Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Be Careful Now

We are into summer and generally I would not be blogging, but rather outside and being active as cannot be done in winter.  “Its’ too cold.  I’d rather be here with you.  Let’s Snuggle.”  As if that says it all.  Complete acceptance and comfort, even if it comes with certain constraints, like limiting myself and accepting the possibility of being always on.  24/7 availability and becoming what it takes to have company.  Winter inside is fine.  Creature comforts and modern refinement and why do I need all that other stuff?  Turn on the computer, the smart-phone, The Cable, and now as a perfect and affordable add-on, The Big Screen, which is my equal to
The Theater Room.  

It all converts to what you wish it to be, with the click of mouse or shortcut key or by looking at a certain focal point, and yes its AI and Robotic and special technology, all assembled in front of you, one way or another, and I have blocked it out of my mind that this is surveillance and intrusive and snuggling up with you for a long winter’s night is not really perfect, will as it is today, we will make-do, until something better comes along.  And for me that something better is Summer.  Cut the cord.  Ditch the wife and children or Mistress or OnLine Date.  And most of all, no blogging.

2016 and I remember the Virginia Slim Ads, where they pronounced.  “You have come a long ways.”  And this was a commercial display celebrating Women and how much progress that has been made up to that point when this advertising style was connected to a pack of Cigarettes.  Years later, and I do wonder how many of those who saw those ads are still alive and are still smoking.  Not that I am looking for The-Smoking-Gun, or have an issue with any of this.  Quality of Life and Equality among gender-designated groups and individuals is good.  Perhaps in my life time it is the main focus of things. 


Elections in the United States and is becoming the single issue that keeps me coming back to read and watch what’s going on.  New day and I can be outside and still keep up with what the daily news is about those things that interest me.  Summer or Winter, and it hardly matters.  Much has changed when it comes to those things that you make time for.  But still, it makes me smile when I notice the contrast in being there in person and paying $5,000 for 4 days at The Convention so I can soak it all in in real time and say to my yet, unborn children,   “ 2016 and I was there.”

“I was there and they elected First Lady President, who as it just happens to be, A First Lady.”

Makes me smile, as I realize I was on hands and knees just yesterday, eradicating the grime and stink of yesterday.  Was a built up situation. Accruing over time.  No sense to blame it on one thing or another, no reason to think it could have been done without you.  Gender and non-white, then add other specifications and labels, and it gives us grounds for change, and has me thinking.  “What will I be missing, because I am old and my time is almost over here and now?”  Flying boxcars.  Self-driven.  Miniaturization and nano-second small. 

Invisible to the naked eye, but no worry.  We have more porn available than ever before.  Getting down to it, and its gender specific.  “No Porn.”  IN the coming years, I can see an all Women-Congress and laws on the books.
“No Porn.”
 Changes coming and is astounds me.

Entertainment and Democracy, merging.  Confluence on one stream of thought flowing into a constructed reality that in this time, is brand new.  “ Vote For Me.”  Been 3 years of having this message placed before us.  We can’t get enough.  And so it is our everyday reality.  Everywhere we turn, we are being audience addressed and targeted and known.  Reality TV and these people learn to use the media to influence and persuade and advertise.  It is constant. 

And here we are.  Down to two candidates and one is from the Show and business side of things.  The Boardroom and Reality TV.  Entertainment, but now it’s the real thing.  Showtime and popular party conventions.  Choice has filtered down and for a couple of months we will be in The Zone.  “Vote For Me.”  Is how we do it.

Making history.  On my hands and knees and the floor and wall-space around me is clean.  Not to say we still don’t have Messy Business to attend to, but I feel better now.  Clear choice.  One or The Other.  Duality simplifies things.  Or so it seems.


Was visiting the dying blog site where I have spent the last 10 years.  See where a few good people are blogging and talking politics.  I found it interesting.  We don’t talk much anymore.  Site attendance dwindles.  Most of the old voices are gone.  But still, was just today I saw how people were talking and it was all about The Election.  This inspired me.  Write a blog.  Post it.  Go outside.

And by the time we finally vote in November, my NFL team with name:  Seattle Seahawks will have played 3 games.  Win or lose, we are better off because it all goes on side by side.  Brutality sports and Porn and The Elections.  First Woman President in these United States, and that is a real possibility.  Up-grade and more plastic as we smash the glass ceiling and make real change and progress. 
Women in power and it will be better. 
“Madame President.”   

For some reason I keep replaying this, and wonder why, if this is true, why isn’t there a woman’s NFL  league?  Puzzles me.  The limits and the endless possibility.  Write. Post.  Move on.  Never saw it coming.  The Death of Blogging.  But seems as if it was a good idea.  It just didn’t materialize as I once thought it would.  And so I am saying my goodbyes.  Tomorrow beckons and is something we embrace.  

A world without Porn.  




  1. Please don't say goodbye. I have a life to deal with but I will always drop in. I've been watching British TV about Native tribes of the West Coast. I can't remember you mentioning them but certainly some of them are doing OK. Their ideas of relationship with nature are becoming popular.

    1. hello John. did not know how to make you an active friend on facebook

      i am listed as


      perhaps you can add me to your friend list. I could not locate you, via search. seems so simple. it wasn't

  2. I have spent hours trying to post onto my blog from my iPad but I just can't preview pictures. It does seem a pity to give up but that's enough for tonight.

    I do post on Facebook and with any serious stuff have 3 regular commenters. Sometimes I enjoy writing but not spending hours on the technology.

  3. I had better results with Wordpress.

  4. I couldn't locate you either. I am under John Pendrey. Sorry, but Facebook is better than nothing.
