Am having one of those days when I am confined to my own head, a mini-prison in the utopia of all mankind. Looking for a release point and a generous settlement in terms we can all agree with. More Time. More Money. More Everything on my terms. Has inspired me to write a blog. Had a conversation, with others and then in solitary confinement, a talk with myself. Over the course of a lifetime, what made you most content? Content being my word for Happiness on a Scale of 1 to 10, do you have a 10 scale moment of what made you happy in the life you are living?

Is my way of getting to the point of this story or essay or blog. On The Subject Of: Contentment. Share your 10 scale moment with those who will read this.

Was having a conversation with a friend. It was said, "Happy that I have a friend like you?" Comes with the affirmation that Stoney was a good person to talk to when having a bad day. Like what might Stoney do that made me feel better, that others just didn’t do? In this case, it is important to know: Stoney is an electronic figment of my imagination. I think he is real, but how would I know. He doesn’t exchange pictures, nor semen. More like Stoney is a word-man. Writes blogs when he is in the mood. Not sure what he does for a living, or for a hobby. Seems he likes sports, but don’t most men. So that is not distinguishing. The point is, to stay on subject: And the topic for today: On The Subject Of Contentment. What makes you happy?

He decides that it is more important to hear what others have to say about: Work Place Contentment. Like is there such a thing. Comes down to just filling time. He is retired now. Has time to ponder such things like, What Makes You Happy? And likes blogs because they reach a huge cross-cultural population of readers and responders. Global and Local. Universal reach in the sense you have no one good and final answer. Work Place Contentment and wondering if there is such a thing, opens the door to a spontaneous conversation about those things that make you both happy and discontented, perhaps at the same time.

As for Stoney, he has had a lot of years to put this inquiry in perspective. Over time, those around him have changed their minds. Changed their jobs. Got divorces or just moved on when their spouse didn’t come home after 30 years of marriage. And so it goes. Work Place Contentment. My best work is my family, and making dreams come true.

It is in my mind that I will not let others decide for me, where my happiest moments in life will be. Will not let others spoil my day. Not at work, where competition threatens the very idea of workplace harmony. Over time I have seen workplace change. Business thrives, invites good people and good energy, and then over time change forces these things to dissipate. Time to find a new place to spend your day. Make money, or maybe not. Work because we have to, or because we want to.

And that leads me to rethink the path I have taken. For me it was always family first. Take care of my family. So I was attracted to enterprises that were the best at what they did. Sears-Roebuck where the family shops. Boeing, where they made airplanes and sold them to the world. Can name more places that were labor stops for me, but then again, it comes down that each of us is different. Where I worked has nothing to do with you. Where you work is an individual achievement and can be different on any given day. Seeing a large array of choices, do we go to work because it makes us happy. And is this a forever thing?

Is where I choose to end this conversation. From conflict and competition to work place contentment over the long run, and I wonder: Is there such a thing: This thing I keep calling: Work Place Contentment. ???

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