Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It Happens This Way

It Happens This Way

Early morning blog begins with the words:  ‘….It Happens This Way.”  It is my attempt to personalize and put me in the driver’s seat, because it is my blog and that is how it should be.  Now I did consider saying, “….As It Happens.”  Decided against such wording because it would be so easy to remove me from this conversation, and had made up my mind that I was the best person to speak in my behalf, as it is my blog, my life and my writing space.  But then I got to thinking about it.  This might not be true, any longer.  Revisionist reporting is everywhere.  Touches on the idea that most things are obsolete before they reach you, and ask for your participation and input.  Now is the modern age, where one tweet replaces you as the center of conversation. 


Say one thing, and watch the universal audience in instant-gratification turn you into a stone mummy.  Can’t imagine as I only blog and do not participate in the on-going drama and commotion that is social-driven-media.  But others do and are having an impact on me, bringing me to revise my certainty and the title of this blog, in mid-blog-space.  The blog has not yet been completed and posted/published, and yet my mind is made up.  I will say, “…..As It Happens.”  Then decompose and restate what it is I thought  important to blog about, just 15 minutes prior.

As It Happens is my best attempt at staying current in an ever changing environment, and am not sure that is even possible.  Staying current might now be that impossible dream I wake up with, but have to discard as it becomes imaginary and fragmented and most certainly out of my control.  It Happens This Way reminds me of how uncertain things are in today’s world.  And I will try to focus on that, and actually sip my tea before things morph into something beyond my wildest imagination and dreams.  It is true for the moment, that I dislike drinking luke

 warm or cold coffee or tea, and such a condition would require getting up and going to the Microwave for a warm-me-up-session.


It Happens This Way implies a first person narrative, as if you were there observing and reporting in an unbiased way, the events as you want others to know and pass on if they so choose.  Discourse and Journalism come to mind, as does scholarly reporting that in time may be repeated as the gospel truth.  The Bible.  World History.  A Classical Book.  Had things like this in mind as I sought out a title for today’s blog.  But then it occurred to me in mind form, “…..this is all wrong.”  

Insight of the second opinion puts me on a corrective course, and now I have to say; “….. REPENT.  REPENT. I wonder what they meant.”   Comes from a Leonard Cohen Song, namely:  The Future.  Introduced to this song and its lyrics in June of 2015.  Written in November of 1992, I now realize that I am living in a time capsule and the here-and-now in the present moment is all but insignificant.  Brings me to the reversal state of being, in the sense that ‘….It Happens This Way.” , was a self-made construct that had me as the point-in-time-spokesperson for a certain truth or reporting of reality that would not bear or stand up to the idea that this indeed is the way it was.


Rather it is as if the second opinion and the facts reported days or years later by an APP, which archives all conversations and thoughts planet-wide at any point in time, curiously expressed as: ‘….When civilization began”, is brought forth by recorded audio transcripts, now saved in the world-thought-bank as the official record, or even more, computer-program and digital controlled written material that when processed by The Program  contains everything ever written, including today’s Stoney Blog.


Now it doesn’t matter that Stoney writes a blog and says, “…. It happens this way.”  Now the official record will make a statement and more than likely it will be revisionist.  Begins as, a blog was written by Stoney Blogger, with the title:  It Happens This Way.”  But in truth and as the official record will show, It-Happens-This-Way becomes As-It-Happens when 5 minutes later Stoney is hit by a bolt of lightening, cremated on the spot, and is forever immortalized by his last words, which were in fact a repeat from a line in Leonard Cohen’s 1992 published song, The Future and reads like this.  ‘……REPENT.  REPENT.  I wonder what they meant.”  As It Happens, these were Stoney’s Last Words. 

 (As reported in the App:  THE OFFICIAL WORD.)


Today’s blog was inspired by this link on the world wide web.

If You are interested, follow this link


  1. Thanks. I did the REPENT link. Now I'll try again to understand what you are saying.

  2. That's better. Now I've got you but REPENT is going to to be difficult.
