Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Starry-Eyed Indifference

Starry-eyed Indifference


I had other plans, but now I find myself with time on my hands, and will not blame it on global weather change, nor a run-away tumor nestled in my frontal lobe; Blame no one, but plan to make changes best we can and adjust, is the theme that sits in front of me, cancelling many aspects of the activities I had planned for today.  Not saying, we have now before an empty set of possibilities for today’s amusement and distraction, but can say, 


Turns out on the street before we reach the wide expanse of water just outside my window, and make the plunge down the stairway to the ferry, which transports us across virtual worlds and a floating platform, to include of course a change of pace, once we reach the other side, is a gas leak.  You know that stuff you can smell but not see, and before you know it somebody says something, or lights a joint, and sparks fly.  Change of plans, as we must respond to a local situation, I will refer to as The Blow Up.  Explosions.  Flare-ups.  Serious pain and people killing people all comes together, as we wonder: ‘Was this a planned event, or was it truly accidental?”


Brings me down the path of puzzlement.  If I knew the answer I would share it with you in a Blog.  But then again, maybe not.  Blogging has all but ceased in my neck of the woods, and sight-landfall just beyond where the ferry boat I was mentioning, docks.  Beyond that is the mountains and another body of water that separates Canada from The United States, less than 90 miles as the crow flies from this very spot where I sit and think and  conjure up a multiple of ways to find contentment, with myself and with the way things are.  Have to put aside so many things to just sit and make due with what I have, and yet remain worlds apart, so that what I offer is an original, much like what I am seeing on Amazon Prime, the movie resource and on Netflix.  Made-For-You Originals.


Something new.  Something wonderful.  Something that comes with hope and promise.  And that is how I find myself on the path of puzzlement.  “ Is there anything new under the sun?”  I ask.  How can I make it up to you, for all the times you have dropped by my blogging site, and there is just this old blog that didn’t make sense in the first place, staring back at you.  And like those who have been consumed by the likes of Facebook and Twitter and other social media, not blogging and for all intend and purpose, have moved on. 

Saying in their own way, “WTF?”


Gas leak in the street and has me waiting for the bad news.  Helicopter overhead and now sirens.  Emergency response and it is not yet registering with me that I should get up and go in the opposite direction, perhaps to see a movie while the world not 300 meters away, erupts in flames, comes tumbling down, and emphasizes the point I am making.  “Blow Up.  Immediate consequences.  Near and possibly affecting you in life-changing ways.”  In practical terms I mention what I should do.  Relocate.  Look back from the position hindsight.  Cross it off my Bucket List.


And tomorrow blog about it, as the last blog posted is one I have distain for, not because of the content, but rather because of the title.  Pathological Discoloration.  Written 1 months ago, and is now the time to ignore the Blow-up and those unintended consequences and just write something new and possibly original in style and content.  But I imagine, under the duress of a glass leak just underneath the place I am currently located, I will face distractions and lose concentration, and there is nothing original about that.  It happens.

Threats.  Lies.  Police and shootings difficult to explain.


And beyond that, around the world is something that fits the pattern:  ‘Not quite universal but constant.  Death.  Destruction.  Continual possibility of bad things happening.”  Add to that the idea that in democracy we can vote, and when we do that, things will improve.  Not get worse, and is part of the motivation that compels me to write one more blog, and share it with you.   Taking from the blog, Pathological Discoloration, I would like to share with you this one line, and then I promise:  I will move on.  Seek something original.  Enlightenment, even.  Last he wrote this line appears. 

 “I don’t get it.  What are you talking about?”


And now a month has passed.  My answer lies in the sands of silence, until now.  And it will be mostly in reference to the title:  Starry-Eyed Indifference that I will seek an explanation.  Not saying this blog will be any different from the last one, written a month ago.   It may turn out that no matter how hard he tries to be different or original in approach or style or content, it might just be that all his blogs are saying in their own way, “WTF?”  And with that, as with many things, we manufacture a starry-eyed indifference that we conceal, but is seen by the collective who tires of this, and moves on.


So I was thinking that over, before forewarned of the gas leak and the Blow Up.  On the path of puzzlement and how is it possible that you can offer an original solution to the problem?, when the problem is only known in hindsight.  Can’t really talk about it, as there is an invisible ban on what can be talked about on the Internet without bringing NSA ( national security agency ) and Homeland Security Agency into your living room.  Politics like Brexit and Elections 2016 and only a privileged vetted few can talk about without fear of reprisal.  So that limits me, and I was thinking about that.  How long have I been giving this constant thought.  A long time.  Am sure it was on my mind when I wrote the blog Pathological Discoloration a month ago.


And that was followed by online presence and silence.  Guilty as charged.  But then its hard to know in this media environment who is pointing fingers, and in what direction.  Can’t take any of this personal.  Surveillance society and we must get use to it.  The Watch Cycle is on.  Meet it with starry-eyed indifference and carry on.  Carry on.  Blog.  Replace that last blog with another.  Matters not that interest and audience and critical mass has dissipated.  Say it as you will and deal with the consequences that are indeed minor, as social media and stating private things in public space is now in 2016, old hat.  Blogging has lost its novelty.


Once original and presented with the new technology that made it all possible, access and more bandwidth and affordability.  A PC in every home.  Well not sure that goal was reached, but in 2006, just 10 years ago, the possibility was there.  Popular expression and no reprisal.  Now of course we know.  It is dangerous. This world we live in.  Virtual.  Actual.  Local.  Digital Divide and Remote.  Dangerous.”  He says.  Much like the gas leak going on,  just 300 meters from where he sits.  Blogging as if it was the most natural thing to do.  Just so that he can not repeat his mistake.  So that his last blog will just go away, and he won’t have to think about it any more.  Pathological Discoloration and vanished without a trace.


He wonders where everybody has gone on the blog site where he posts his blogs.  Gone.  And with it they take their starry-eyed indifference and surface in another place.  Virtually unknown and somewhat incomplete.  One year you see them, and then 10 years later.  Just gone.  And he is thinking, is this what is what is instore for me.  Gas Leak.  Disappearance.  Invisible threat.  Basic fear and loathing, because I didn’t take the time to speak up.  To let appear in print and for community and citizen information and involvement.

“Gas Leak.  Big Problem.  Run.”    “Election in USA.  2016.  Run.”   “Brexit and Vote.  Take your leave.  Run.”

Not sure if this will be my last blog, but will enjoy it while I can.  On the path of puzzlement and have no idea when or where it might end.  Cheers.


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