conversation, and he is on his bike, Helmet Head and he is headed out of town. Had enough. Was a mistake to be signaled out, posted and talked about. Not that it was all a mistake, but it drew unwanted attention. Nothing stops time and declining looks, but even so, its a simple thing, learning how to do it. Nothing to hide. A wig is just a wig. Easy way to change shape and color and be stylish, when truth is, you are not in the mood to pretty up, but family and routine dictates a going out party. And so it happens. Messing With The Head. Turning the clocks forward. Going out when you really didn’t want to. It happens.

Don’t obsess. Try to be natural and relaxed. Winter and the wind blows in all directions at once. Who you are with, or what looks they carry, loses importance when you slip and slide around on ice. Best to just get on with it. In and Out. Takes practice to not be overly conscious about looks. But mostly to prolong life expectancy, just relax. Father Time moves forward. Spring Forward. There will be time to shape up for the beach. Soon, but not today. Just get your chores done. Don’t be the intellectual on a slippery slope. Drop the thought that this is a good or bad hair day. Drop the thought that my wig just blew away in a 20 mile an hour wind. Forget about it.
But in a good way.

They messed with the clock. They messed with my head. But that’s how yesterday was. Today, I am with the blond, and things will be different. So I say. Get it done. And come back tomorrow and we will talk, test the waters, and see how we feel. About yesterday. Messing with the clocks. Messing with my head. Forget about those things. Its still winter and March Madness is about to begin.
Damn Yankees.

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