Good Day all. Am trying to get my head around this topic for today. Haven’t been writing blogs daily, so am needing to work my way into this as if its the daily routine, when it is not. Over the years have cut back on blogging time, as well as time at the computer screen. 3 hours a day at the screen, and that includes a 3 hour movie at bed time, so it is taking more effort to organize myself, stay to the self-rules I have given myself, and mostly I am finding out that I am rusty at doing this blog routine. Sat down to do a blog, because something is not quite right, and usually I would just put my foot down, say: "Not right." Then wander off and if you catch up to me and my general pattern of poor communication about the important things we should be talking about, but never quite find the time to do, well then, I ask, " will talking face to face take care of all this? Let’s Talk About It." Is that the situation that will fix everything, not sure.

Second thoughts are ruining me. Things have changed drastically, mostly due to technology and smart phones. I wander off after saying, "Not right." You leave me a message, and it distills down to the basics. "What’s your problem. Pick up. We can talk about it." But of course, the new methodology comes with problems all its own. So I disconnect. See or hear your message, but wait until we are together to address the general state of things. And that works for me, but not for you. Your main complaint: "Let’s Talk, now!!!! Pick up your phone." And he sends a text. "Busy now. Can it wait?" And things go from bad to worse. Or at least that is my general impression, and giving me second thoughts about all of this and the modern world that is making it impossible to just sit down have tea or a beer and talk about our day. Second thoughts are ruining me.

Finally I sit down, blog and it all comes out. I get it. Now I know what’s really bothering me. It seems I have been waiting ever since February to get back to all-things-football. Been waiting to talk to you about my favorite subject, which is actually an ever-flowing jabber-walk centered around all things sports. Baseball. Football. Hockey. And so much more. He is a man. Doesn’t really talk about things related to the relationship and matters of the heart. Sports make him happy, so he buys you a ticket and says, "Join me at the game. Then at intermission, we can talk."

Starting to have control problems. My computer is acting up. Has to do with the Caps and is automatically printing in capital letters, which makes this look like I am shouting. Hard to have a conversation, when the other keeps interrupting and says, "Stop Shouting." Control problems. "My man has issues." Am thinking, this is old news. Men are difficult, even on a good day. Computers are the same. Puts me in a foul mood. Having second thoughts about all this.

Preseason has just started. Already its getting on my nerves. 25 penalties were called in the Seahawks vs. Denver preseason game on Thursday night. Delays, both from the officials and from a Lightening Strike Alert that delayed the game for 45 minutes. Game was played in Denver. But both Colorado and Washington are legalized marijuana states, so 45 minutes is enough time to find a place and light up. Of course, everywhere I go these days, there is a moral and physical ban on smoking. So everybody is annoyed at everybody. People try to run me down in the crosswalk, and I ask or shout, depending on my keyboard problem: "What Your Problem? You’re killing me here."

So officials are trying to stop the boys from playing rough. Call penalties. Throw a flag. Say: "Let’s Talk." And of course in all of this, I see a problem. My team, Seattle Seahawks just won the 2013 Super Bowl by playing rough, holding and shoving and just being down-right nasty. And now, somebody in officiating costume is making it almost impossible to finish a game in under 4 hours. So maybe that is the solution to the problem. Don’t like what I am hearing or seeing. Takes too long to communicate your message. Fans wander off. Boy-friend or significant-other too. Seems like we need more action and less talk. But seems with modern communications and replay and smart phones, the common refrain happens to be. "Let’s Talk."
Not that this is going to ruin me. Second Thoughts ruin me. And I just know. When the regular season begins, we all get happy again. She knows he is a football and sports guy. Knows he doesn’t talk all that much, but makes the checkbook and credit cards available. That’s his deal. "Going to the game. Why don’t you go shopping." And for this couple, which includes me. It makes them happy. And that’s my message for today. "Let’s Talk.", doesn’t really work just now. Football and preseason. "Gotta go." He says. "Game is starting."

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